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Writing an email about holidays

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Lesson plan    
Unit 6. Holidays and travel      School:
Date:     Teacher’s 
Class:     Number present:        absent: 
Theme of the Lesson:    Writing an email about holidays
Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to  write with some support about personal feelings and opinions on a limited range of  familiar general and curricular topics  link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics
Lesson objectives        To write an email about holidays 
    To write personal feelings in an email 
    To use basic connectors “and, so, but, or” in writing an email
Assessment criteria         A learner can express feeling in writing  
    A learner can use basic connectors “but, and, so, or” in writing
    A learner can use topic-related vocabulary 
Value links     Cooperation, respect to each other, collaborative work, lifelong learning 
Cross curricular links    Geography, Physical Education 
Previous learning     Surviving in the desert   
Planned timings    Planned timings     Resources


Organizational moment
Greeting learners. Learners discuss learning objectives. Teacher focuses learners on the main goal of the lesson. 

Warm –up.
A creative and calm activity to get your energetic learners back into the grind is to have them write about what they did and received over break. Learners can get the opportunity to discuss their adventures in a fun writing piece. For instance, ask learners to write about the best gift they gave and what made it so special, or describe their family’s holiday traditions in detail. Here are a few more creative writing prompts.
•    What are you most grateful for this holiday season?
•    What was your favourite holiday food that you had over break?
•    Who was the person you spent the most time with and why? What did you do with them?
•    Write about a place that you went over the Christmas break.
•    Write about something you did with your family over New-Year break.    
PPT Slide 1

PPT Slide 2





30-35    Focus on listening 
Teacher introduces some vocabulary to help learners understand the details of the conversation. 
1) time off (noun): vacation time away from work 
- I don't have much time off to travel during the summer break.
2) to have something in mind (verb): to think about or plan to so something 
- Do you have a plan in mind for the weekend
I don't have particular food in mind for the party. I think anything is probably fine for most people.
3) tender (adjective): delicate; also, very loving 
- It is a very tender time for the family because of their father's passing.
4) wimp (adjective): a person who does not have courage or is afraid (negative meaning) 
- Don't be such a wimp. You need to try new foods. You can't avoid them when you travel overseas.
5) pleasant (adjective): nice or comfortable 
- The walk along the beach was very pleasant. We enjoyed the cool breeze and the sound of the waves
While- listening
Teacher plays the recording and learners listen to the conversation and do tasks. Before doing the task let learners read the questions and underline key words in the sentences. 
Answer key:
1. A. go to the lake
2. C. is worried about the sun
3. B. going for a bike ride
4. A. go fishing
5. B.  have a nice picnic

Focus on writing
Teacher hands out several samples of emails and asks learners what they are about. 
Note: There are three samples of emails in the handout and teacher can distribute them to learners according to their level. 
Learners read the emails and discuss with their partners. 
Ask learners to write an email following the structure of samples they have read. 
Assessment criteria: 
-writes his/her personal feelings 
-has at least two paragraphs 
-uses basic connectors as: and, but, or. 

After learners have finished writing their emails, let them read and discuss them with their classmates. Learners should focus on some questions as 
*how do my classmate spend his/her holidays?
*where is he/she planning to go for summer holidays? 
*what places of interest did he/she visit?     

Audio Track 1

PPT Slide 3

Handout 1

Handout 2
 PPT Slides 5-7

PPT Slide 8
35-40    At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:
*    What was difficult on this lesson?
*    What was easy on this lesson?              
PPT Slide 6
DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?    ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?    Health and safety rules 

Teacher distributes samples of emails according to the level of learners.     Monitoring learners’ while doing different activities during the lesson and providing different types of feedback (on the sport or delayed). 
Assessment criteria: 
-writes his/her personal feelings 
-has at least two paragraphs 
-uses basic connectors as: and, but, or. 

    Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions

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«Writing an email about holidays»

Lesson plan

Unit 6. Holidays and travel





Number present:


Theme of the Lesson:

Writing an email about holidays

Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to write with some support about personal feelings and opinions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics

Lesson objectives

  • To write an email about holidays

  • To write personal feelings in an email

  • To use basic connectors “and, so, but, or” in writing an email

Assessment criteria

  • A learner can express feeling in writing

  • A learner can use basic connectors “but, and, so, or” in writing

  • A learner can use topic-related vocabulary

Value links

Cooperation, respect to each other, collaborative work, lifelong learning

Cross curricular links

Geography, Physical Education

Previous learning

Surviving in the desert


Planned timings

Planned timings





Organizational moment

Greeting learners. Learners discuss learning objectives. Teacher focuses learners on the main goal of the lesson.

Warm –up.

A creative and calm activity to get your energetic learners back into the grind is to have them write about what they did and received over break. Learners can get the opportunity to discuss their adventures in a fun writing piece. For instance, ask learners to write about the best gift they gave and what made it so special, or describe their family’s holiday traditions in detail. Here are a few more creative writing prompts.

  • What are you most grateful for this holiday season?

  • What was your favourite holiday food that you had over break?

  • Who was the person you spent the most time with and why? What did you do with them?

  • Write about a place that you went over the Christmas break.

  • Write about something you did with your family over New-Year break.

PPT Slide 1


PPT Slide 2







Focus on listening


Teacher introduces some vocabulary to help learners understand the details of the conversation.

1) time off (noun): vacation time away from work 
- I don't have much time off to travel during the summer break.

2) to have something in mind (verb): to think about or plan to so something 
- Do you have a plan in mind for the weekend
don't have particular food in mind for the party. I think anything is probably fine for most people.

3) tender (adjective): delicate; also, very loving 
- It is a very tender time for the family because of their father's passing.

4) wimp (adjective): a person who does not have courage or is afraid (negative meaning) 
- Don't be such a wimp. You need to try new foods. You can't avoid them when you travel overseas.

5) pleasant (adjective): nice or comfortable 
- The walk along the beach was very pleasant. We enjoyed the cool breeze and the sound of the waves

While- listening

Teacher plays the recording and learners listen to the conversation and do tasks. Before doing the task let learners read the questions and underline key words in the sentences.

Answer key:

1. A. go to the lake

2. C. is worried about the sun

3. B. going for a bike ride

4. A. go fishing

5. B. have a nice picnic

Focus on writing


Teacher hands out several samples of emails and asks learners what they are about.

Note: There are three samples of emails in the handout and teacher can distribute them to learners according to their level.

Learners read the emails and discuss with their partners.


Ask learners to write an email following the structure of samples they have read.

Assessment criteria:

-writes his/her personal feelings

-has at least two paragraphs

-uses basic connectors as: and, but, or.


After learners have finished writing their emails, let them read and discuss them with their classmates. Learners should focus on some questions as

*how do my classmate spend his/her holidays?

*where is he/she planning to go for summer holidays?

*what places of interest did he/she visit?

Audio Track 1


PPT Slide 3

Handout 1


Handout 2


PPT Slides 5-7

PPT Slide 8



At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:

  • What was difficult on this lesson?

  • What was easy on this lesson?

PPT Slide 6

DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety rules

Teacher distributes samples of emails according to the level of learners.

Monitoring learners’ while doing different activities during the lesson and providing different types of feedback (on the sport or delayed).

Assessment criteria:

-writes his/her personal feelings

-has at least two paragraphs

-uses basic connectors as: and, but, or.

Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard

Everyday classroom precautions

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Writing an email about holidays

Автор: Кеужанова Багила Арыстанбековна

Дата: 12.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 485294

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