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Виды мобильных телефонов

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«Виды мобильных телефонов»

Types of modern mobile phones

Types of modern mobile phones

A smartphone It is well-known that a smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic feature phone. Smartphones and feature phones may be thought of as handheld computers integrated within а mobile telephone. But while being based on a specific platform  a smart phone allows the user to install and run more advanced applications than most feature phones. Smart phones run complete operating system software providing a platform for application developers.

A smartphone

It is well-known that a smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more

advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic feature phone. Smartphones and feature phones may be thought of as

handheld computers integrated within а mobile telephone. But while being based on a specific platform

a smart phone allows the user to install and run more

advanced applications than most feature phones. Smart phones run complete operating system software

providing a platform for application developers.

The first smartphone ıs said to be called Simon. It was designed by IBM and released to the public in 1993.  Besides being a mobile phone, it contained a calendar, address book, world clock, calculator, note pad, e-mail, Send and receive fax, and games. It had no physical buttons to dial with. Instead customers used a touch screen to select phone numbers with a finger or create facsimiles and memos  with an optional stylus. Text was entered with a unique  on–screen “predictive” keyboard. Manufacturers consider Nokia to launch the first color screen communicator model, which was the first true smart phone with an open operating system.

The first smartphone ıs said to be called Simon.

It was designed by IBM and released to the public in 1993.

Besides being a mobile phone, it contained a calendar, address book, world clock, calculator, note pad, e-mail,

Send and receive fax, and games. It had no physical buttons to dial with.

Instead customers used a touch screen to select phone numbers with a finger or create facsimiles and memos

with an optional stylus. Text was entered with a unique

on–screen “predictive” keyboard. Manufacturers consider Nokia to launch the first color screen communicator model, which was the first true smart phone with an open operating system.

А smart book A smart book is considered to be a concept of a mobile device that falls between smartphones and netbooks, delivering features usually found in smartphones (always on, all–day battery life, 3G connectivity, GPS) in a slightly larger device with a full keyboard. Smart books tend to de designed to work with online applications. A slightly larger device with a full keyboard. Smart books tend to de designed to work with online applications.

А smart book

A smart book is considered to be a concept of a mobile device that falls between smartphones and netbooks, delivering features usually found

in smartphones (always on, all–day battery life, 3G connectivity, GPS) in a slightly larger device with a full keyboard. Smart books tend to de designed to work with online applications.

A slightly larger device with a full keyboard. Smart books tend to de designed to work with online applications.

Blackberry is a line of mobile e–mull and smartphone devices developed and designed dy canadian company research ln motion (RIM) in 1996. Blackberry functions as а personal digital assistant (pda) wıth address Book, calendar, and to–do list capabilities.

Blackberry is a line of mobile e–mull and smartphone devices developed and designed dy canadian company research ln motion (RIM) in 1996.

Blackberry functions as а personal digital assistant (pda) wıth address

Book, calendar, and to–do list capabilities.

It also functions as a portable media player wıth support for music and video playback and video capabilities. Blackberry is primarily known for its ability to send and receive internet e-mail wherever mobile network service coverage is present, or through wi-fi connectivity. Blackberry is mainly a messaging phone with the largest array of messaging features in a smartphone today. This includes auto-text, auto-correct, text prediction, support for many languages, keyboard shortcuts, text emoticons, push e-mail, push facebook and myspace notifications, push instant messaging with blackberry messenger, and many other useful features. The first blackberry device was introduced in 1999 as a two-way pager. In 2002 the more commonly known smartphone blackberry was released, which supports push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, internet faxing, web browsing and other information services. It is an example of a convergent device.

It also functions as a portable media player wıth support for music and video playback and video capabilities. Blackberry is primarily known for its ability to send and receive internet e-mail wherever mobile network service coverage is present, or through wi-fi connectivity. Blackberry is mainly a messaging phone with the largest array of messaging features in a smartphone today. This includes auto-text, auto-correct, text prediction, support for many languages, keyboard shortcuts, text emoticons, push e-mail, push facebook and myspace notifications, push instant messaging with blackberry messenger, and many other useful features.

The first blackberry device was introduced in 1999 as a two-way pager. In 2002 the more commonly known smartphone blackberry was released, which supports push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, internet faxing, web browsing and other information services. It is an example of a convergent device.

Twitter Twıtter ıs known to be а social and microblogging service, owned and Operated by twıtter inc., That enables its users to send and read other users Messages called tweets. Tweets are text–based posts of up to 140 characters Displayed on the authors profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default, However senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list. Users may Subscribe to other author tweets, this is known as following, and subscribers Are known as followers. As of late 2009, users can follow lists of authors instead of following individual authors. All users can send and receive tweets via The twitter website, compatible external applications, or by short message Service (SMS) available in certain countries.


Twıtter ıs known to be а social and microblogging service, owned and

Operated by twıtter inc., That enables its users to send and read other users

Messages called tweets. Tweets are text–based posts of up to 140 characters

Displayed on the authors profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default,

However senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list. Users may

Subscribe to other author tweets, this is known as following, and subscribers

Are known as followers. As of late 2009, users can follow lists of authors instead of following individual authors. All users can send and receive tweets via

The twitter website, compatible external applications, or by short message Service (SMS) available in certain countries.

Since its creation in 2006 by jack dorsey, twitter has gained notability and popularity worldwide. It is sometimes described as the “SMS of the internet.” The use of twitter application programming interface (API) for sending and receiving SMS from other applications often dominates the direct use of twitters.

Since its creation in 2006 by jack dorsey, twitter has gained notability and popularity worldwide. It is sometimes described as the “SMS of the internet.” The use of twitter application programming interface (API) for sending and receiving SMS from other applications often dominates the direct use of twitters.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Виды мобильных телефонов

Автор: Дубовицкая Маргарита Владимировна

Дата: 22.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 486988

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