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Темы для монологического высказывания при обучении английскому языку 2-4 классы

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Данные топики были созданы в помощь учащимся 2-4 классов, как образец монологического высказывания по основным темам при обучении английскому языку на начальной ступени. Основные темы, на которые обращено внимание - About myself, My family, My friends, My house, My grandparents, My town. Все топики сопровождаются вопросами для самоконтроля.

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«Темы для монологического высказывания при обучении английскому языку 2-4 классы»

About myself My name is … . I am … years old. I live in … . I go to school. I am a pupil. I a in the … form. I learn English. I like to play computer games and read books. I have got a friendly family. And I have got a lot of friends! Questions:
  1. What is your name?

  2. How old are you?

  3. Do you go to school?

  4. Where do you live?

  5. Have you got many friends?

My family My family is/is not very big. We are two/three/four in the family-mother, father, sister and brother. We are a very friendly family. My mum’s name is … .My mum is … years old. She is a … . She likes to cook and to read books. My dad’s name is … .My dad is … years old. He is a … . He likes to watch TV and read. My sister/brother is … years old. She/he is a … . I love my family very much. Questions:
  1. Have you got a big family?

  2. Have you got a sister or a brother?

  3. What is your mother's name?

  4. What is your father's name?

  5. What is your sister's/brother’s name?

My friends

I have got a lot of friends. They are my classmates. We go to school together in the morning. And we come back home together after school. We like to play. We play many games together. … is my best friend. He/she is very kind and merry.

  1. Have you got many friends?

  2. Do you go to school together?

  3. What do you like to do?

  4. Who is your best friend?

My house

My family lives in a house. We do not live in a flat. Our house is very big/small and beautiful. There are two/five rooms in it. There is a living-room, a study and … bedrooms in our house. There is a kitchen. There is a big garden behind our house. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the garden.

  1. Do you live in a house or in a flat?

  2. How many rooms are there in your house/flat?

  3. What rooms are there in your house/flat?

  4. Is there a garden near your house?

My grandparents

My grandparents live in the village. They do not work. I visit them every holidays. They have a very cosy and beautiful house. My grandmother's name is … . My grandfather's name is … . They are very good and kind. I love my grandparents very much.

  1. Where do your grandparents live?

  2. Do they work?

  3. What is your grandmother's name?

  4. What is your grandfather's name?

My town

I live in … . It is not a very big city. It is in … region. My town is very green and beautiful. There are a lot of parks and nice buildings. My family and I like to walk along the streets of our town. I invite you to visit my home town!

  1. Where do you live?

  2. Do you live in a big city?

  3. Is it green?

  4. Are there a lot of parks?

  5. Do you love your home town?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Темы для монологического высказывания при обучении английскому языку 2-4 классы

Автор: Черкасова Наталья Николаевна

Дата: 30.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 312665

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