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Итоговая контрольная работа для учащихся 5 классов

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Данная разработка поможет учителям в проведении итоговой контрольной работы по английскому языку в 5 классах

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«Итоговая контрольная работа для учащихся 5 классов»

5 класс 1 вариант

  1. Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

From: Amy

To: Betty

Subject: My doll collection

Hi Betty!

How are you? I’m fine. I’ve got a great doll collection. I have got seventeen dolls. They are from the UK, the USA, Australia, France, Japan and Canada. My Japanese doll is a present from my mum and dad. I’m proud of my collection. Doll collecting is fun and easy. It makes me happy.



1. The email is from Betty.

2. Amy likes her doll collection.

3. She has got 16 dolls in her collection.

4. The doll from Japan is from her Japanese friend.

5. Amy is proud of the collection.

6. Doll collecting isn’t easy.

B. Fill in the correct word.

•dangerous • elephants • leopard • crocodile • lion • paws• legs • sharp • fur • wing • wild

e.g. My cat is black with white paws.

1. Indian........have small ears.

2. I like my dog’s soft, white...........

3. A..........can run fast and has spots.

4. The...........is the king of the jungle.

5. .........animals don’t make good pets.

6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken

7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin......

8. A .......... can stay under water for two hours.

9. Some snakes are ............. They can bite humans.

10. Koalas have got..........claws for climbing.

C. Underline the correct form of the verb.

1. Fiona makes/is making a snowman at the moment.

2. Helen and Tom are watching/watch TV now.

3. What time does/do the train leave?

4. We go/are going to the cinema every Saturday evening.

5. On Sundays, we usually stay/are staying at home.

6. What does Tim do/is Tim doing today?

7. Does Ian like/Is Ian liking your new flat?

8. Where are the children go/going?

9. Look at Anne. What does she wear/is she wearing?

10. What do you think/are you thinking of my dress?

D. Match the parts of the words.

1. arm _______ a. place

2. down _______ b. basin

3. coffee _______ c. stairs

4. fire _______ d. chair

5. book _______ e. table

6. bed _______ f. side

7. out _______ g. room

8. wash _______ h. case

E. Choose the correct response.

1. Where is the kitchen? A. Yes, there are five on the wall.

2. Have you got a bookcase? B. Yes, it’s in front of the sofa.

3. Have you got paintings in the room? C. Yes, and it has got many books.

4. What floor is it on? D. It’s next to the dining room.

5. Is there a coffee table in your living room? E. It’s on the first floor.

5 класс 2 вариант

  1. Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

From: Damien

To: Mark

Subject: My cap collection

Hi Mark!

How are you? I’m fine. I’ve got a great cap collection. I have got twelve caps. They are from the UK, the USA, Australia, France, Japan and Canada. My Australian cap is a present from my friend Steve. I’m proud of my collection. Cap collecting is fun and easy. It makes me happy.

Bye for now,


1. The email is from Mark.

2. Damien likes his cap collection.

3. He has got 13 caps in his collection.

4. The cap from Australia is a present from his dad.

5. Damien is proud of the collection.

6. Cap collecting isn’t easy.

B. Fill in the correct word.

• sharp • lion • wild • dangerous • fur • elephants • wing • crocodile • legs • leopard

1. A ……….can stay under water for two hours.

2. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken ………. .

3. Koalas have got …….. claws for climbing.

4. Indian …….. have small ears.

5. Some snakes are …….. .They can bite humans.

6. I like my dog’s soft, white …….. .

7. …………. animals don’t make good pets.

8. A …………can run fast and has spots.

9. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin ……….. .

10. The ………. is the king of the jungle.

C. Underline the correct form of the verb.

1. Look at Kate. What does she wear/is she wearing?

2. Mike makes/is making a snowman at the moment.

3. What do you think/are you thinking of my dress?

4. What time does/do the train leave?

5. We go/are going to the cinema every Saturday evening.

6. Does Ian like/Is Ian liking your new flat?

7. Laura and Tim are watching/watch a play now.

8. On Sundays, we usually stay/are staying at home.

9. What does Tim do/is Tim doing today?

10. Where are the children go/going?

D. Match the parts of the words.

1. arm _______ a. place

2. down ______ b. chair

3. coffee ______ c. basin

4. fire _______ d. stairs

5. book _______ e. table

6. bed _______ f. side

7. out _______ g. room

8. wash ________ h. case

E. Choose the correct response.

1. Where is the bathroom? A. Yes, he has five on his wall.

2. Have you got a bookcase? B. Yes, it’s in front of the sofa.

3. Has Dave got any posters? C. Thank you very much.

4. What floor is it on? D. It’s next to the kitchen.

5. Is there a coffee table in your living room? E. It’s on the second floor.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Итоговая контрольная работа для учащихся 5 классов

Автор: Лысова Анна Владимировна

Дата: 08.08.2022

Номер свидетельства: 611575

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