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Traditions and customs of Kazakhstan

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PPP "Traditions and customs"

This presentation includes 10 slides which cover the whole lesson. First slide presents the objectives of the lesson. 2nd slide is like a warm-up: fill in the articles (you can revise the use of articles with geographical names).

next slides (3 - 8) present the main theme of the lesson and develop reading skills of your students. The 9th slide help you to check the detailed understanding of the previous reading "True \ False Facts". The last slide is the homework.

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«Traditions and customs of Kazakhstan »

The 19 th of February.  Traditions and customs objectives:

The 19 th of February. Traditions and customs


  • Tell about Kazakhstan
  • Study Kazakhstani traditions and customs.
  • Decide what is true or false about Kazakhstani traditions
  • Custom is a second nature.
Fill in the articles a \ an , the : 1. … United Kingdom includes … Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.  A) the/-/- B) the/-/the C) a/the/- D) -/the/the E) a/the/the 2. … Volga flows into … Caspian Sea. A) the/the B) the/- C) a/a D) a/the E) -/the 3. Does … Mark speak … Spanish? -/- B) a/- C) -/a D) a/a E) -/the 4. …Irtysh is one of…longest rivers in…Kazakhstan.  A) the/ the/ the B) -/ -/ -/ C) -/ the/ the D) the/ the/ - E) -/ the/ - 5. …Astana is…center of…political and…cultural life of…country. A) -/ the/ -/ -/ - B) -/ the/ the/ -/ the C) -/ the/ the/ the/ - D) -/ a/ the/ -/ - E ) -/ the / the / the / the  A A A D B

Fill in the articles a \ an , the :

1. … United Kingdom includes … Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.

A) the/-/- B) the/-/the C) a/the/- D) -/the/the E) a/the/the

2. … Volga flows into … Caspian Sea.

A) the/the B) the/- C) a/a D) a/the E) -/the

3. Does … Mark speak … Spanish?

  • -/- B) a/- C) -/a D) a/a E) -/the

4. …Irtysh is one of…longest rivers in…Kazakhstan.

A) the/ the/ the B) -/ -/ -/ C) -/ the/ the D) the/ the/ - E) -/ the/ -

5. …Astana is…center of…political and…cultural life of…country.

A) -/ the/ -/ -/ - B) -/ the/ the/ -/ the C) -/ the/ the/ the/ - D) -/ a/ the/ -/ - E ) -/ the / the / the / the






Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world, with a welcome just as wide. At over a million square miles, this country has it all! Mountains and glaciers, vast steppes and desert and over a hundred and twenty nationalities! The word “Kazakh” itself translates to “free, independent nomad.”
  • Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world, with a welcome just as wide. At over a million square miles, this country has it all! Mountains and glaciers, vast steppes and desert and over a hundred and twenty nationalities! The word “Kazakh” itself translates to “free, independent nomad.”
The Kazakh people have a long tradition of peace, tolerance and co-existence. Children learn hospitality and respect from a very young age, and this is reflected in the wonderful hospitality offered to all guests and travelers. If you visit a Kazakh household - whether or not you are expected - those present will stand up in greeting as you enter the door. You will be seated on the tor - the special guest seat and offered a cup of either kumiss or tea. It is considered extremely poor manners to disturb the weary or hungry guest, so the host often remains silent until you are refreshed ! Kazakhstan Hospitality

The Kazakh people have a long tradition of peace, tolerance and co-existence. Children learn hospitality and respect from a very young age, and this is reflected in the wonderful hospitality offered to all guests and travelers. If you visit a Kazakh household - whether or not you are expected - those present will stand up in greeting as you enter the door. You will be seated on the tor - the special guest seat and offered a cup of either kumiss or tea. It is considered extremely poor manners to disturb the weary or hungry guest, so the host often remains silent until you are refreshed !

Kazakhstan Hospitality

Suy і nsh і Guests are very often have to receive or give presents; in addition, there are often times, when gifts should be given in some special occasions according to the traditions. Some examples are given below: Suyіnshі - a custom according to which a traveller or any other person who brought home a good message (news) receives a valuable gift from the owners in gratitude. Sometimes before telling good news a person says ‘Suyunshi’ or ‘what would you give me for a Suyinshi?’, thus implying that he or she has something great to tell.

Suy і nsh і

  • Guests are very often have to receive or give presents; in addition, there are often times, when gifts should be given in some special occasions according to the traditions. Some examples are given below:
  • Suyіnshі - a custom according to which a traveller or any other person who brought home a good message (news) receives a valuable gift from the owners in gratitude. Sometimes before telling good news a person says ‘Suyunshi’ or ‘what would you give me for a Suyinshi?’, thus implying that he or she has something great to tell.

Asar \ Zhylu

Asar \ Zhylu

  • Helping each other has always been highly valued by Kazakhs and is very important in a Kazakh community. Therefore, there are a number of traditions, which are associated with mutual aid.
  • Asar - a family, which has to perform an urgent and sometimes a hard work, has a right to ask relatives, friends and neighbours for assistance. At the end of the work, a rich table is laid as a gratitude for those, who helped.
  • Zhylu - a tradition associated with the provision of material, moral and financial assistance to people affected by natural disasters (fire, flood, etc.). All supporters, not only relatives are entitled to help the victims. Many things can be given as donations - livestock, building materials, clothing, money, etc.
There are many traditions, connected with the birth of children and their upbringing, apparently play a very important role in many cultures. Kyrkynan shygaru – a ritual performed on the fortieth day after birth that includes bathing baby in 40 tablespoons of water, and the first haircut and nail cut and other rituals.  Tusau kesu - a day when the baby took his first steps the oldest and most respected people is invited to perform a ceremony of Tusau keser. Then he or she should cut the special ropes, beset baby's legs, in order to ensure that in future the kid could walk nicely and run fast.  Kyrkynan shygaru Tusau kesu

There are many traditions, connected with the birth of children and their upbringing, apparently play a very important role in many cultures.

  • Kyrkynan shygaru – a ritual performed on the fortieth day after birth that includes bathing baby in 40 tablespoons of water, and the first haircut and nail cut and other rituals. 
  • Tusau kesu - a day when the baby took his first steps the oldest and most respected people is invited to perform a ceremony of Tusau keser. Then he or she should cut the special ropes, beset baby's legs, in order to ensure that in future the kid could walk nicely and run fast.

Kyrkynan shygaru Tusau kesu

According to Kazakh custom, a wedding lasts 40 days, beginning with the matchmaking. The fiance's relatives act as matchmakers, bringing gifts to the bride's parents and asking for their consent to the marriage. Sometimes it is the bride who chooses whether to accept the offer, using diplomacy and tact to avoid an unhappy situation. Solemn ceremony of meeting the bride in the groom’s house is called kelіn tusіru. The main element of kelіn tysіru is a traditional performance of a song of instructions and wishes - Betashar.
  • According to Kazakh custom, a wedding lasts 40 days, beginning with the matchmaking. The fiance's relatives act as matchmakers, bringing gifts to the bride's parents and asking for their consent to the marriage. Sometimes it is the bride who chooses whether to accept the offer, using diplomacy and tact to avoid an unhappy situation.
  • Solemn ceremony of meeting the bride in the groom’s house is called kelіn tusіru. The main element of kelіn tysіru is a traditional performance of a song of instructions and wishes - Betashar.

Kazakhstan Weddings

True or False You may always get a cup of tea or kumiss when you visit Kazakh family. Children don’t learn hospitality from young age in Kazakhstan. When you tell someone important news in Kazakhstan you may get a present. During hard work nobody help each other in Kazakhstan. Zhylu is a special tradition of helping people in difficult situation. Betashar is a tradition connected with the first step of a child. There are no traditions connected with children. Kazakh wedding lasts 40 days. T F T F T F F T

True or False

  • You may always get a cup of tea or kumiss when you visit Kazakh family.
  • Children don’t learn hospitality from young age in Kazakhstan.
  • When you tell someone important news in Kazakhstan you may get a present.
  • During hard work nobody help each other in Kazakhstan.
  • Zhylu is a special tradition of helping people in difficult situation.
  • Betashar is a tradition connected with the first step of a child.
  • There are no traditions connected with children.
  • Kazakh wedding lasts 40 days.











  • Describe any Kazakh tradition you like.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Traditions and customs of Kazakhstan

Автор: Горжуй Людмила Николаевна

Дата: 26.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 227132

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