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The Theme Sports and games. Winter sports.

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To enlarge pupils

Knowledge on the theme.

Тo develop pupils and

Habits in speech.

To evoke interests in English

Sport and its background

The method of the lesson:  

Question – answer,

Pair –work, group work.

The form of the lesson:        


Visual aids :                        

Interactive desk, poster, map.  

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«The Theme Sports and games. Winter sports.»

Тhe aims: Educational To enlarge pupils Knowledge on the theme . Т o develop pupils and Habi t s in speech . To evoke interests in English Sport and its background The method of the lesson :  Question – answer , Pair –work , group work. T he form of the lesson :   Combined . Visual aids : Interactive desk, poster, map .

Тhe aims: Educational

To enlarge pupils

Knowledge on the theme .

Т o develop pupils and

Habi t s in speech .

To evoke interests in English

Sport and its background

The method of the lesson :

Question – answer ,

Pair –work , group work.

T he form of the lesson :

Combined .

Visual aids :

Interactive desk, poster, map .

І Org moment. ІІ Checking up homework. ІІІ Presentation of new lesson . ІҮ In t rodu sing the new words Ү Guesnion answer ҮІ. Make up words . ҮІІ The best topic. ҮІІІ Сomplete the sen tense s ІХ A Game «Who is guicker» Х Time for riddles. ХІ Сonclusion. ХІІ Giving home work

І Org moment.

ІІ Checking up homework.

ІІІ Presentation of new lesson .

ІҮ In t rodu sing the new words

Ү Guesnion answer

ҮІ. Make up words .

ҮІІ The best topic.

ҮІІІ Сomplete the sen tense s

ІХ A Game «Who is guicker»

Х Time for riddles.

ХІ Сonclusion.

ХІІ Giving home work

Lesson structure    І Org moment   Good morning, Good morning       Good morning to you      Good morning, Good morning       We glad no see you Introdusing pupils with the aims .  And the theme of the lesson Sport and Games and winter sport . ІІ Checking up the ho mework What was your hometask for today Ex1p23 Answer the guestion , and show on the map Lets Check up the hometask. What are the highest mountains in your country  The highest mountains in Kazakhstan are Tien Shan And Altai mountains Have you ever been to the mountains for a holiday Yes I have been to the mountains for a holiday. I was at two brothers Alatau Akhtau. 3)What kind of leisure activities can People do in mountain areas People can ski climb snowboard

Lesson structure

І Org moment Good morning, Good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning, Good morning

We glad no see you

Introdusing pupils with the aims .

And the theme of the lesson Sport and

Games and winter sport .

ІІ Checking up the ho mework

What was your hometask for today

Ex1p23 Answer the guestion , and show on the map

Lets Check up the hometask.

  • What are the highest mountains in your country

The highest mountains in Kazakhstan are Tien Shan

And Altai mountains

  • Have you ever been to the mountains

for a holiday Yes I have been to the mountains for a holiday. I was at two brothers Alatau Akhtau.

3)What kind of leisure activities can

People do in mountain areas

People can ski climb snowboard

III Presentation of new lesson The theme of the lesson is Sports and Games. Winter sports We will speak about Different kinds of sports and games the role at sport in our life and about famous sports men in Kazakhstan. Winter sports summer sports water sports The kinds of sports and games. Outdoor sports Indoor sports Individual  sports team sports

III Presentation of new lesson

The theme of the lesson is Sports and Games.

Winter sports

We will speak about Different kinds of sports and games the role at sport in our life and about famous sports men in Kazakhstan.







The kinds of

sports and games.









There are famous sportsmen of Kazakhstan look at the poster. What sports are they famous for. Our president likes sports too and  he is interested in many sports

There are famous sportsmen of Kazakhstan

look at the poster. What sports are they famous for.

Our president likes sports too and

he is interested in many sports

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cccccccc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



IV Introducing the new words look at the slides. Winter sports read new words copy them in your vocabulary and repeat after me. Cross country – шаңғы жарысы Alpine skiing – жылдамдықпен шаңғымен сырғанау Ice – skating – коньки тебу . Ski jumping – трамплиннен шаңғымен сырғанау Snowboarding - сноубордта сырғанау Sledjing – шанамен сырғанау Extreme skiing - шаңғымен қауіпті сырғанау Ice – skating – мәнерлеп сырғанау Ice – hockey - хоккей

IV Introducing the new words look at the slides. Winter sports read new words copy them in your vocabulary and repeat after me.

Cross country – шаңғы жарысы

Alpine skiing – жылдамдықпен шаңғымен сырғанау

Ice – skating – коньки тебу .

Ski jumping – трамплиннен шаңғымен сырғанау

Snowboarding - сноубордта сырғанау

Sledjing – шанамен сырғанау

Extreme skiing - шаңғымен қауіпті сырғанау

Ice – skating – мәнерлеп сырғанау

Ice – hockey - хоккей

1. Are winter sports popular in your country? Which ones? 2. Which winter sports do you like watching on TV? 3. Where were Olympic Games 4. What medals did our sportsmen win 5. Who are they and what kind of sport were? velotreck A.Vinakurov. weight lifter Z.Chinshanlo for women. Maya Maneza Svetlana Podabedova weightlifter Ilya Ilyn the runner Olga Rypakova the boxing S.Sapiev the boxing A.Niazimbetov the boxing Anzhuren Tanatarov wresting Ivan Dichiko. Danial Gadjiev wrestling Marina Volnova boxer Guzel Manurova

1. Are winter sports popular in your country? Which ones?

2. Which winter sports do you like watching on TV?

3. Where were Olympic Games

4. What medals did our sportsmen win

5. Who are they and what kind of sport were?

velotreck A.Vinakurov.

weight lifter Z.Chinshanlo for women. Maya Maneza Svetlana Podabedova

weightlifter Ilya Ilyn

the runner Olga Rypakova

the boxing S.Sapiev

the boxing A.Niazimbetov

the boxing Anzhuren Tanatarov

wresting Ivan Dichiko. Danial Gadjiev

wrestling Marina Volnova

boxer Guzel Manurova

VI Make up words Snitne – naest – Otabfblo – flog – Iskngi – ochyke -

VI Make up words

Snitne – naest –

Otabfblo – flog –

Iskngi – ochyke -

Sports verbs



1.This is an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. You need a ball, two goals and a referee. 2.This is an indoor game for two players.  You need a special table,  a racket for each player and a small white ball made of plastic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.This is an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. You need a ball, two goals and a referee.

2.This is an indoor game for two players. You need a special table, a racket for each player and a small white ball made of plastic


Get up early and go to bed early to keep feet. Take regular exercises. Never smoke to keep fit. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables to keep fit.
  • Get up early and go to bed early to keep feet.
  • Take regular exercises.
  • Never smoke to keep fit.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables to keep fit.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

The Theme Sports and games. Winter sports.

Автор: Калышева Ляззат Пердебаевна

Дата: 14.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 252848

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