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Non-defining Relative Clauses

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NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES are subordinate clauses which are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. We use commas to separate them from the main clause.

That cannot be used instead of who or which, and relatives cannot be omitted.

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«Non-defining Relative Clauses»

Complete with a suitable RELATIVE PRONOUN:

a) Jane, __________ has just moved to New York, wants to start a career as a model.

b) Jane's new flat, ___________ she is sharing with another girl, is in the city centre.

c) Her boss, __________ agency is really important, wants her to be the next Claudia Schiffer.

d) Jane's parents, ___________ are very proud of her, would like to visit her in New York soon.

e) Pinecrest, ___________ Jane was born, is a very small town.

f) Jane, ____________ ambition is to be famous, is going to work very hard.

Join the sentences with a relative pronoun:

a) Kelly works for a model agency. Her boyfriend is a model.

b) Kelly spends a lot of money on clothes. Her salary is high.

c) Kelly's new penthouse is quite big. It costs $ 1000 a month.

d) Kelly's friends usually meet on Saturdays. They work with her in the agency.

e) Kelly loves visiting Italy. She spent her last holidays there.

f) Kelly and her boyfriend usually go clubbing on Saturday night. They love dancing.

g) “Model 21” is an important agency. Kelly works there.

h) Kelly has two dogs. She keeps them in her penthouse.

I) Kelly's new car is a red Ferrari. She bought it two weeks ago.

m) David would like to get married soon. He is thirty-two years old.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
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Non-defining Relative Clauses

Автор: Зейтуллаев Осман Люманович

Дата: 20.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 486651

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