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Defining Relative Clauses

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You use defining relative clauses to give information that helps to identify the person or thing you are talking about.


When you are talking about people, you use “that” or”who” in the relative clause.

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«Defining Relative Clauses»

“why after “reason”

“where” after “place” or place words (room, street…)

“when” after time or time words ( day,year…)

you were with her yesterday I am living in it

they were talking about them I work with them

she is married to him I work with them

we wanted to travel on it I applied for them

C) Complete the following sentences using a relative clause with that as the object. Write who or which in brackets after each sentence to show which word could replace that.

1. I read a magazine yesterday./ I really enjoyed the magazine that I read yesterday. (which)

2. I left some money on the table./The money …………………………… seems to have disappeared.

3. We took some photographs on holiday./ Have you seen the photographs ……………………………………?

4. I met someone on the train./ Someone …………………………… gave me some good advice.

B) Make a relative clause with a preposition:

1. The house …………………..….. is in very good condition.

2. I didn´t get the job …………………………………………

3. I wasn´t interested in the things …………………………

4. The man ……….………… has been married once before.

5. The flight ………………..………………. was fully booked.

6. I enjoy my job because I like the people …………………

7. Who was that girl …………………..……………………… ?

8. The party ………………….……… wasn´t very enjoyable.

A) Complete the following sentences using a relative clause with that as the subject. Write who or which in brackets after each sentence to show which word could replace that.

1. The bus leaves at 2.10./ She´s too late to catch the bus that leaves at 2.10 (which)

2. A man answered the phone./ The man ………………………….....

asked me to call back later.

3. A pencil was left on the desk./ The pencil …………………………..…………

belongs to me.

4. A boy plays basketball./ What´s the name of the boy ……………………………………………….?

6. You can use “when”,”where” and “why” in defining relative clauses after certain nouns.

This is the year when profits should increase.

That was the room where I did my homework.

There are several reasons why we can´t do that.

5. A relative pronoun in a relative clause can be the object of a preposition, Usually the preposition goes at the end of the clause.

I wanted to do the job which I´d been training for.

You can often omit a relative pronoun that is the object of a preposition

Mary was the only person I could talk to.

The preposition always goes in front of “whom”, and in front of “which” in formal English.

He was asking questions to which there were no answers.

4. You can leave out “that”, “who” or “which” when they are the object of the verb in the relative clause.

The woman (who) you met yesterday lives next door.

The car (which) I wanted to buy was not for sale.

The thing (that) I really liked about it was its size.

3. You use “whose” in relative clauses to indicate who something belongs to or relates to you. You normally use “whose” for people, not for things.

-A child whose mother had left him was crying .

2. “That”, “who” or “which” can be:

The subject of the verb in the relative clause.

The thing that really surprised me was his attitude.

The woman who lives next door is very friendly.

The car which caused the accident drove off.

The object of the verb in the relative clause.

The thing that I really liked about it was its size.

The woman who you met yesterday lives next door.

The car which I wanted to buy was not for sale.

In formal English, “whom” is used instead of “who” as the object of the verb in the relative clause.

He was a man whom I greatly respected

1. You use defining relative clauses to give information that helps to identify the person or thing you are talking about.

When you are talking about people, you use “that” or”who” in the relative clause.

He was the man that bought my car.

He was the man who bought my car.

When you are talking about things, you use “that” or “which” in the relative clause.

The window that was broken has now been repaired.

The window which was broken has now been repaired.

D) Complete these sentences by adding when, where,whose or why.

1. This is definitely the room ……………………… I left it.

2. Tom is the one …………………………… desk is next to yours.

3. There must be a good reason ............................... she´s late.

4. Do you remember the time …………………… we got lost?

5. He is building a bank on the street ……………… we live.

6. Is there any reason ……………… I should help you?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Defining Relative Clauses

Автор: Зейтуллаев Осман Люманович

Дата: 20.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 486649

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