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Who is the Best!

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1 Познакомить с «оживляющей» ролью глагола в предложении

3 Закрепить изученные грамматические


4 Развивать мышление, речь;

5 Развивать внимание и любовь к языку;

6 Работать в режиме оптимальном

для сохранения здоровья детей,

 следить за посадкой ребят. 

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«Who is the Best! »

Open lesson  Who is the Best!    Teacher: Tashimbetova Gulnaz.       Teacher:Tashimbetova G. A.

Open lesson Who is the Best! Teacher: Tashimbetova Gulnaz. Teacher:Tashimbetova G. A.



  • 1 Познакомить с «оживляющей» ролью глагола в предложении
  • 3 Закрепить изученные грамматические
  • категории
  • 4 Развивать мышление, речь;
  • 5 Развивать внимание и любовь к языку;
  • 6 Работать в режиме оптимальном
  • для сохранения здоровья детей,
  • следить за посадкой ребят.
. Look at the pictures, complete the sentences and match them with the pictures.  1 It was cold and rainy ..., so we couldn't go to the swimming pool.  2. I had lunch at ... yesterday.  3. It often snows in ... .  4. Billy usually gets up at 7 but on ... he gets up at 9.   5  Where were you on ...? Oh, we had a party.  6 . He always watches TV in ....  7  April Fools' Day is on ....

. Look at the pictures, complete the sentences and match them with the pictures. 1 It was cold and rainy ..., so we couldn't go to the swimming pool. 2. I had lunch at ... yesterday. 3. It often snows in ... . 4. Billy usually gets up at 7 but on ... he gets up at 9. 5 Where were you on ...? Oh, we had a party. 6 . He always watches TV in .... 7 April Fools' Day is on ....

I. Task  Say what they are: 1) a day of the week which comes after Sunday; 2) a thing we can draw with; 3) a thing pupils wear at school; 4) a thing where we write at school; 5) days of the week when pupils don't go to school; 6)a class where we can run, jump and ski; 7) a place which can help you know more about history; 8) a day of the week which is between Tuesday and Thursday; a class where we can make things.
  • I. Task
  • Say what they are:
  • 1) a day of the week which comes after Sunday;
  • 2) a thing we can draw with;
  • 3) a thing pupils wear at school;
  • 4) a thing where we write at school;
  • 5) days of the week when pupils don't go to school;
  • 6)a class where we can run, jump and ski;
  • 7) a place which can help you know more about history;
  • 8) a day of the week which is between Tuesday and Thursday;
  • a class where we can make things.
2.Read and say why birds and animals  move from one country to another .

2.Read and say why birds and animals move from one country to another .

  • 2.Text . A lot of birds and animals move from country to country and from continent to continent during the year. Some move when summer is over and it becomes colder and some when there is no food to eat. Many birds can't find food under the snow, so they fly to Africa and other warmer countries. When winter comes some birds can fly more than 7000 kilometres in 3 days. They come back in spring and never see winter.
a ) Look at the pictures and say what you always do, what you never do and what things you do sometimes.

a ) Look at the pictures and say what you always do, what you never do and what things you do sometimes.

III. TASK  Have you got a good memory? Look at the picture for a moment. Then close the Picture and name all the things you can remember.  The First picture.

III. TASK Have you got a good memory? Look at the picture for a moment. Then close the Picture and name all the things you can remember. The First picture.

III. Task  Look at the picture and say: a)What you like: b) What you don’t like: c)What you like to have for breakfast,…..: d) When you usually have apples,……
  • III. Task
  • Look at the picture and say:
  • a)What you like:
  • b) What you don’t like:
  • c)What you like to have for breakfast,…..:
  • d) When you usually have apples,……

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Who is the Best!

Автор: Ташимбетова Гулноза Алишеровна

Дата: 21.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 176813

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