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The school has:

Section volleyball, basketball, football.

Additional education in computer science, mathematics, Russian.

Military-patriotic club «Виктория", where children are engaged in historical reconstructions.

Club “Лоскуток" - Working with fabrics and textile materials.

Vocal Ensemble “Капитошка’’.

         «Элегантная линия" - Paintings and Drawings Arts and crafts.

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«Welcome to Our School Website! Teachers and Students. »

School №800 Presentation by Gleb Roshchin. 5”a” class.

School №800

Presentation by Gleb Roshchin.

5”a” class.

School number 800 is located at the address: Moscow, Tolbukhina street 7, Building 3.     Year established school is 1949.    Director of our school is     Pometun N. B.

School number 800 is located at the address: Moscow, Tolbukhina street 7, Building 3.

Year established school is 1949.

Director of our school is

Pometun N. B.

Education in the school consists of 3 steps : Primary general education Basic education General secondary education    Learning foreign languages (English, optional: French, German) begins with the second class.

Education in the school consists of 3 steps :

  • Primary general education
  • Basic education
  • General secondary education

Learning foreign languages (English, optional: French, German) begins with the second class.

On the territory of the school there are:

On the territory of the school there are:

  • School Museum
  • playground
  • Computer class
  • library
School Museum   The school museum can learn about the history of the area, about the Great Patriotic War and about the school.

School Museum

The school museum can learn about the history of the area, about the Great Patriotic War and about the school.

Library In our school library a lot of interesting books, magazines. Students often visit this place.


In our school library a lot of interesting books, magazines. Students often visit this place.

Informatics cabinet Teacher - Elena Davidenko. There are a lot of good computers in the class. There are additional classes

Informatics cabinet

Teacher - Elena Davidenko. There are a lot of good computers in the class. There are additional classes "entertaining science" for all students in the school.

Our school has: Primary school teacher Марина Валентиновна Юлия Александровна Горшкова    Царицына   Ольга Ивановна Никулина    Татьяна Яковлевна Рубцова   Марина Александровна Ведешенкова   Ирина Константиновна Наркизова   Светлана Алексеевна Жужукина

Our school has:

Primary school teacher

Марина Валентиновна

Юлия Александровна Горшкова


Ольга Ивановна Никулина

Татьяна Яковлевна Рубцова

Марина Александровна Ведешенкова

Ирина Константиновна Наркизова

Светлана Алексеевна Жужукина

Teachers of English Наталья Александровна Кондратюк   Елена Анатольевна Филатова Teachers of Russian language and literature Евгения Леонидовна Артюхова    Татьяна Юрьевна Дурыгина

Teachers of English

Наталья Александровна Кондратюк Елена Анатольевна Филатова

Teachers of Russian language and literature

Евгения Леонидовна Артюхова Татьяна Юрьевна Дурыгина

Teachers of mathematics Федотова Екатерина Евгеньевна   Атлетова Мария Александровна   History teacher Сергей Вадимович Горшков

Teachers of mathematics

Федотова Екатерина Евгеньевна

Атлетова Мария Александровна

History teacher

Сергей Вадимович Горшков

Teacher of biology Teacher of technology     Ирина   Станиславовна    Власова    Александр Васильевич Алексенко    Teacher of biology physics and chemistry    Teacher of physical education   Сергей Екатерина Ивановна Юрьевич Мартынова   Аринченко

Teacher of biology

Teacher of technology


Станиславовна Власова

Александр Васильевич Алексенко

Teacher of biology

physics and chemistry

Teacher of physical education







Master of Fine Arts   Ольга Анатольевна Купцова    Music teacher   Елена Ивановна Кондрашова

Master of Fine Arts

Ольга Анатольевна Купцова

Music teacher

Елена Ивановна Кондрашова

The school has: Section volleyball, basketball, football. Additional education in computer science, mathematics, Russian. Military-patriotic club «Виктория

The school has:

Section volleyball, basketball, football.

Additional education in computer science, mathematics, Russian.

Military-patriotic club «Виктория", where children are engaged in historical reconstructions.

Club “Лоскуток" - Working with fabrics and textile materials.

Vocal Ensemble “Капитошка’’.

«Элегантная линия" - Paintings and Drawings Arts and crafts.

My class The 5A class have 24 students: 9 boys and 15 girls. The class teacher Konvdrashova E.I …

My class

The 5A class have 24 students: 9 boys and 15 girls.

The class teacher Konvdrashova E.I …

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Welcome to Our School Website! Teachers and Students.

Автор: Рощин Глеб

Дата: 19.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 220577

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