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Ситуации для студентов 2 курса техникума по английскому языку

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Ситуации способствуют выработке умения употреблять и образовывать правильную грамматическую форму, вычленять ее в контексте, правильно переводить и употреблять в устной речи, употреблять слова и выражения в высказываниях.

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«Ситуации для студентов 2 курса техникума по английскому языку »




  1. Your friend has broken his leg. Telephone the First Aid Station and ask for a doctor.

  2. You are not feeling quite well. You go to the chemists to give you some medicine.

  3. You come home and one of your parents has fallen ill. Ask him (her) questions about how he (she) is feeling.

  4. You are about to leave for school. You tell your sick brother (sister) who is staying in bed, what he (she) has to do while you are at school.


  1. You parents are going to send you are a sanatorium. You have to see your school doctor to be examined. The doctor examines you and you answer her questions about your health.

  2. You’ve got a bed headache, your nose is running, your are coughing. You mother comes to you, feels you forehead and your pulse and asks you how you feel. You answer her questions.

  3. You have been to a sanatorium. Your friends come to see you. You tell them about the medical treatment and your life there.


  1. Your schoolmate, an inexperienced tourist, comes to you and asks for your advice. You explain to him (her) how to prepare, for a hiking party, what to take and what not to take, what to do and what not to do during the hike.

  2. You and your comrades have gathered at your friend’s. The group are recalling their travels in different parts of the country, comparing the weather, the sights, the advantages of the places they visited.

  3. You are on a pleasure trip down the Volga. You see the beauties of the country-side and views of the old Russian cities and describe your impressions.


  1. Your hobby is collecting stamps. You meet a friend of yours who is also interesting in collecting stamps. You describe your collection and try to get new stamps of cosmonauts and earth satellites.

  2. You want to buy a birthday present for your friend. You go to the art shop to buy a drawing or painting (a reproduction). You discuss with the shop-assistant what to buy and chose a landscape.

  3. You’ve got an idea to go hiking with your friends. You make a plan for the hiking party, make a list of the things you are going to take with you and pack them.

  4. You are planning a journey and discussing the advantages of travelling by train, by sea and by air.


  1. You are given the task to send to New Year greeting to your friends relatives. You go to the post-office, write telegrams and send them. Then you choose picture postcards. Write down you wishes and the addresses and post the postcards. Then you tell your friends what you did at the post-office.

  2. One of your classmates has been to Moscow and all the other pupils ask him (her) questions about the places of interest in the capital and his (his) impressions of the city.

  3. A foreigner asks you and your friends to tell him (her) of different places of their liking, describe them and explain why they prefer those particular places.


1) A delegation of British (or American) schoolchildren has come to your school on a visit. You show your school on a visit. You show your school to them and tell about the traditions of your school.

  1. You have read a very interesting book you took out from a library. On the way to the library to return the book you meet a friend of yours who get interested in the book. You tell him (her) about your impressions of the book and invite him (her) to go to the library with you and take out this book. He (she) gladly agrees with you.

  2. A foreign visitor who is interested in education in the U.S.S.R. comes to visit your school. He (she) asks you a number of questions about your school and school life and you answer them.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Ситуации для студентов 2 курса техникума по английскому языку

Автор: Гацоева Тамара Федоровна

Дата: 10.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 229796

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