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Welcome to Our School Website! English Classes.

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English has become a world language. Many people speak and learn English.

Our class is divided into two groups and each group has its own teacher.

We usually learn new words in the lessons.

We sometimes write dictations and tests.

We read fairy tales, poems and stories in English

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«Welcome to Our School Website! English Classes. »

Welcome to Our School Website!

Welcome to Our School Website!

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  • English Classes.
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English Classes English has become a world  language. Many people speak and learn English.

English Classes

English has become a world language.

Many people speak and learn English.

Our class is divided into two groups and each group has its own teacher.

Our class is divided into two groups and each group has its own teacher.

We usually learn new words in the lessons.

We usually learn new words in the lessons.

We sometimes write dictations and tests.

We sometimes write dictations and tests.

We read fairy tales, poems and stories in English

We read fairy tales, poems and stories in English

We read the text about the famous British writer Joanne K. Rowling. She is the author of the Harry Potter books.

We read the text about the famous British writer Joanne K. Rowling. She is the author of the Harry Potter books.

We learnt a lot about London. London is the capital of Great Britain.

We learnt a lot about London. London is the capital of Great Britain.

English is one of my favorite subjects. Enjoy English!

English is one of my favorite subjects. Enjoy English!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Welcome to Our School Website! English Classes.

Автор: Антипова Екатерина

Дата: 19.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 220575

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