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What are you going to do during your holiday?

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  1. cbn.fgvfc bv,.fv md.f/v,fv bl.vgmvfge;lrfkrejflerjtfge4otgikhyrhblgjljklhbkhgmkgvbvlmgvgvklag;rthlytyht5ht35463b542v 23d.b212fgn klbmftgoljkbl jthbjb  m,vb/ n,gn G<Bfgrdkgkgv;rgrgb;j;brfgbjbh;bhjrtgp;bg;pbhrp;bjdfgvjropthbktrtbhl'bkfvb j dflbmgfhbn hjm;b fglphbkrlgkrthrtbhgbtgbb bn, nb nmmjvmv vm jmv mn jhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjggfffrtrtrtrtopytiuoserrrrrrrrrrrrgmklbbbbbbbbfggh
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«What are you going to do during your holiday? »

Dividing into groups 1 – group - “Almaty” 2-group – “New York”

Dividing into groups

1 – group - “Almaty”

2-group – “New York”

Word snake

Word snake

Doing puzzle colour

Doing puzzle


Brainstorming colour H O L I D A Y




The theme: « What are you going to do during your holiday?»

The theme:

« What are you going to do

during your holiday?»

New words Empire State Building-аспанмен таласқан ғимараттар Chinatown-Қытай қалашығы Statue of Liberty-Бостандық ескерткіші Helicopter tour-тікұшақпен саяхат Show onBroadway –Бродвейдағы театр Climb-көтерілу

New words

Empire State Building-аспанмен таласқан ғимараттар

Chinatown-Қытай қалашығы

Statue of Liberty-Бостандық ескерткіші

Helicopter tour-тікұшақпен саяхат

Show onBroadway –Бродвейдағы театр


Ex-1 A. Holiday in New York. See the Statue of Liberty see a show on Broadway Walk in the central park take a helicopter tour Go to Chinatown climb the Empire State Building

Ex-1 A. Holiday in New York.

See the Statue of Liberty see a show on Broadway

Walk in the central park take a helicopter tour

Go to Chinatown climb the Empire State Building

USA New York The flag of the USA The capital of the USA is Washington President of the USA  is Barac Obama


New York

The flag of the USA

The capital of the USA is Washington

President of the USA

is Barac Obama

Helicopter tour Empire Statue of Liberty State Building 448 m Central park Show onBroadway Chinatown

Helicopter tour


Statue of Liberty



448 m

Central park

Show onBroadway


Individual work.Ex-2. They have been to the Statue of Liberty. They have walked in the central park. They haven’t gone to Chinatown yet. They haven’t seen a show on Broadway yet. They haven’t taken a helicopter tour yet. They haven’t climbed the Empire State Building.

Individual work.Ex-2.

They have been to the Statue of Liberty.

They have walked in the central park.

They haven’t gone to Chinatown yet.

They haven’t seen a show on Broadway yet.

They haven’t taken a helicopter tour yet.

They haven’t climbed the Empire State Building.

Write positive sentences. Use the Present Perfect. Example: (My friend/meet/his mother/at the airport) My friend has met his mother at thr airport.

Write positive sentences. Use the Present Perfect.

Example: (My friend/meet/his mother/at the airport)

My friend has met his mother at thr airport.

  • (Colin/visit/Astana/five times)
  • (Colin/see/the Duman Center/two times)
  • (We/eat/just/bananas/there)
  • (We/be/to the cinema/there)
Write negative sentences. Use the Present Perfect. Example: (I/not/take/any/photographs ) I have not taken any photographs.

Write negative sentences. Use the Present Perfect.

Example: (I/not/take/any/photographs )

I have not taken any photographs.

  • (Dmitry/not/come/from school/yet)
  • (I/not/finish/my homework/yet)
  • (My brother/not/make/any mistakes)
  • (We/not/watch/any television/today)
gr Group work.Giving opinions about the countries 1-group-Kazakhstan -group-The USA


Group work.Giving opinions about the countries


-group-The USA

Home work  Ex-4.Talking about their plan

Home work

Ex-4.Talking about their plan

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

What are you going to do during your holiday?

Автор: Умирзакова Гулнара Абилдаевна

Дата: 10.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 229931

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object(ArrayObject)#853 (1) {
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    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(12) "planirovanie"
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