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My future in Independent Kazakhstan

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I was born in 2003, in independent Kazakhstan. I now 14 years old, and of the independence of Kazakhstan – twenty-five. Twenty-five years is a long way. Over these years Kazakhstan has achieved a lot. After the collapse of the Union, all countries were at the same level. But our Republic, despite all the difficulties, went ahead. This is largely due to people of independent Kazakhstan. They believed that difficulties will pass, for every man is convinced that "we ourselves raise to life" (O. Suleimenov).


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«My future in Independent Kazakhstan»

My future in Independent Kazakhstan

I was born in 2003, in independent Kazakhstan. I now 14 years old, and of the independence of Kazakhstan – twenty-five. Twenty-five years is a long way. Over these years Kazakhstan has achieved a lot. After the collapse of the Union, all countries were at the same level. But our Republic, despite all the difficulties, went ahead. This is largely due to people of independent Kazakhstan. They believed that difficulties will pass, for every man is convinced that "we ourselves raise to life" (O. Suleimenov).

The future of Kazakhstan depends on us, the new generation.
My mother is a teacher. From an early age I saw her at work: she checked a notebook, wrote a variety of plans, reports.... I know about the teachers ' work very much. What is surprising is that my mom can't catch me off guard. Work with children, in my opinion, tempered her character: she is an optimist, caring person, all she is interested in. Looking at it, I also want to say the words of Boris Pasternak: "In everything I want to get to the bottom..."

In one song there are words:  "Though the eyes look to, to look into the next century". Independent Kazakhstan twenty-five years. What will he be like after another twenty years, depends on us. I see Kazakhstan as one of the most developed and influential countries in the world. In the country all is well and stable. The people's living standards have risen significantly. The future generation is raising children as once brought us. I believe that our successors will bring benefit to our state.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

My future in Independent Kazakhstan

Автор: Кабышев Темирлан Кайратович

Дата: 12.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 358155

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