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Types of Films.

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Types of films

Romance comedy(Romcom)

Science fiction (ski-fi)

Horror (scary movie)


Animated film(animation)

Action/ thriller




The teacher asks pupils to look at the pictures of films and find out types are they refer to

While reading : I’ll give you words and you must give the definitions

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«Types of Films.»

Plan of the lesson Teacher : N.R. Argimbayeva Date : 17.07.19 Group: AT-18.6.1 Level : elementary

Plan of the lesson

Teacher : N.R. Argimbayeva

Date : 17.07.19

Group: AT-18.6.1

Level : elementary

The Aims of the lesson:   to form communicative skills in speaking, reading, listening and writing. to consolidate new language material on the theme, to develop critical thinking. To practice using sentences according to the theme “ Films” To give the students information about films

The Aims of the lesson:

to form communicative skills in speaking, reading, listening and writing.

to consolidate new language material on the theme, to develop critical thinking.

To practice using sentences according to the theme “ Films”

To give the students information about films

Objectives of the lesson:   To introduce new vocabulary To read the text To do exercises for consolidation of new theme To have discussion To cultivate the sentiment of respect for other countries Equipment of the lesson: textbook Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley “ON SCREEN”, Power Point Presentation, handouts.

Objectives of the lesson:

To introduce new vocabulary

To read the text

To do exercises for consolidation of new theme

To have discussion

To cultivate the sentiment of respect for other countries

Equipment of the lesson: textbook Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley “ON SCREEN”, Power Point Presentation, handouts.

Lesson procedure Time Content 1min Method and remarks  Greeting 4 min Good afternoon students. Brief overview of the lesson of today Teacher –student-students-teacher Glad to see you and hope that you are ready for the lesson. Mention the aims in practical terms How are you? How did you spend your weekend? What day is it today? What is the date today?  What was your home task?

Lesson procedure




Method and remarks


4 min

  • Good afternoon students.

Brief overview of the lesson of today

Teacher –student-students-teacher

Glad to see you and hope that you are ready for the lesson.

Mention the aims in practical terms

How are you? How did you spend your weekend? What day is it today?

What is the date today?

What was your home task?

25 min Revision .Students answer the questions: Communicative methods. Listen and discuss with your partner; read the text. (to develop critical thinking, reading, speaking skills) Do you like watch films? What is your favorite movie? Are there any kinds of movies you dislike? Do you usually watch movies at home or at cinema? Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? If yes, name it (or them)? What do you prefer going to the cinema or theatre? What kind of films do you know? What film companies do you know? Checking of the vocabulary

25 min

Revision .Students answer the questions:

Communicative methods. Listen and discuss with your partner; read the text. (to develop critical thinking, reading, speaking skills)

  • Do you like watch films?
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • Are there any kinds of movies you dislike?
  • Do you usually watch movies at home or at cinema?
  • Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? If yes, name it (or them)?
  • What do you prefer going to the cinema or theatre?
  • What kind of films do you know?
  • What film companies do you know?

Checking of the vocabulary

Teacher: Now we are going to revise our active vocabulary on the topic. Types of films Romance comedy(Romcom) Science fiction (ski-fi) Horror (scary movie) Documentary Animated film(animation) Action/ thriller Drama Comedy Adventure The teacher asks pupils to look at the pictures of films and find out types are they refer to While reading : I’ll give you words and you must give the definitions.

Teacher: Now we are going to revise our active vocabulary on the topic.

Types of films

Romance comedy(Romcom)

Science fiction (ski-fi)

Horror (scary movie)


Animated film(animation)

Action/ thriller




The teacher asks pupils to look at the pictures of films and find out types are they refer to

While reading : I’ll give you words and you must give the definitions.

Remarkable- amazing Lifeboat- a small boat for the rescue of passengers from a sinking ship Stay alive- to keep living Fierce- very aggressive Shipwreck – the destruction of a shipwhile sailing Sink- to move downward into the water High seas- the open waters of an ocean Survival- the ability to stay alive in difficult circumstances Leading role- the main character in a film
  • Remarkable- amazing
  • Lifeboat- a small boat for the rescue of passengers from a sinking ship
  • Stay alive- to keep living
  • Fierce- very aggressive
  • Shipwreck – the destruction of a shipwhile sailing
  • Sink- to move downward into the water
  • High seas- the open waters of an ocean
  • Survival- the ability to stay alive in difficult circumstances
  • Leading role- the main character in a film

Reading. Read the text and underline unknown words.

Next task : vocabularies exercises

15min Pre listening- Listening 4.2.Peter and Laura talking about their favorite types of films While listening- Listening 4.4. Listen and number the types of music in the order you hear them Students listen to the music and complete the gaps(to develop their listening, speaking skills) Post listening. Students , which types of music do/don’t you like?


Pre listening- Listening 4.2.Peter and Laura talking about their favorite types of films

While listening- Listening 4.4. Listen and number the types of music in the order you hear them

Students listen to the music and complete the gaps(to develop their listening, speaking skills)

Post listening. Students , which types of music do/don’t you like?

5min Conclusion Marks for the lesson Teacher gives home task and puts them marks  Now you have learnt some facts about theme Films. Are you ready to answer questions? What have you learnt from our lesson today? What words have you remembered? Reflection Home task. Home task will be write essay “My favorite film” Make up sentences using active vocabulary/grammar



Marks for the lesson

Teacher gives home task and puts them marks

Now you have learnt some facts about theme Films. Are you ready to answer questions? What have you learnt from our lesson today? What words have you remembered?


Home task. Home task will be write essay “My favorite film” Make up sentences using active vocabulary/grammar

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Types of Films.

Автор: Аргимбаева Нурлытан Ратмуханбетовна

Дата: 28.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 548237

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