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Неделя английского языка 2015

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Одной из основных проблем, стоящих перед учителями, является недостаток интереса учащихся к изучаемым предметам, что приводит к снижению качества обучения. Чтобы активизировать детский потенциал, добиться развития творческих способностей, повысить мотивацию к изучению школьных дисциплин, нам, педагогам, необходимо совершенствовать виды и формы учебной деятельности. Этому способствуют разнообразные внеклассные, внеучебные мероприятия, в том числе предметные недели.Неделя Английского языка  необходима для развития и поддержания интереса к изучению иностранного языка, для развития творческих способностей учащихся.

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«Неделя английского языка 2015»

«Неделя английского языка »

6,16-20марта 2015 года

Пояснительная записка

Одной из основных проблем, стоящих перед учителями, является недостаток интереса учащихся к изучаемым предметам, что приводит к снижению качества обучения. Чтобы активизировать детский потенциал, добиться развития творческих способностей, повысить мотивацию к изучению школьных дисциплин, нам, педагогам, необходимо совершенствовать виды и формы учебной деятельности. Этому способствуют разнообразные внеклассные, внеучебные мероприятия, в том числе предметные недели.Неделя Английского языка необходима для развития и поддержания интереса к изучению иностранного языка, для развития творческих способностей учащихся.

Неделя английского языка дает ребятам возможность на практике применить свои знания, независимо от их уровня, и дает возможность поверить в свои силы в изучении иностранного языка.


-закрепление интереса к изучению английского языка,

-усилить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;

-способствовать практическому владению речевой деятельностью;

- увеличивать активный языковой запас учащихся;

-стимулировать в целом их интеллектуальную и языковую активность;

- расширять общий кругозор;

-повышать их культурный уровень;

-развивать творческие способности.



1.Активизировать навыки говорения, письма, аудирования и чтения на английском языке.

2.Развитие умений в чтении англоязычных, страноведческих текстов и передавать их содержание на родном языке.


1.Совершенствовать навык самостоятельной работы.

2.Развивать навык работы в команде

3.Активизировать творческую и проектную деятельность учащихся


1.Стимулировать высокий уровень мотивации при изучении английского языка.

2.Поддерживать интерес старшеклассников к работе с учениками младших классов

3.Поддерживать высокий уровень интереса к стране и культуре изучаемого языка


1.Праздник « Мы выучили алфавит». 2 класс.

(отв. Карпова В.В.,Волкова М.В.,Наметова И.Р.)

Цель : закрепить и обобщить знания об алфавите, звукобуквенных соответствиях, продолжить формирование понятия об алфавитном порядке. Развивать навыки языкового анализа, фонематический слух.


Projects “Holidays in Russia and Great Britain”(отв.ЕлисееваИ.В.)

(5-11 классы)

Цель: познакомить учащихся с традициями и обычаями праздников в России и Великобритании; активизировать лексику по теме «Праздники»; развивать навыки чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного; развивать навыки аудирования с пониманием деталей; воспитывать чувство прекрасного и уважения к традициям других народов и своей страны.


  1. Project “ To smoke or not to smoke “

(отв. ЕлисееваИ.В.,Дятчина С.В.)(5-8 классы)

Цели и задачи данного мероприятия:

1. Познавательный аспект: знакомство с работой организаций по охране здоровья.

2. Развивающий аспект: развитие способности к анализу, развитию объема внимания, развитие умения воспринимать на слух чужую речь.

3. Воспитательный аспект: формирование ответственного отношения к здоровому образу жизни.

4. Учебный аспект: формирование грамматических навыков говорения и аудирования.


1.CompetitionMypet” 3-4 классы.

(отв. ЕлисееваИ.В., Дятчина С.В., Кожеурова Т.В.)

  1. Цель: формирование коммуникативной, лингвистической, лингвострановедческой, общеучебной компетенций через беседу и обмен мнениями.

  2. Задачи:

  1. Актуализация изученного материала по теме «Животные».

  2. Развитие навыков аудирования, языковой догадки,

  3. Развитие мыслительно-речевых процессов у учащихся.

  4. Развитие памяти в процессе работы над стихотворением.

  5. Расширение кругозора учащихся.

  6. Стимулирование интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

2.Project“We help our Mothers: traditional dishes”-5-7 классы.

(отв. ЕлисееваИ.В., Кожеурова Т.В.)

3. Театральные инсценировки “ EnglishJokes 9-в класс

(отв.Крицкая Т.Г.)

3.Competition “Литературный перевод стихотворения” – 10 классы. (отв.Кожеурова Т.В.)

Цель: совершенствование навыков выразительного рассказывания стихотворений; актуализация лексического и грамматического материала; развитие интереса к поэтическим произведениям стран изучаемого языка.

4.Театральнаяпостоновка на английском языке

CINDERELLA 8-Б класс (отв.Дятчина С.В.)


  1. Конкурс знатоков «Знаешь ли ты Британию?» дляучащихся 5-10 классов(отв.Елисеева И.В.)

Цель:взанимательной форме выявить уровень знаний учащихся

теме «Великобритания» ( основные географические данные- население, символы, культурные достопримечательности некоторых городов флаги и др.), систематизировать знания по данной теме.

2. Выставка газет и поздравительных открыток 2-11 классы.


-активизация учебных умений и навыков учащихся;

-создание условий для активного и творческого развития личности;


-развивать творческий потенциал учащихся и художественные способности;

-развивать умения работать с информацией, отбирать наиболее значимые и ценные данные, уметь раскрывать заявленную тему, расширять кругозор учащихся, повышать их культурный уровень, воспитывать толерантность.

3.Project“ Mycountry” (отв.ЕлисееваИ.В.)

Цель: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Россия»; тренировка внимания и мышления; развивать и воспитывать интерес и уважение к истории и культуре России; повышатьтворческую активность учащихся.

4.Cказка "Теремок" на английском языке 5-в класс

(отв.Елисеева И.В.)

Жанр: внеклассное мероприятие.

Учебный предмет: английский язык

Ожидаемые результаты. Учащиеся смогут:


- закрепить тематическую лексику, активный запас фраз клише;

- закрепить грамматические правила и особенности интонации основных типов предложений;

- прочитать наизусть рифмованные произведения детского фольклора.

Умения и навыки:

- участвовать в элементарном этикетном диалоге;

- расспрашивать собеседника, задавая простые вопросы и отвечать на вопросы собеседника;

- выступать публично;

- использовать приобретенные знания и коммуникативные умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни.


- Магнитофон.

- Диск к УМК “Английский для малышей” И.А.Шишкова, М.Е. Вербицкая.

- Диск/ кассета №1 к книге “HappyEnglish” Г. Доля.

- Кассета №3 к УМК “English 2” И.Н. Верещагина и др.

- М.З. Биболетова и др. “EnjoyEnglish”- учебник 2 класс. – Обнинск, 2010 г.

- Костюмы для артистов.

- Музыкальные инструменты (детские гитары).

- Музыкальная подборка (интернет-ресурсы).

- Текст – стихотворение для Лисы.

Действующие лица: 6 Жуков (sixbugs), Мышка (a mouse), Лягушка (a frog),Собака (a dog), Лиса (a fox), Заяц (a hare), 2 Поросёнка (2 pigs), Медведь a bear, Автор(narrator).

Narrator: There is a house in the woods, woods, woods. The bugs fly-fly-flying through the woods.

They see the house.

Song “We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.”


I. What a nice house!

II. It is very nice.

III. It is not small. It is not big.

IV. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house? (Заглядывают в теремок.)

V. Nobody! Now we can live in it.

VI. I like this house. It’s our home now.

Mouse: What a beautiful house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


I. We live in the house.

II. We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

III. And who are you?

Mouse: I am a little grey mouse. My name is Mighty-Mouse.

Bugs: Can you do morning exercises?

Mouse: Yes, of course, I do.
Let’s do morning exercises!
Hands up, hands down
Bend left, bend right,
Turn around.
Jump up high
Sit down.
Stand up.
Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips,
Sit down.

Bugs: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.


Frog: What a good house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


I. We live in the house.

II. We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

Mouse: I live in the house. I am a little grey mouse. And who are you?

Frog: I am a little green frog. My name is Kwa. And what is your name?

Mouse: My name is Mighty-Mouse. What can you do?

Frog: I can jump, swim and sing. (Изображаетиквакает.)

Mouse: Sing a song, please!

Frog (поет): How many eyes have you got? Just two.
How many ears have you got? Just two.
How many noses have you got? Just one.
How many heads have you got? Just one.

Bugs: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.

Бежит Собачка. Принюхивается. Увидела дом.

Dog: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


I. We live in the house.

II. We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

Mouse: I live in the house. I’m a little grey mouse.

Frog: I live in the house. I’m a little green frog. And who are you?

Dog: I’m a dog. I’m clever, brave and pretty. I am not ugly. I’m not big.

I’m small.

Frog: What is your name?

Dog: My name is Jack.

Frog: Canyoudance?

Танцует собачий вальс и декламирует стишок:

Dog: Yes, I can. 
I am a dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.

Mouse: You are very nice.

Bugs: Come in. Let’s live together.

Бежитлиса. (Звучитламбада.)

Fox: I’m a fox. I’m very cunning. I’m pretty and clever. (Видиттеремок.)

What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


We live in the house.

We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.

I am a little green frog. I live in the house.

I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?

Fox: I’m a fox.

Dog: Can you read?

Fox: Yes, I can. I like to read very much.

Dog: Read, please.

Лисачитает “One, one, one…”

1, 1, 1 – Little dog, run!
2, 2, 2 – Cats see you.
3, 3, 3 – Birds in the tree.
4, 4, 4 – Rats on the flour.

Fox: And what can you do?

Mouse: I like to skip.

Frog: I like to jump.

Dog: I like to run about.

Mouse: I like to play.

Frog: I like to sing.

Bugs: We like to laugh and shout.

Dog: Come in, Fox. Let’s live together.

Бежит заяц (звучит весёлая полька).

Hare: What a nice day! What a fine weather! What is it?

This is a small house. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


We live in the house.

We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.

I am a little green frog. I live in the house.

I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?

Hare: I’m a hare. My name is Willy. I am not happy. I haven’t a house.



Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Hare: I want to live with you.

Mouse: Don’t cry, Willy. You are lovely. Come in. Let’s live together.

Fox: What can you do?

Hare: I can count. (Обращаетсякзалу). Let’s count with me!

Считаетдо 30.

Dog: Come in, Hare. Let’slivetogether.

Появляются два поросенка с гитарами (звучит “тяжёлый металл”).


1. Look!

2. What a nice house!

1. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


We live in the house.

We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.

I am a little green frog. I live in the house.

I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a hare. I live in the house. And who are you? What are you?


1.We are brothers.

2. We are singers.

Fox: What can you do?


1. We can play the guitar.

2. We can sing merry songs.

Frog: Sing, please.

Pigs (поют): I see green, I see yellow
I see that funny fellow
I see white, I see black
I see pink, I see brown 
I stand up and I sit down.
I red, I see blue.
I see you, and you, and you.

Animals: It’s great! You are merry. Let’s live together.


Bear: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


We live in the house.

We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.

I am a little green frog. I live in the house.

I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a hare. I live in the house.

We are pigs. We live in the house. And who are you?

Bear: I’m a bear. I’m kind. I’m lazy a little.

Pigs: 1. What do you like to do?

Bear: I like to play tennis.

Animals: Let’s go for a walk!
“Let’s play tennis!”- says the bear.
“Let’s play football!”- says the hare.
“Let’s play basketball!”- says the frog.
“Let’s play volleyball!”- says the dog.

Animals: Summer time is fine for a play




1.Конкурс пословиц и поговорок. 2-11 классов.

Цели: Практиковать употребление пословиц и поговорок в нестандартной ситуации, находить соответствия в двух языках, трактовать значение пословиц. Развивать навыки монологической речи. Воспитывать уважениек культурному наследию страны изучаемого языка, толерантность.Развивать творческий потенциал учащихся, умение работать в команде.

2.Сказка "Дюймовочка" на английском языке-5а класс



An old Witch (An Old Wizard)









Flower Spirits

Scene 1

Woman: Hello! My name is Mary. I live in the village nearby. I have a husband, but we are not happy. We don’t have a child. What should I do?

Witch/Wizard: Hello, Mary! I’m an old and clever Witch/Wizard.

Woman: Good morning, Mr. Wizard/ Mrs. Witch

Witch/Wizard: I can help you. I know your dream. ONE, TWO, THREE…

Woman: OH!

Witch/Wizard: Take this seed. Plant it in the flowerpot.

Woman: Oh! Thank you, thank you very much.

Scene 2

Woman: Here is my flower. Look! It is very beautiful, isn’t it?

Thumbelina: Hello! Are you my mother?

Woman: Yes, yes, I’m your mother and I’m very happy. You are so tiny girl. Not bigger than my thumb.

I’ll call you Thumbelina.

A song:

What is your name?
What is your name?
Now, tell me, please,
What is your name?

My name is Thumbelina,
My name is Thumbelina,
My name is Thumbelina,
That’s my name.

Thumbelina: Oh, my dear Mother, I’m very tired. I want to sleep in my flower bed.

Mother: Good night, my dear!

Scene 3

Toad: Good night, everybody! Look at me! I’m a huge old ugly toad. But what can I see? She is a pretty girl! She would be a lovely bride for my Son. I want to take her to my pond.

A song: 2. Looby Loo.

Here we go Looby Loo
Here we go Looby Light
Here we go Looby Loo
All in a Saturday night.

1. Put you right hand in,
Put you right hand out,
Give your hand a shake, shake, shake
And turn yourself about, oh,

Here we go Looby Loo
Here we go Looby Light
Here we go Looby Loo
All in a Saturday night.

2. Put your left hand in…

3. Put your right foot in…

4. Put your left foot in…

Thumbelina: Where am I? Where is my Mother? Who are you?

Toad: You are in the middle of my pond. My Son wants to marry you!

Thumbelina: Who is your son?

Toad: He is a huge green ugly Toad, he is like his Mother!

Thumbelina: Oh, no, no never! I want to go home! I want to see my Mother.

Toad: Don’t cry1 Don’t worry! We’ll come back soon. See you, my dear!

Thumbelina: (cries) What shall I do? Dear butterfly, help me, please!

Butterfly: Yes, yes, dear Thumbelina, I want to help you


Scene 4

Thumbelina: Thank you, dear Butterfly, good-bye!

Beetle: Hello, my fairy lady! What’s your name?

Thumbelina: Good morning! My name is Thumbelina, I’m a girl. But who are you?

Beetle: I’m Mr Beetle. I love you. (A lot of bugs come)

To the lady-bird:

Lady-bird, lady-bird,
Fly away home,
Your house is on fire
And your children all gone;
All except one
And that’s little Ann
And she has crept under
The warming pan.


Butterfly, butterfly,
Where can you fly?
I can fly very high
In the blue, blue sky!


Once I saw a little bird
Come hop, hop, hop,
And I cried, Little bird,
Will you stop, stop, stop?
I was going to the window
To say, How do you do?
But he shook his little tail
And away he flew.

Beetles: Who is she? She is so ugly! She has only two legs! She has no feelers! She can’t fly and hop!

Beetle: Yes, you are very ugly! Go away! Now!

Thumbelina: Bye! (cries and goes away)

Scene 5

Thumbelina: It’s very cold and rainy. I’m cold. And I’m wet. I’m very hungry too. I can’t live in the field in winter. What shall I do? Where shall I go?

Mouse: Who are you?

Thumbelina: I’m a poor little girl. My name is Thumbelina. In summer I lived in the field, but now it’s very cold!

Mouse: I live in the nice warm house. Can you help me with my housework?

Thumbelina: Yes, I can help you with your housework, and I can tell you stories. (The Mole appears)

Mouse: Mr. Mole is my neighbour. He lives in the big long dark tunnels and he likes to listen to you stories too.

Thumbelina: Good day, Mr. Mole, nice to meet you!

Mole: I’m blind, but I can hear well. You are a nice girl with a lovely voice.

Thumbelina: Thank you, Mr. Mole. Thank you, dear Mouse.

Scene 6

Thumbelina: It’s winter now. It’s cold and there is a lot of snow. I live in the house of the Mouse. I work from morning till night. I’m very unhappy. Mr. Mole wants to be my husband. I don’t like him. He’s old. He’s blind. Poor me!

Swallow: Help me! Help me, dear girl!

Thumbelina: What’s wrong with you, dear Swallow?

Swallow: I hurt my wing. I’m cold. I’m hungry. I’m thirsty.

Thumbelina: Oh? I can help you. Here are some seeds for you. Then I have some water in this jar. And you can have my scarf to warm yourself.

Swallow: Thank you, dear girl. And what is your name?

Thumbelina: My name is Thumbelina. Nice to meet you!

Mouse: Thumbelina, Thumbelina! Where are you?

Thumbelina: I’m here!

Mouse: Mr. Mole has come! He wants to marry you! You are a very happy little girl!

Thumbelina: No! No! I’m very unhappy! I don’t want to marry old blind Mole!

Swallow: I can help you! I’m going to fly to the South. Come with me!

Mouse: No, you can’t do it!

Thumbelina: Yes, I can. Thank you, dear Swallow. Bye, Mrs Mouse! Bye, Mr Mole!

Scene 7

Swallow: Here we are, dear Thumbelina. We live on this beautiful palace, look!

Flower spirits: Hello! Hello! Welcome back!! But who are you?

Thumbelina: Hello! My name is Thumbelina. My friend, Swallow, brought me to your country. May I live here?

Prince: Nice to meet you, Thumbelina. I’m the Prince of the Flower spirits. I loved you from the first sight! Would you marry me and be the Princess of the Flower Spirits?

Thumbelina: Yes, I would!

Prince: And here is my present – your wings!

Thumbelina: Oh, Thank you! I’m the happiest girl in the world!

Swallow: Soon, the Prince and Thumbelina got married and lived happily ever after.


2.Театральнаяпостоновка на английском языке

Easter 6-а класс (отв.Елисеева И.В)


Dear boys and girls ! Today we are going to celebrate Easter. Imagine that right now you are either in England or in Russia and today is the 24 th of March .

Easter is a very popular holiday all over the world. Easter has no fixed date. It is held on the 1st Sunday after the date of the first full moon that occurs on or after March 21st.

Easter lasts for a week. The three most important days are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Maundy Thursday, the king or a queen of England gives money to poor people. The tradition is very old.

Here is how the Holy Bible describes Jesus Christ resurrection.(НаэкранекартинаВоскрешениеХристаизвучитаудиозапись.) “Suddenly there was a great earthquake: and the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door of the tomb and sat on it. And the angel said, “I know that you seek Jesus who was scrucified. He is not here for he is risen”

That is why people nowadays greet each other on the Easter day by the words, “Christ is risen”. And the expected answer is, “He is risen indeed”. There are many symbols connected with this holiday .Easter symbols are: The Cross, Rabbits, Eggs.

Easter Lilies - the white blossoms symbolize the purity of Jesus. Lilies, emerging from the earth in the spring, also symbolize new life and the resurrection of Christ.

The lamb - Represents Jesus, "the Lamb of God".

Easter hats & wearing new clothes for Easter- Symbolizes new life offered through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Candles - Symbolize Jesus, "the light of the world".

Pretzels - A food eaten during Lent- the twisted shaped symbolizes arms crossed in prayer.

Easter & Spring flowers - Daffodils and tulips bloom in the spring, and symbolize spring and new life.

The Butterfly is one of the significant symbols of Easter. Its whole life cycle is meant to symbolize the life of Jesus Christ. The first stage, is the caterpillar, which stands for His life on Earth. Second phase begins from the cocoon stage, portraying the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. The third and final stage is the butterfly, representing His raising from the dead in a glorified body and peace.

Children like Easter very much because it is a tasty holiday. All the families colour eggs and put them into green, yellow and pink baskets. Today’s Easter baskets are filled with eggs and sweets and decorated with ribbons, flowers and straw.

On Good Friday, people eat fish instead of meat. On Easter Sunday, people eat traditional roast dinner with lamb, potatoes and vegetables. They also give each other chocolate Easter eggs and special hot cakes with a cross on the top. They call these cakes hot cross buns.

There is a legend connected with Hot Cross Buns. Now, let’s listen to it. 

Granny: Ann, Jane come here. You were going to help me with hot cross buns.

Jane: Yeah, with great pleasure.

Ann: Well, what do we need for buns?

Granny (перебираяпакеты): flower, baking powder, milk, water, salt, nuts, raisins, eggs, butter.

Ann: Granny, why do people call them hot cross buns?

Granny: Well, listen. Once, long ago in England there lived a monk. In this town there were a lot of poor families. Very often they had nothing to eat.

Jane: Even on Easter?

Granny: Yes, so he baked many buns with raisins inside and decorated them with crosses.

Ann: And why did he decorate them with crosses?

Granny: The cross has a special meaning to Christian. It represents Christ victory over death.

Jane: Who helped him?

Granny: A poor boy. He went from house to house singing a song. Do you guess what song he sang?

Jane: Oh, yes. Hot cross buns!

Do you like this legend? Let’s sing a song. (slide 14) “Hot Cross buns” together with Jaizle.

(Все вместе поют песенку, слова песни на экране, зрители тоже могут петь.) Приложение 2.

Hot Cross Buns.

Hot cross buns, hot cross buns.

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot cross buns.

Give them to your daughters

Give them to your sons.

One a penny, two a penny, hot cross bus.

People buy new clothes to wear on Easter Sunday.There is a popular tradition to wear three new things at Easter. They believe these will bring good luck in the year.They go out into the streets. This procession is called The Easter Parade.

Another symbol of Easter is an Easter Tree. There are 12 eggs on the Easter Tree. Can you guess why there are exactly 12 eggs?

- I think because there are 12 months in a year.

- You are right. People walk around the Easter Tree and hope that each month of the year will be happy for them.

30 days has September, April, June and November.

All the rest have 31excepting February alone.

Which has 28 days clear and 29 in each leap year.

Выходят 12 детей, представляющих 12 месяцев, у каждого какой-то атрибут. Они читают стихи и каждый вешает на пасхальное дерево расписанное яйцо.)

In January falls the snow

In February cold winds blow

In March peep out the early flowers

And April comes with sunny flowers

In may the roses blooms so gay

In June the farmer movers his way

In July brightly shines the sun

In August harvest is begun

September turns the green leaves brown

October winds then shake them down

November days are bleak and drear

December comes and ends the year.

(Все вместе поют песенку о временах года.)

Spring is green, summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow, winter is white.

There are many Easter games in Britain on Easter. One of them is ‘Eggs rolling’

"Egg rolling" is an old Easter game, traditionally played on Easter Monday. Children roll eggs down a grassy slope and the first egg to reach the bottom without breaking is the winner.

British children look forward to Easter because they get presents on this holiday. These presents are hidden carefully and children must find them. Easter Rabbit is a kind symbol of Easter. It is a very innocent animal. It eats only grass. Children think that Easter Rabbit prepares the presents.

But why do they think so?

There is a legend about it.


Long ago there lived an old woman who loved children very much. So she hid coloured eggs and presents in the grass. Children tried to find them. One morning they were looking for the eggs. Suddenly they saw a rabbit. The rabbit was jumping in the grass showing the children where to go. The children followed him and found eggs.(Инсценировка)

We also prepared presents for our guests. Let’s call our rabbit to help us: Mr. Rabbit! (ПЕСНЯ)

Here Comes the Easter Bunny

Here comes the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny.
Here comes the Easter Bunny hopping along, singing a bunny song.
I love the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny,
Here comes the Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hoping along.

There goes the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny.
There goes the Easter Bunny hopping along, singing a bunny song.
I love the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny.
There goes the Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hoping along.

(Детизовуткролика, ребёноквкостюмезайца + фракицилиндрвыбегаетподвесёлуюмузыкуитанцует.)

Rabbit: Hi! I’m Easter Rabbit! I’m happy to see you. I want to play with you. Whowants?

(Из зала 2 человека выходят на сцену и кролик знакомится с ними.)

Rabbit: Hello! What’s your name? What form are you in? Do you like holidays and gifts? If you want to get a present , find it in the hall! По мере приближения и удаления игрока от места заранее спрятанного подарка кролик комментирует:

It is warm! It is cold! It is hot! Go to the left! Go to the right! Stop! Welldone! Thistoyisyourgift!( Они уходят и появляются все ведущие для заключительной речи.Онаидётссинхроннымпереводом).

Easter Day in Britain has a lot of traditions and habits. We tried to tell you about some of them.

Пасха в Британии имеет множество традиций и обычаев, и мы старались рассказать лишь о некоторых из них.

Easter ducks and Easter chicks, 
Easter eggs with chocolate thick 
Easter hats for one and all 
Easter bunny comes to call!

Ch: Happy Easter always brings 
Such a lot of pleasant things! 
T: Merry Easter! 
Ch: Merry Easter! 

We, who are sitting here in the hall, live in Russia. So we are Russian and orthodox people. Our Easter will be soon. We congratulate you with this holy and light day! We wish you to meet it with joy and hope! HappyEster!

Мы же, сидящие в зале, живём в России. Мы -русские и православные. Наша Пасха совсем скоро. Мы поздравляем всех с этим святым и светлым днём и желаем встретить его с радостью, надеждой и обновлением! С праздником Великой Пасхи!

(Звучат колокола, повторяются слайды. Кролик и ведущие разносят гостям пасхальные булочки и яйца , сделанные заранее детьми на уроках трудового обучения.)

3.Театральнаяпостоновка на английском языке

Колобок” 5-в класс (отв.Елисеева И.В.)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Неделя английского языка 2015

Автор: Елисеева Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 14.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 201184

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