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The city of my dream

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«The city of my dream»

Paris The city of my dream


The city of my dream

There are many wonderful cities in the world that I’d like to see. However, my long time dream is to visit the French capital. That’s why Paris is the city of my dream and my developed imagination. 
  • There are many wonderful cities in the world that I’d like to see. However, my long time dream is to visit the French capital. That’s why Paris is the city of my dream and my developed imagination. 
As a child I wanted to visit just Disneyland. I saw wonderful pictures from the biggest (in my opinion) entertainment part in the world —  Disneyland .
  • As a child I wanted to visit just Disneyland. I saw wonderful pictures from the biggest (in my opinion) entertainment part in the world —  Disneyland .
I think I would be the happiest person in the world if I visited Paris. I would like to see the  Eiffel Tower . Hope it would be fantastic. In Paris there are so many interesting places to visit: the Louvre ,  Notre Dame de Paris , the  Elysian Fields  and many others. I would like to take a walk up and down Paris streets.
  • I think I would be the happiest person in the world if I visited Paris. I would like to see the  Eiffel Tower . Hope it would be fantastic. In Paris there are so many interesting places to visit: the LouvreNotre Dame de Paris , the  Elysian Fields  and many others. I would like to take a walk up and down Paris streets.
Paris is my passion. I’d like to live out my dream.  I’d be very happy if my dream came true.
  • Paris is my passion. I’d like to live out my dream.  I’d be very happy if my dream came true.
The end))

The end))

  • Thanks for watching))

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

The city of my dream

Автор: Машина Ольга Валерьевна

Дата: 08.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 526203

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