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The symbols of the UK

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презентация  для 6 класса  "Символы  Великобритании"

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«The symbols of the UK»

The topic of the lesson:  The Symbols of the UK

The topic of the lesson:

The Symbols of the UK

The Symbols of THE Russian Federation: a tricolour flag  a golden two-headed eagle

The Symbols of THE Russian Federation:

a tricolour flag

a golden

two-headed eagle

The Symbols of  THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN: a tricolour flag  a winged snow leopard with the raised right forepaw


a tricolour flag

a winged snow leopard

with the raised

right forepaw

The SYMBOLS OF ENGLAND   The three national symbols of England are    St. George's cross    the red rose   and  the  Three Lions C rest .


The three national symbols of England are

St. George's cross

the red rose

and the Three Lions C rest .

THE SYMBOLS OF scotland    are    St. Andrew’s cross   the thistle



St. Andrew’s cross

the thistle

THE SYMBOLS OF northern ireland St Patrick’s Cross  This flag represents  Northern Ireland in the Union Flag . A shamrock

THE SYMBOLS OF northern ireland

St Patrick’s Cross

This flag represents

Northern Ireland in the Union Flag .

A shamrock

THE SYMBOLS OF wales  A red dragon  A daffodil  Leek


A red dragon

A daffodil


The placement  The emblem The capital The country The flag

The placement

The emblem

The capital

The country

The flag

Union Jack  …  is represented by … It is the ... cross on the … background.

Union Jack

is represented by …

It is the ... cross on the … background.

Your home task is to answer the question:  “Why is Wales not represented in the Union Jack”?  www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/

Your home task is to answer the question: “Why is Wales not represented in the Union Jack”? www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The symbols of the UK

Автор: Махмутова Эльвира Тагировна

Дата: 25.08.2021

Номер свидетельства: 585809

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