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Проект на тему "Троицкий собор"

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Проект "Троицкий собор" представляет собой исследовательскую работу об истории одного из древнейших храмов города Трубчевска. 

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«Проект на тему "Троицкий собор"»

Usokhskaya secondary comprehensive school


The Troitsky Cathedral:

History and the Present Time

Author: Tatyana Morozova,

the11th form pupil

Teacher: Chernenok O.M.


  1. Introduction

My project is devoted to study ofhistory and reconstruction of the Troitsky Cathedral. It is considered to be one of the biggest orthodox temples in Trubchevsky district.

Revival of moral valuables is the task that worries many people in our time. The problem of conservation of Russian sacred objects, upbringing of young generation on the best cultural traditions of Russian people is in my opinion, one of the main tasks of conservation of Russian State system.

All this, the aforesaid, makes this theme actual and perspective.

The aim of my work is to study history and the present time of the Troitsky Cathedral in the town Trubchevsk.

To achieve this aim I have put several tasks:

  • to study and analyze literature on this theme;

  • to make myself familiar with registry materials about history of the church;

  • to master forms of work with pertaining to study of local region and registry materials;

  • to talk to the Father Alexander, the Father Superior of the Troitsky Cathedral, an archpriest;

  • to draw social attention to necessity of reconstruction of the temples as the centers of spiritual life.

Methods of research:

  • work with pertaining to study of local region literature;

  • reveal and analysis of published sources;

  • analysis of registry materials;

  • interview;

  • conversations;

  • visiting of the cathedral.

  1. Body

We live in one of the most beautiful and oldest towns of our country. Trubchevsk has a rich age-old history and many attractions as an ancient culture as of our time. (Supplement 1)

Therefore we must not forget the history of our town. It is necessary to learn more facts about these beautiful places that decorate our town.(Supplement 2)

Trubchevsk is related to one of the ancient towns of Russian land.

At first Trubchevsk consisted of the fortress – “DETINETS”. (Supplement 3)

From two sides it bordered with deep ravines. From the third side there was a rapid slope to the Desna River. From the fourth side there was a huge earthen bank and a deep ditch with a hanging bridge. The fortress took up the territory of our town park. It was situated in the south-east of modern Trubchevsk.

By the end of XII century and the first third of the XIII century relates to the appearance of the main temple of Trubchevsk. Probably, on that place where stands the town cathedral had been existed for a long time temples but we don’t know anything about their destinies.

The first stone temple appeared here at the end of the XII century, the first third of the XIII century. (Supplement 4)

At the beginning of the XVI century instead of it princes Trubetskye built a small temple with a high basement. It became subsequently their family tomb.

The history of Trubchevsk of that time is inseparably connected with the surname of princes Trubetskye, which is finally established from the prince Andrew Ioanovich.(Supplement 5)

Prince Andrew Ioanovich was one of the first military leaders of Russian troops. He was a vice regent in Trubchevsk in 1535. Trubchevsk had a great importance as a huge base of Russian troops. The leader of the troops was a prince Alexey Nikitich Trubetskoy. (Supplement 6)

He died in 1663. His ashes with the coffins of his ancestors are reposed in the prince’s tomb in the Saint Trinity Cathedral of the town Trubchevsk. In the tomb are reposed the ashes of VassilyAndreevich Trubetskoy (1561), who was “the fourth mayor in the sovereign’s regiment” in 1549. In 1558 VassilyAndreevich “sat” as a military leader in Trubchevsk.

After 1618 when the town turned out to be in a power of Poland this powerful building was handed over to the church. After the returning of Trubchevsk to Russia in 1646 the temple in the name of the Saint Trinity became the cathedral of Trubchevsk. (Supplement 7)

The Troitsky cathedral is a stone book which chapters were written in different times.

In 1971 archeological excavations made by P.A. Rappoport, revealed at the walls of altar of the existing cathedral parts of the stone temple of the XII century. (Supplement 8)

The next chapter of the cathedral’s history is the end of the XV century. Probably a new stone or mixed church was built on the place of the temple of the XII century. Here preserved a family tomb of princes Trubetskye which was the earliest burial related to 1520.

The architecture of the tomb is ancient because at the plates of it are decorated with the old Russian ornaments and inscriptions. In the centre of the square building there is a pole with heavy vaults. (Supplement 9)

A new chapter of the stone book is the cathedral itself, which was set up on the place of an ancient building. The cathedral was built in 1784. The architecture of the cathedral carries the influence of the Russian baroque style, though it is not rich in decorative elements. (Supplement 10)

At the end of the XVIII century began the reconstruction of Trubchevsk. The Saint Trinity Cathedral was reconstructed too. In 1784 with the help of Trubchevsk merchant P.V. Savin was built Troitskaya part of the temple. (Supplement 11)

The fourth chapter of the history of the Troitsky cathedral is 1824. It was built a four-storied church bell tower. Its architecture is classicism. It is old and provincially a little bit heavy. (Supplement 12)

The last chapter of the stone book was added in 1910. (Supplement 13)

It appeared the Nilovsky side-altar in the name of Nile Stolobensky whose memory is honoredin Trubchevsk greatly.(Supplement 14)

It isin the north-eastern part of the cathedral’s cube. The architecture of the church reflects the influence of a new Russian style which was dominating in the second part of the XIX, the beginning of the XX centuries.

At the end of the XIX century above the spring of Saint Nile was built a chapel crowned with three heads. (Supplements 15-16)

In 1930s in the temple served a priest Alexey Stephanovsky, who was arrested and shot in 1937. Probably, after his arrest the temple was closed. On the remembrances of the old residents, during the Great Patriotic War in the temple were held Divine services. It was planned to arrange a museum and a planetarium but these intentions hadn’t been fulfilled. The temple was in desolation and began to destroy. At the end of 1970s it had been restored according to the project of the architect Bestuzheva. In 1986 the temple stuffed greatly during the fire.

The sacred objects of the cathedral in the present time mostly are located in Trubchevsk museum of Local Lore. Gospel (1) with the text: “This book gave the Sovereign of all Russia the Great Prince Alexey Mikhailovich to the town Trubchevsk to the cathedral church of Trinity. The book is given on the Order of the Great Palace 1646 year October 13 day.”

Gospel (2), 1775 year, February 6 day is given to Trubchevsk cathedral church of Trinity from the Mother Superior of the Ilynsky maiden monastery AnisiyaIvanovnaAlymova.

Gospel (3) on the first page of the book is the mark “1845 year, January 20 day. In the memory of God’s slave GrigoryShcheglovitov, the leader of gentry. This gospel weights about 60 pounds.” Besides, in the temple there was a banner of Trubchevsk brigade that had been given July 15, 1855. This banner was during the campaign to the Crimea since 20 September 1855 till 28 February 1856 in the Catherina’s detachment, which fought against English-French troops on the river Belbek.

The restoration of the cathedral was made in 1970 – 1987. April 15, 1992 the cathedral was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church. The Divine service in the cathedral renewed July 16, 2004.(Supplement 17)

In summer the Divine services accomplished in the central part of the cathedral. In winter in the Nilovsky side-altar.

During 1995-2003 in the town Trubchevsk there were Pastor’s courses of Bryansk Diocese. One of the most honored traditions of the Troitsky Cathedral is related the Divine service in honor of Saint Reverend Nile Stolobensky. On the day of his memory June 9 (New style) a lot of parishioners gather in the cathedral. In July 1994 the Father Superior of the cathedral was appointed an archpriest Alexander Slyunkin. (Supplements 18-19)

The icons of Saint Trinity and Mother of God are the symbols of the Troitsky Cathedral. They are the most honored. (Supplement 20)

III Theinterview with the Father Alexander,

the Father Superior of the Troitsky Cathedral, an archpriest

On the eve of Tatyana’s Day I visited the Troitsky Cathedral in Trubchevsk and had an exciting talk to the Father Alexander, the Father Superior of the Troitsky Cathedral. He answered to my several questions.

Question: Good afternoon, father Alexander. I am Morozova Tatyana. I am a pupil of the 11th form and go to Usochskaya secondary school. I write a work about history of the Troitsky Cathedral and would like to ask you several questions about the cathedral.

Answer: Good afternoon. I will answer your questions.

Question: The first question. Father Alexander, the Troitsky Cathedral is one of the main temples in Trubchevsk. There was a great reconstruction for a long time in it. Has the reconstruction been finished or the works will be continued?

Answer: You know, I would say about repair works. They were held earlier after the fire in 1986. The cathedral stands on the foundation of the 12-13th centuries. That is why it was not rebuilt. In the cathedral was found a treasure of Arabic coins. If you want to get full information about it, you may use our Internet site. You can read this story there.

Question: Thank you. Saint Trinity icon is the symbol of the cathedral, Are there any other the most honored icons in the cathedral?

Answer: It’s a pity but we don’t have ancient icons. It is exactly. But there is the icon of Mother of God. It is very valuable for us.

Question: It is very interesting. Do many people about 30 visit the cathedral?

Answer: We don’t have an exact statistics. But I think that about a half of parishioners are young people. One third is exactly. In different time it is different. On the Christening, January 19, for example, there were a lot of young people. Today there were less people. But mainly young people turn to God. It is good.

Question: Yes, it is very good. And the last question. How long have you served in the cathedral?

Answer: I have served in the church since 1994. And exactly, since June 1994.

Question: Thank you very much for your answers. You’ve helped us very much.

Answer: I thank you too for your work. It is very important to know our history. And I give my blessing to your project. Good-bye.


IVИсточник информации:

1. Городков В.Н. Архитектура малых городов Брянского края. – Брянск: ГУП «Брянское областное полиграфическое объединение», 2008.

2. Свод памятников архитектуры и монументального искусства России: Брянская область. – М.: Наука, 1998 – 640 с.

3. «Свято–Троицкий собор. Город Трубчевск». Отпечатано в ООО «Типография «Александрия» г. Клинцы

4. http://bryansk-eparhia.ru – Брянская Епархия Русской Православной Церкви

5. http://www.scilib.debryansk.ru – Брянская областная библиотека имени Ф.И.Тютчева. Проект «Исторические и памятные места Брянской области»

Использованы материалы сайта: http://samsebeskazal.livejournal.com/273087.html







V Supplements

Supplement 1


Supplement 3

Supplement 4

Supplement 5

Supplement 6

Supplement 7

Supplement 8

Supplement 9

Supplement 10

Supplement 11

Supplement 12

Supplement 13

Supplement 14

Supplement 15

Supplement 16

Supplement 17

Supplement 18

Supplement 19

Supplement 20

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Проект на тему "Троицкий собор"

Автор: Черненок Ольга Михайловна

Дата: 29.10.2019

Номер свидетельства: 524812

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