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Kazakh national foods

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«Kazakh national foods»

The twenty third of February

National food

Kazakh food and national meals. First of all the guest of Kazakh family regaled with kumiss (the drink based on mare milk), shubat or airan, next meal was tea with milk or cream, baursaks, irimshik, kurt. Then the guest was tasting horse-flesh or mutton snacks - kazi, shuzhuk, zhal, zhaya, sur-et, karta, kabirga. Wheat flour cookies were very common too.

Vocabulary work:

  1. Mare

  2. Mutton-

  3. Rub-

  4. Season v.-

  5. Ferment-

  6. Kidney-

  7. Rib-

  8. Knead-

  9. Liver-

  10. Stir

  11. prepare -

  12. horse beef -

  13. fry –

  14. dish –

  15. feast –

Writing. Fill in the diagram about eating in Kazakhstan

Drinks Traditional food

Reading. Traditional food in Kazakhstan
The main national dish of Kazakhs is beshbarmak. Beshbarmak prepares from mutton, a horse - beef. Besbarmak - a dish eaten with five fingers. The sheep's head was for respected guests
Kuyrdak - was prepared from slaughtering meat
Bauyrsak - national dish of Kazakhs, prepares from flour
The tastiest meats of the horse were zhal, zhaya, kazy, and karta.
Kazy - is a very dear and delicious meal
karta - a large horse intestine which was very tasty when cooked.
Zhal - the layer of fat under a horse's mane. Zhal was another special portion of fat sliced especially for invited guests, to be served with kazy, a rump
Zhaya - rump of a horse, this is very delicious;
Kurt - This is a product prepared by the process of pressing thick sour cream.
National drinks kumiss, shubat, airan.
Airan - sour milk - Kazakh used this winter and summer, cow's milk was given to kids
Shubat - fermented camel's milk - Shubat often served as a medicine.
Kymyz - were made of horse’s milk. Kymyz - This is a very useful for health.
Kaimak - sour cream. This is also made of milk
Milk was most used diary product.
Irimzhik - were made from boiled unskimmed milk and added sour cream. would be yellow.
Sary mai (butter) - Is made old milk
Suzbe and katyk - This is strained and thick sour milk it was another of the tasty diary products.

Kazakhstan traditional food facts and features

The main meal of every dastarkhan and one of the most delicious for Kazakh people was Kazakh style cooked meat. Boiled meat was served in large uncut pieces. The host was cutting the meat himself and treat every guest: pelvic bones and shank for honourable old people, brisket for son-in-law or daughter-in-law, neck-bone for girls and so on.

The most honorable guest received particular method cooked head of the ram. The guest should part the head between people around the dastarkhan obeying to ancient ritual showing respectful attitude to guests, old people, kids, near and far relations.

The delicious aromatic meat was eaten with thin boiled pieces of pastry. Excellent addition to this dish was rich flavoured meat bouillon - sorpa, served in phials. Kumiss and tea were the last dishes of the meal.

Kazakh food - Kumiss

Kazakh food - Besbarmak

Kazakh food - Kazi, Karta, Shuzhuk

Kazakh food - Kuirdak

Today Kazakh meal is something different from the old one but still it is imbued with ancient laws of hospitability. On the contrary the hospitability is larger then ever for now because not only Kazakhs but people of various nations (Kazakhstan is a multinational country) have a meal around the dastarkhan: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Germans, Uigurs, Koreans and more. All these nations made their contribution on Kazakhs cookery.

Kazakhstan cuisine includes not only traditional national Kazakhstan dishes but the best dishes of Uzbek, Russian, Tatar, Korean and other cookeries. That’s why Kazakh cuisine saving its national characteristic features has some international features.

The assortment of food groceries was changed slightly. During its long history Kazakhstan people gathered a huge experience in cooking dishes from meat and milk. And modern times filled it with a large range of vegetables, fruit, fish, sea stuff, baked, flour dishes and confectionery.

Kazakh food - Baursak

Work with the text: «Traditional foods»
Complete the sentences:
a) Our traditional home cooked food is_________________
b) Our favourite meat dishes are: ______________________
c) The most popular drinks are: ________________________
d) For guests and friends we like to prepare _______________

Talking. Ask each other and complete the chart. What peoples like to eat?

Example: Anar and Asan like kazy.
1 . …………like kuyrdak.
2. Nobody don’t like zhaya.
3. …………..doesn’t like milk.
4. Everybody like bauyrsak.
5. ……………doesn’t like beshbarmak.
6. Only …………likes irimshik.
Information. Do you know that?
Shyrtyldak - Crackler. Kazakhs used to melt fat in a large bowl, then add some sugar.It was used instead of butter. Kazakhs enjoyed it.
Kyimai – Sausage of Kazakhs usually made sausage during Winter. This sausage is very delicious;
Zhauburek - Kazakhs prepared many different meat dishes. Zhauburek was prepared very quickly, which made it popular among hunters and travellers.
Ulpershek - Is a dish made from the heart
Akshelek - Is a large camel bone cooking meat from a camel..
Kuiryk - bauyr - This was the meal served to kinsmen at the wedding party which we discussed earlier.
Uyz - Beestings Kazakhs ate these during lambing and calving seasons.
Koryktyk - Is a herdsman's food, prepared from the sheep’s milk.

Home task: *to learn the new words

  • find information about traditional food of British

The theme: Traditional food in Kazakhstan
The aims: 1. To introduce pupils the new words, to get information about traditional food in Kazakhstan and the names of national dishes, to teach pupils how to prepare it. To teach pupils to compare eating in Britain and in Kazakhstan
2. To teach pupils to be attentive to each other
3. To develop pupils interests in studying English

X. Do you know that?
Shyrtyldak - Crackler. Kazakhs used to melt fat in a large bowl, then add some sugar.
It was used instead of butter. Kazakhs enjoyed it.
Kyimai – Sausage of Kazakhs usually made sausage during Winter. This sausage is very delicious;
Zhauburek (kabob) - Kazakhs prepared many different meat dishes. Zhauburek was prepared very quickly, which made it popular among hunters and travellers.
Ulpershek - Is a dish made from the heart
Akshelek - Is a large camel bone cooking meat from a camel..
Kuiryk - bauyr - This was the meal served to kinsmen at the wedding party which we discussed earlier.
Uyz - Beestings Kazakhs ate these during lambing and calving seasons.
Koryktyk - Is a herdsman's food, prepared from the sheep’s milk.

XII. How we prepare bauyrsak?
XIII. Complete the diagram

Eating in Britain

Yorkshire pudding,
roast - beef,
roast potatoes,
sausages, bacon,

Eating in Kazakhstan

Both --------------- Bauyrsak,
countries --------- beshbarmak,
like: ---------------- kuyrdak, kazy,
tea ---------------- karta, zhal, zhaya,
milk, -------------- kurt, irimshik,
meat ------------- kymyz,
--------------------- shubat
tea with

XIV. 5 lines of poem
1. Food
2. Delicious, tasty
3. Cooked, prepared, made
4. Food is useful for health
5. Food - Meal
XV. Giving of the hometask: «How do you prepare the national food?»
XVI. Marking

Traditional food
roast - beef
roast potatoes
Yorkshire pudding

mineral water

toasts marmalade
honey, tea

5 o’clock

sausages bacon

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Kazakh national foods

Автор: Шымырбекова Жадыра Мырзабековна

Дата: 24.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 395091

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