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Dream vacation 9th form.

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The plan of the lesson 9th form. III term.

Date: 9.01.2016

Theme: Dream vacation.

The aims: О?ушыларды демалыс туралы ??гімелеуге, ойын айта білуге ?йрету. Жа?а с?здермен таныстыру, о?у, жазу, с?йлеу да?дыларын дамыту. ?з ойын еркін айту?а, бір-бірін ??рметтеуге т?рбиелеу.

The type of the lesson: new lesson

Visual aids: Interactive board, books, dictionaries etc.

  1. Organizational moment.
  1. Greeting.
  2. Phonetic drill.


You’ll find stories of every kind

You’ll find emotions of every type

You’ll see, you’ll feel

You’ll know secrets and mysteries.


  1. New words.
  • Dream – армандау
  • Vacation – демалыс
  • Famous – ата?ты
  • Important – ма?ызды
  • Tower – м?нара
  • Statue of Liberty – бостанды? м?сіні (статуя свободы)
  • Hermitage [h?rmitidз] – Эрмитаж
  • Maybe - м?мкін


  1. Explaining of new theme.

The theme of the lesson is “Dream vacation”. Today we will talk about how we spend our vacation and about famous places of the world.


  1. Doing exercises.

Ex. 1, page 114. Think of your dream vacation: what kind of places will you visit? Who will you go with?


      Omar: I will visit Venice, it’s in Italy. I will take my mother because I love her and know that her dream is to see this unusual city.

      Asel: I think I will visit to St. Petersburg. I wish to see its famous museum Hermitage. Who shall I take with me? I can take Marina. She is a good friend and we like spending our free time together.


Ex. 2. Read. Dream vacation.


   When I go on my dream vacation I am going to fly all over the world. I will mainly see large cities. Maybe I will begin my trip in New York. There I hope to see the Statue of Liberty.

    Then I’m going to fly to Paris. Probably I will see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral. I’m also going to eat croissants.

    Next I will travel to Rio-de-Janeiro and Cairo. In Rio I will definitely learn to dance samba. When I go to Cairo I will see the Nile River. Maybe I will see the Pyramids at Giza.

     Then I am going to fly – to Melbroune, but probably I will stay only a few days in the city. I want to travel in the country and see the special animals like kangaroos and Koala bears. Then I am going to fly to Tokyo. I hope to see the traditional city of Koyoto. Maybe I will try on a kimano there

      My last country will be Kazakhstan because thisis where I live. I will be happy to be home again because “ East or West home is best!”

Ex. 3. True or False.

  1. Kuralai is going to visit the most important cities of the world.
  2. In Cairo Kuralai going to dance samba.
  3. She wants to stay in Melbroune for a long time.
  4. She dreams  to see the animals that doesn’t usually see in her country.
  5. Her last country will be Kazakhstan because she will be tired.

Ex. 4. What is Kuralai going to see or to do in these cities?

  1. New York – Statue of Liberty
  2. Paris – Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral
  3. Rio-de-Janeiro – dance samba
  4. Cairo – Pyramids at Giza, Nile River.
  5. Kyoto – try on a kimono

  Make sentences.

Example: In a New York she is going to see the Statue of Liberty.

Ex. 6 Number these countries according to Kuralai’s plan. (Ex. 2)

  1. Conclusion
  1. Giving the marks
  2. Giving the home task.

       Exercise 7, page 116.

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«Dream vacation 9th form.»

The plan of the lesson 9th form. III term.

Date: 9.01.2016

Theme: Dream vacation.

The aims: Оқушыларды демалыс туралы әңгімелеуге, ойын айта білуге үйрету. Жаңа сөздермен таныстыру, оқу, жазу , сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту. Өз ойын еркін айтуға, бір-бірін құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу.

The type of the lesson: new lesson

Visual aids: Interactive board, books, dictionaries etc.

  1. Organizational moment.

  1. Greeting.

  2. Phonetic drill.


You’ll find stories of every kind

You’ll find emotions of every type

You’ll see, you’ll feel

You’ll know secrets and mysteries.

  1. New words.

  • Dream – армандау

  • Vacation – демалыс

  • Famous – атақты

  • Important – маңызды

  • Tower – мұнара

  • Statue of Liberty – бостандық мүсіні (статуя свободы)

  • Hermitage [hәrmitidз] – Эрмитаж

  • Maybe - мүмкін

  1. Explaining of new theme.

The theme of the lesson is “Dream vacation”. Today we will talk about how we spend our vacation and about famous places of the world.

  1. Doing exercises.

Ex. 1, page 114. Think of your dream vacation: what kind of places will you visit? Who will you go with?

Omar: I will visit Venice, it’s in Italy. I will take my mother because I love her and know that her dream is to see this unusual city.

Asel: I think I will visit to St. Petersburg. I wish to see its famous museum Hermitage. Who shall I take with me? I can take Marina. She is a good friend and we like spending our free time together.

Ex. 2. Read. Dream vacation.


When I go on my dream vacation I am going to fly all over the world. I will mainly see large cities. Maybe I will begin my trip in New York. There I hope to see the Statue of Liberty.

Then I’m going to fly to Paris. Probably I will see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral. I’m also going to eat croissants.

Next I will travel to Rio-de-Janeiro and Cairo. In Rio I will definitely learn to dance samba. When I go to Cairo I will see the Nile River. Maybe I will see the Pyramids at Giza.

Then I am going to fly – to Melbroune, but probably I will stay only a few days in the city. I want to travel in the country and see the special animals like kangaroos and Koala bears. Then I am going to fly to Tokyo. I hope to see the traditional city of Koyoto. Maybe I will try on a kimano there

My last country will be Kazakhstan because thisis where I live. I will be happy to be home again because “ East or West home is best!”

Ex. 3. True or False.

  1. Kuralai is going to visit the most important cities of the world.

  2. In Cairo Kuralai going to dance samba.

  3. She wants to stay in Melbroune for a long time.

  4. She dreams to see the animals that doesn’t usually see in her country.

  5. Her last country will be Kazakhstan because she will be tired.

Ex. 4. What is Kuralai going to see or to do in these cities?

  1. New York – Statue of Liberty

  2. Paris – Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral

  3. Rio-de-Janeiro – dance samba

  4. Cairo – Pyramids at Giza, Nile River.

  5. Kyoto – try on a kimono

Make sentences.

Example: In a New York she is going to see the Statue of Liberty.

Ex. 6 Number these countries according to Kuralai’s plan. (Ex. 2)

  1. Conclusion

  1. Giving the marks

  2. Giving the home task.

Exercise 7, page 116.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Dream vacation 9th form.

Автор: Шайхина Ансаган Кайыркеновна

Дата: 04.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 302312

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