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Олимпиада по английскому языку 7 класс. Чтение.

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 Pet Doctor

There's an old saying in the theatre world "Never work with children or animals". It's a pity that Herman Gross has never heard this piece of advice, or if he has, that he didn't pay attention to it. It's not so much that Pet Doctor is a bad film, although I can't really find many reasons for saying it's a good one. It's more that it makes me angry. Gross is a good actor. His appearance on the New Yorkstage last winter in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet showed that he really can act. So what's hedoing in this nonsense?It's a story about a small town doctor who finds he's making more money by looking after the local children's pets than he is by looking after humans. Then he gets into trouble with the police, because he doesn't have the right sort of licence to do this and, surprise, surprise, the children and their pets find a way to solve his problems. I won't say how, as it's the only part of the film that's even slightlyoriginal or amusing. If you have to see it, you'd be annoyed with me for telling you. But my advice is, when it comes to a cinema near you stay in and shampoo the cat.


1.What is the writer trying to do in the text?

a. Compare Herman Gross with another actor.

 b. Give his or her opinion about using animals in films.

c. Give his or her opinion about

2.The text gives the reader.

a. information about a new film. 

b. ideas about how animals should be cared for.

c. news about the lives of film stars.

3. The writer thinks that Pet Doctor  is. a. amusing.     b. original.      c. not worth seeing.

4. Why did the writer mention Romeo and Juliet ?

a. It's an example of a really good play. b. Gross proved he's a good actor in it.

c. The central characters are very young.

5. Which one of these TV guides is describing Pet Doctor ?

a. A doctor is loved by the children whose pets he cures. But everything goes wrong and he is sent to prison. 

b. A doctor finds he can cure local animals, then discovers this isn't allowed. But it allfinishes happily.

c. A doctor prefers animals to humans and stops looking after his patients. People are dying,the animals are cured, then the police arrive.

 The Toy Museum

This museum is in the centre of the town, a few metres from the cathedral, and near the market. It contains dolls, dolls' houses, books, games and pastimes, mechanical and constructional toys. In this collection there are toys made by all sorts of toy manufacturers from the most important to the smallest, including the most ordinary toys and the most precious. There are also records of children's pastimes over the last hundred and fifty years. Most major manufacturing countries of Europe had toy industries in the last century; French and German factories produced millions of toys each year. Many collectors of toys think that the second half of the nineteenth century was the best period for toy production and the museum has many examples of toys from this period which are still in perfect condition. There is now a growing interest in the toys of the 1920s and 1930s and as a result of this the museum has begun to build up a collection from these years. Visitors to the museum will find that someone is always available to answer questions - we hope you will visit us.Hours of opening 10.00-17.30 every day (except December 25 and 26)

1. This writing is from .a. an advertisement. b. a school history book.c. a storybook.

2. What is the writer trying to do?    a. To give advice.    b. To give opinions.   c. To give information.

3. The museum has so many toys from the late 19th century because.

a. it is located in the middle of town.  b. many consider this period the best for manufactured toys.

c. visitors are interested in toys from that time.

4. What period of toy manufacturing is receiving increased  attention?

a. Every day  except inDecember. b. The 1920s and 1930s.  c. The 20th century.

5. Which of the following advertisements would you find outside the Toy Museum?

 a. Toys of Ancient Civilizations

  b. BEFORE TV! - a special exhibition of indoor games from 1890 to 1940

c. How Children Dressed 1600 - 1900

Pet Doctor

 1) c 2) a 3) c 4) b 5) b.2. 

The Toy Museum: 1) a 2) c 3) b 4) b 5) b

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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 7 класс. Чтение.»

 Pet Doctor

There's an old saying in the theatre world "Never work with children or animals". It's a pity that Herman Gross has never heard this piece of advice, or if he has, that he didn't pay attention to it. It's not so much that Pet Doctor is a bad film, although I can't really find many reasons for saying it's a good one. It's more that it makes me angry. Gross is a good actor. His appearance on the New Yorkstage last winter in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet showed that he really can act. So what's hedoing in this nonsense?It's a story about a small town doctor who finds he's making more money by looking after the local children's pets than he is by looking after humans. Then he gets into trouble with the police, because he doesn't have the right sort of licence to do this and, surprise, surprise, the children and their pets find a way to solve his problems. I won't say how, as it's the only part of the film that's even slightlyoriginal or amusing. If you have to see it, you'd be annoyed with me for telling you. But my advice is, when it comes to a cinema near you stay in and shampoo the cat.


1.What is the writer trying to do in the text?

a. Compare Herman Gross with another actor.

 b. Give his or her opinion about using animals in films.

c. Give his or her opinion about

2.The text gives the reader ...

a. information about a new film. 

b. ideas about how animals should be cared for.

c. news about the lives of film stars.

3. The writer thinks that Pet Doctor  is ... a. amusing.  b. original. c. not worth seeing.

4. Why did the writer mention Romeo and Juliet ?

a. It's an example of a really good play. b. Gross proved he's a good actor in it.

c. The central characters are very young.

5. Which one of these TV guides is describing Pet Doctor ?

a. A doctor is loved by the children whose pets he cures. But everything goes wrong and he is sent to prison. 

b. A doctor finds he can cure local animals, then discovers this isn't allowed. But it allfinishes happily.

c. A doctor prefers animals to humans and stops looking after his patients. People are dying,the animals are cured, then the police arrive .


 The Toy Museum

This museum is in the centre of the town, a few metres from the cathedral, and near the market. It contains dolls, dolls' houses, books, games and pastimes, mechanical and constructional toys. In this collection there are toys made by all sorts of toy manufacturers from the most important to the smallest, including the most ordinary toys and the most precious. There are also records of children's pastimes over the last hundred and fifty years. Most major manufacturing countries of Europe had toy industries in the last century; French and German factories produced millions of toys each year. Many collectors of toys think that the second half of the nineteenth century was the best period for toy production and the museum has many examples of toys from this period which are still in perfect condition. There is now a growing interest in the toys of the 1920s and 1930s and as a result of this the museum has begun to build up a collection from these years. Visitors to the museum will find that someone is always available to answer questions - we hope you will visit us.Hours of opening 10.00-17.30 every day (except December 25 and 26)

1. This writing is from ...a. an advertisement. b. a school history book.c. a storybook.

2. What is the writer trying to do? a. To give advice.  b. To give opinions. c. To give information.

3. The museum has so many toys from the late 19th century because ...

a. it is located in the middle of town.  b. many consider this period the best for manufactured toys.

c. visitors are interested in toys from that time.

4. What period of toy manufacturing is receiving increased attention?

a. Every day except inDecember. b. The 1920s and 1930s. c. The 20th century.

5. Which of the following advertisements would you find outside the Toy Museum?

a. Toys of Ancient Civilizations

  b. BEFORE TV! - a special exhibition of indoor games from 1890 to 1940

c. How Children Dressed 1600 - 1900

Pet Doctor

 1) c 2) a 3) c 4) b 5) b.2. 

The Toy Museum: 1) a 2) c 3) b 4) b 5) b

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Олимпиада по английскому языку 7 класс. Чтение.

Автор: Галина Васильевна Понетайкина

Дата: 13.02.2023

Номер свидетельства: 625583

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