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The theme: A day in my life

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My name is Omar and I`m eleven. I come from Kazakhstan but I live in London now. I go to school. I get up at half past seven in the morning and I have breakfast at eight o`clock. School starts at nine and we have seven lessons every day. We learn English, French, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Art, Computer Studies and Home Economics. I like Maths and English but I don`t like History. Lunch is at one o`clock. I have lunch at school. In the afternoon we have lessons or sport. School finishes at a quarter to three. I go home. Before supper I read or play with my English friends. We have supper at seven o`clock and then I do my homework or watch TV. I go to bed at ten o`clock.

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«The theme: A day in my life»

The 24 th of December, Saturday  The theme: A day in my life 5 “B ” class

The 24 th of December, Saturday

The theme: A day in my life

5 “B ” class

I. Warm-up  Evening Morning Afternoon

I. Warm-up




II. Presentation of new text:  Omar`s day  My name is Omar and I`m eleven. I come from Kazakhstan but I live in London now. I go to school. I get up at half past seven in the morning and I have breakfast at eight o`clock. School starts at nine and we have seven lessons every day. We learn English, French, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Art, Computer Studies and Home Economics. I like Maths and English but I don`t like History. Lunch is at one o`clock. I have lunch at school. In the afternoon we have lessons or sport. School finishes at a quarter to three. I go home. Before supper I read or play with my English friends. We have supper at seven o`clock and then I do my homework or watch TV. I go to bed at ten o`clock.

II. Presentation of new text:

Omar`s day

My name is Omar and I`m eleven. I come from Kazakhstan but I live in London now. I go to school. I get up at half past seven in the morning and I have breakfast at eight o`clock. School starts at nine and we have seven lessons every day. We learn English, French, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Art, Computer Studies and Home Economics. I like Maths and English but I don`t like History. Lunch is at one o`clock. I have lunch at school. In the afternoon we have lessons or sport. School finishes at a quarter to three. I go home. Before supper I read or play with my English friends. We have supper at seven o`clock and then I do my homework or watch TV. I go to bed at ten o`clock.

III. Practice. Exercise 8, p. 95 Right ( ) or wrong (x)  Right () or wrong (x)

III. Practice.

Exercise 8, p. 95 Right ( ) or wrong (x)

Right () or wrong (x)

  • Omar is twelve years old. ………………………………
  • He lives in Astana now. ………………………………
  • He gets up at half past seven. ……………………………….
  • He has breakfast at half past eight. ……………………………….
  • He has lunch at one o`clock. ……………………………….
  • He has supper at six o`clock. ……………………………….
  • He has five lessons every day. ……………………………….
  • He goes to bed at nine o`clock. ……………………………….
  • School starts at ten o`clock in the morning………………………….
  • School finishes at three o`clock in the afternoon……………………
  • He likes English. ………………………………
Working in pairs: Exercise 9,p.95 Correct these sentences For example : Omar is twelve. No, he is eleven.

Working in pairs:

Exercise 9,p.95 Correct these sentences

For example : Omar is twelve. No, he is eleven.

  • Omar lives in Washington now.
  • He gets up at half past eight in the morning.
  • He has breakfast at nine o`clock.
  • He has lunch at twelve o`clock.
  • He has supper at six o`clock.
  • He has five lessons every day.
  • He likes History.
  • School starts at ten o`clock.
  • School finishes at two o`clock.
  • He goes to bed at eight o`clock.
Revision of grammar  Present Indefinite Tense Always Usually Often Sometimes Every day V s/es I speak We speak You speak You speak  They speak She speak s He speak s It eat s Do/does

Revision of grammar

Present Indefinite Tense





Every day

V s/es

I speak We speak

You speak You speak

They speak

She speak s

He speak s

It eat s


Making sentences :

Making sentences :

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

The theme: A day in my life

Автор: Talasbayeva Asel

Дата: 01.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 386495

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