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The Nature Reserves of Kazakhstan

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 Презентация содержит информацию о самых крупных природных заповедниках Казахстана

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«The Nature Reserves of Kazakhstan»

The Biggest reserves in Kazakhstan

The Biggest reserves in Kazakhstan

Aksu Zhabagyly

Aksu Zhabagyly

The Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve is located at the western ridge of the Talasski Alatau in the Western Tien Shan  The reserve was opened in 1926 and It was the first nature reserve created in Central Asia and Kazakhstan  There are many species of flora, 57 of them registered in the Red Book of Kazakhstan including the Greig's Tulip (the symbol of the reserve). There are also 238 species of birds and 42 species of mammals; including many endangered ones (berkut, black stork, blue bird, brown bear, arkhar, paradise flycatcher, snow leopard, Central Asian lynx and others).

The Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve is located at the western ridge of the Talasski Alatau in the Western Tien Shan

The reserve was opened in 1926 and It was the first nature reserve created in Central Asia and Kazakhstan

There are many species of flora, 57 of them registered in the Red Book of Kazakhstan including the Greig's Tulip (the symbol of the reserve). There are also 238 species of birds and 42 species of mammals; including many endangered ones (berkut, black stork, blue bird, brown bear, arkhar, paradise flycatcher, snow leopard, Central Asian lynx and others).



The Naurzum Nature Reserve is located on the territory of the Naurzum and Semiozyorski regions of Kostanay. It was opened in 1931.  The most graceful animals of the reserve are elks and roe deers  Also the reserve famous for  the beauty of the Naurzum Coniferous Forest

The Naurzum Nature Reserve is located on the territory of the Naurzum and Semiozyorski regions of Kostanay. It was opened in 1931.

The most graceful animals of the reserve are elks and roe deers

Also the reserve famous for  the beauty of the Naurzum Coniferous Forest



Markakolskiy Reserve is located in Eastern Kazakhstan near lake Markakol. It was opened in 1976.  The flora are rich in herbs and rare medicinal plants (golden and maral root,bergenia and others). The fauna of the reserve is rich and diverse. There are brown bear, elk, foxes, lynx, marals (Siberian deer), gluttons, sable, weasel, falcon, blackcock, red wolf, black stork, silvery seagull and many others.

Markakolskiy Reserve is located in Eastern Kazakhstan near lake Markakol. It was opened in 1976.

The flora are rich in herbs and rare medicinal plants (golden and maral root,bergenia and others). The fauna of the reserve is rich and diverse. There are brown bear, elk, foxes, lynx, marals (Siberian deer), gluttons, sable, weasel, falcon, blackcock, red wolf, black stork, silvery seagull and many others.



The Almaty reserve is located at the ridge of the Ile Alatau in Almaty region. It was opened in 1931.  The fauna is diverse and rich . There are argali, gazelle, pheasant, red deer, roe deer, brown bear, lynx, snow leopard, black grouse, grouse, snow cock, blue bird, woodpecker.  The reserve is growing more than 1300 species of plants, including 112 species of trees and shrubs.

The Almaty reserve is located at the ridge of the Ile Alatau in Almaty region. It was opened in 1931.

The fauna is diverse and rich . There are argali, gazelle, pheasant, red deer, roe deer, brown bear, lynx, snow leopard, black grouse, grouse, snow cock, blue bird, woodpecker.

The reserve is growing more than 1300 species of plants, including 112 species of trees and shrubs.



The Usturt reserve is located on the Ustyurt Plateau and stretching across Mangistau region from south to north. It was opened in 1984.  The reserve is a habitat for many rare animals, including: Ustyurt moufflon, saiga, jeiran, jackal, fox, hedgehog, pole cat and others

The Usturt reserve is located on the Ustyurt Plateau and stretching across Mangistau region from south to north. It was opened in 1984.

The reserve is a habitat for many rare animals, including: Ustyurt moufflon, saiga, jeiran, jackal, fox, hedgehog, pole cat and others



In the very heart of Kazakhstan, 160 km northwest of Astana. It was opened in 1968.  The reserve has about 350 kinds of plants  The fauna includes some 82 types of birds, 33 of which are included in the

In the very heart of Kazakhstan, 160 km northwest of Astana. It was opened in 1968.

The reserve has about 350 kinds of plants

The fauna includes some 82 types of birds, 33 of which are included in the "Red Book"; they are the black lark, great bustard, crane, steppe windhover and pink flamingo.



The Barsakelmes reserve is located in Aral region. It was opened in 1939.  The reserve's flora includes 278 species of wormwood, quinoa Pratova, tulip Borshchov. From mammals to rare and endangered species are the gazelle, Turkmen Kulan, Saiga, rare pygmy jerboa, hedgehog.

The Barsakelmes reserve is located in Aral region. It was opened in 1939.

The reserve's flora includes 278 species of wormwood, quinoa Pratova, tulip Borshchov. From mammals to rare and endangered species are the gazelle, Turkmen Kulan, Saiga, rare pygmy jerboa, hedgehog.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The Nature Reserves of Kazakhstan

Автор: Аширбекова Айгерим Кайратовна

Дата: 16.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 415981

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