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№104 им.Е.Юсупова

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Theme:    “The Environmental protection in Kazakhstan”

Aims: 1. To enrich the students` know ledge about the lesson.

2. to develop the students` reading writing, thinking and creative  abilities.

3. To bring up pupils:  a) to become environmentally educated persons; b) to take care of living thing.


Methods of the lesson:   interactive, communicative approach.

Type of the lesson: introductory

Equipment: cards, computer, presentation.

  1. Org. moment.
  1. Greeting

-Good morning children!

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

      b)  Asking the dates.

            - What date is it today?

             - What day is it today?

            - What season is it now?

II.  Video rollick  “The Environment”

- What do you see in the video?

- What can you say about it?

- Look at the black board and what can you say about this table.

                                          What’s mean the “Environment”?


Wild life








IV. What was your home-work for today?

  • Our homework was for today to prepare the presentation about Flora and Fauna and ecological problems.

Read and translate the text “The Environment”

V. Lexical words.





Factory fumes-



Clean up-

Pick up-

Cut dawn-


VI. Read the text “The Environment”

VII. The most important questions:

  1. What do you think about when we say “The world around us”?
  2. Why does this problem worry the people of the world?
  3. How many nature reserves do you know?

Which are they?

VIII. Inviting “The Minister of Ecology of our country”?

Teenagers want give some questions for you.

  1. Why our world, our city, our town at last time is very dirty?
  2. In our town teenagers need more places to go, we need more clubs and other places where we can meet. Teenagers won’t cause problems in the street if there are more places for us to go to and what can you say about it?
  3. The oil company works in Atyrau region. Oil brings them a lot of profit. What can you think about it?

IX. Волшебные звуки природы. (видео ролик)

X. Seven facts about water.

XI. What we should                             and                            what we shouldn’t.

-we should keep the country tidy.

     -we shouldn’t use cars a lot

-we should water flowers.-we shouldn’tthrow litter into the streets.

XII. Test.


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«№104 им.Е.Юсупова»

Theme: “The Environment”

Aims: 1. To enrich the students` know ledge about the lesson.

2. to develop the students` reading writing, thinking and creative abilities.

3. To bring up pupils: a) to become environmentally educated persons; b) to take care of living thing.


Methods of the lesson: interactive, communicative approach.

Type of the lesson: introductory

Equipment: cards, computer, presentation.

  1. Org. moment.

  1. Greeting

-Good morning children!

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

b) Asking the dates.

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- What season is it now?

II. Video rollick “The Environment”

- What do you see in the video?

- What can you say about it?

- Look at the black board and what can you say about this table.

What’s mean the “Environment”?



Wild life







IV. What was your home-work for today?

  • Our homework was for today to prepare the presentation about Flora and Fauna and ecological problems.

Read and translate the text “The Environment”

V. Lexical words.





Factory fumes-



Clean up-

Pick up-

Cut dawn-


VI. Read the text “The Environment”

VII. The most important questions:

  1. What do you think about when we say “The world around us”?

  2. Why does this problem worry the people of the world?

  3. How many nature reserves do you know?

Which are they?

VIII. Inviting “The Minister of Ecology of our country”?

Teenagers want give some questions for you.

  1. Why our world, our city, our town at last time is very dirty?

  2. In our town teenagers need more places to go, we need more clubs and other places where we can meet. Teenagers won’t cause problems in the street if there are more places for us to go to and what can you say about it?

  3. The oil company works in Atyrau region. Oil brings them a lot of profit. What can you think about it?

IX. Волшебные звуки природы. (видео ролик)

X. Seven facts about water.

XI. What we should and what we shouldn’t.

-we should keep the country tidy.

-we shouldn’t use cars a lot

-we should water flowers. -we shouldn’t throw litter into the streets.

XII. Test.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

№104 им.Е.Юсупова

Автор: Шаполатова Мавлуда Тураббаевна

Дата: 12.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 265436

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