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"Роль английского языка в выборе профессии"

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«Ошев Кирилл»

Municipal Secondary school №1

Field of activity: English language


The work is done by

Oshev Kirill -

a student of the eleventh form

Sazhina E. S. -

the English teacher of the highest category.

Ilyinskiy 2016-2017



1. The prevalence of English language…………………………………………4

2. English language for professions…………………………………………….5






There are a lot of different and various kinds of professions around the world. Of course, every profession needs specific approach, certain demand of knowledge and experience of worker. Lately, a lot of employers require the knowledge of English language. That means that this language is needed in professional sphere. Therefore, the language of Englishman is wide popular in our society. In other words that means that its role might be huge and still actual.

Why English language has become so demand for workers?

Let's suppose that the most of greatest developed countries of the world speak English language. And this is defines “the main language” of the Earth.

Object of this research is a whole field of professions. There are a lot of them, but not any of them are needs this language feature. Because of that, the subject of this research will be a part of an object like in any research work. This subject is sphere of professions that are necessary for learning English.

Assignment of this research work is to explore the role of English language in professional sphere. Also it needs to find out the reasons why English language is so extended. These reasons will help to find a lot of professions which are needed for learning English.

To complete this goal it is necessary to perform a group of tasks.

They are:

- To explore information about international relationship to find out why English language is so wide.

- To make a survey about it. It will help to learn people’s opinions.

- To explore information of basic professions that needs the knowledge of English language.

Research methods:

1) Analyzing the information.

2) Method of systematization.

3) The survey.

4) Method of generalization.

All these information is needed to explore the role of English.

Bibliography book is school textbook. Its information is still comes alive, it’s still topical. Geographic and economical information and definitions will help to explore the world situation of English.


The prevalence of English language.

According to the hypothesis, probably the most of people who lives in developed countries are speak English language. To check it, let’s analyze the information from Internet resources. Wikipedia tells that there are two of three parts of the Earth population that are speaking about forty widespread languages. The most widely extended languages are Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali and Russian. But number of English speakers isn’t the highest number of certain language population. It is known that China is at the top of the world population.

But the hypothesis doesn’t indicate the maximum number of language speakers. Hypothesis tells about population of developed countries and not about total population of all countries. The most popular of developed English speaking countries are the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. There are also Canada, Australia and countries of the European Union. The most population of these countries speaks English. This language is the official language in a lot of other countries. So, English language is wide extended language, despite to great number of Chinese and Spanish speakers. Also the Internet contains a little more than half of all number of web-sites, which are made in English. And the Gross Domestic Product of English speaking countries is very high. According to aforesaid, English language is at the first number by popularity, despite to it isn’t the native language for the most of countries.

Then why English language has become so popular? Firstly, there were a lot of various colonies of the Britain Empire around the world. There was a time period called Pax Britannica when this Empire was the most developed country in the world. Secondly, main development of technologies is arranged in English speaking countries. For example, Tim Berners-Lee, who created the World Wide Web, was born in England. Steve Jobs, who created “Apple” corporation, was born in USA. Endi Rubin, who was one of Android operation system creators, also lives in America. On the site of Centre of technical translations also confirmed that lately the most of new technologies are comes from the West. Thirdly, English language was able to extend because of two World Wars. United States have been suffered in these wars too, but not so much as countries of Europe and Asia. The fall of different language speakers’ number helped to rise percent of English speakers, because they hadn’t suffered so much in USA.

So, historically, English language had become the most important language of the world. It is one of the demands of English knowledge. Now it needs to explore field of professions directly.


English language for professions.

A survey among the teachers of Ilyinskyi Municipal Secondary school №1and other workers of education and culture was arranged. There was a question “Why do a lot of professions in the world demand the knowledge of English nowadays?” The most of voters said that the main reason of this feature is integration and interaction of the world economy. Let’s analyze the information about these geographic terms in Wikipedia and textbook of Geography. The research shows that the countries are communicating with each other to mutually beneficial relationship and trade working because to work individually is not profitable looking to cash costs and work performance. You can compare these relationships with narrow social circle. Person can’t work normally without presence of other people and without using technologies. And the minority said that this knowledge is needed in a narrow sense for the simplest social and technical needs.

When you are exploring information about professions with foreign language orientation, you’ll never forget about interpreter. This profession specializes on foreign languages directly. According to this, all other professions, which are needed the knowledge of different languages, also are needed a part of interpreter’s experience. For example, they have to read English texts in simple situations, because the most of technologies usually comes from the West, according to the last research.

Let’s explore professions that are needed for a high level of English. For example, they are professions of secretary, lawyer, manager, marketer, programmer, web designer, economist, financier etc. Besides, there also guide, hotel worker, journalist etc. And professions of teacher of English language and a lot motioned interpreter are needed to use English language knowledge directly. All of these professions demand this knowledge in technical and social spheres and in economical and political spheres. For example, programmer must know English language because more than half of web sites are made in English. And the programmer language is made fully in English. Managers, economists, financiers and guides have to speak with their foreign colleagues and other people directly.

According to the Internet sites, all of these professions are high-paid prestige professions. Also dollar and euro are the highest value money unit. This unit is explored in English speaking countries. It means that if you know English, then you’ll able to get a lot of money.

The exploration shows that the second reason of necessity of English knowledge is an international relationship in every spheres of live, especially in trade. Now the reasons of the demands are known, so is much more easily to find a lot of other professions that needed the knowledge of foreign languages from other sides. 5


So, English language plays the main role in the world sphere of professions because there are a lot of different kinds of professions which are needed the knowledge of English.

Basic professions with a necessity of English knowledge were found. The reasons of these necessities were learned. Also a survey was arranged. Therefore, every task was totally achieved.

Hypothesis about exploring of English language because of its officiality in the most developed countries also was confirmed.

So, finally, two basic reasons of English language requirement were founded. They are:

1) Historical exploration of English language.

2) Extension of international communications between the countries.

In conclusion, the research work shows that the role of English language is very high. Nowadays English language is the most prevailing and widespread language in the world. Professional sphere is the most important sphere in the world communication. According to this, sphere of professions and English language are closely connected. And this professional sphere is also connected with the whole world development. To get the prestige profession and to contribute in the world communication you have to know English.



Maxacovskiy V.P.; Geographiya 10-11 class; Moscow; «Prosvecheniye»; 2014.




























Application 1

There is a table of language statistics from Wikipedia.


Application 2

There is a table of language speakers from Wikipedia.


Application 3

There is a map of Great Britain colonies (British Empire)


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

"Роль английского языка в выборе профессии"

Автор: Сажина Екатерина Сергеевна

Дата: 12.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 368857

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