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The theme of the lesson: When is your birthday?

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The theme of the lesson: When  is  your birthday?   

1.The aim of the lesson:

2.Educational: To consolidate  lexical stock, to teach to express own opinions, to enrich pupils vocabulary, to teach Grammar.

3.Developing: To develop the pupils habits of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

4.Bringing – up: To bring up them to respect the opinions of their classmates about the professions.

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«The theme of the lesson: When is your birthday?»

КГУ « Средняя общеобразовательная школа №12» The theme of the lesson: When is your birthday?   Done by: Nuraliyeva A.G.     Aktau 2016

КГУ « Средняя общеобразовательная школа №12»

The theme of the lesson:

When is your birthday?

Done by: Nuraliyeva A.G.

Aktau 2016

The aim of the lesson: Educational:  To consolidate lexical stock, to teach to express own opinions, to enrich pupils vocabulary, to teach Grammar. Developing:  To develop the pupils habits of reading, writing, speaking and listening . Bringing – up:  To bring up them to respect the opinions of their classmates about the professions.
  • The aim of the lesson:
  • Educational: To consolidate lexical stock, to teach to express own opinions, to enrich pupils vocabulary, to teach Grammar.
  • Developing: To develop the pupils habits of reading, writing, speaking and listening .
  • Bringing – up: To bring up them to respect the opinions of their classmates about the professions.

Objectives :  at the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

Objectives : at the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

  • talk about the seasons and ordinal numerals .
  • use thematically vocabulary in oral speech.
  • develop their speaking and listening skills.
  • evaluate their own participation at the lesson.
  • use the Present Simple tense in their speech.
The plan of the lesson: Organization moment. Phonetic drill. Check up homework. Presentation of the new theme. Doing exercises. Home task. Putting marks. Conclusion.

The plan of the lesson:

Organization moment.

Phonetic drill.

Check up homework.

Presentation of the new theme.

Doing exercises.

Home task.

Putting marks.


The procedure of the lesson: Organization moment
  • The procedure of the lesson:
  • Organization moment

T – P T →P 1 P 2 P 3

Good morning, children!

T: Who is on duty today?

D: I am on duty today.

T: Who is absent today?

D: All are present today.

T: What season is it now?

P1: It’s autumn.

T: What date is it today?

P2: Today is the 28 th of November.

T: What month is it?

P3: It’s November.

T: What day is it today?

P4: Today is Wednesday.

II. Warm – up:  Dear  children! Let’s begin our lesson with the warm – up.       We have eyes      We can see.    We have ears       We can hear.   We have mouth     We can eat.               We have feet       We can walk.

II. Warm – up:

Dear children! Let’s begin our lesson with the warm – up. We have eyes We can see.

We have ears We can hear.

We have mouth

We can eat. We have feet We can walk.

Checking the homework
  • Checking the homework

Prepositions of places:

V. Presentation of the new theme.     winter  autumn spring       summer  The seasons of the year

V. Presentation of the new theme.


autumn spring


The seasons of the year

December January February December January February

December January February

December January February

June July August

June July August

March April May

March April May

September October November

September October November

Spring is green,    Summer is bright,    Autumn is yellow    And winter is white. 

Spring is green, 

Summer is bright, 

Autumn is yellow 

And winter is white. 

1. Name the seasons of the year. 2. Name the winter months. 3. Name the spring months.  4. Name the summer months.  5.Name the autumn months.

1. Name the seasons of the year.

2. Name the winter months.

3. Name the spring months.

4. Name the summer months.

5.Name the autumn months.

Ordinal numbers 1  one  the 1 st the first 2  two  the 2 nd the second 3  three  the 3 rd  the third 4  four  the 4 th the four th 5  five  the 5 th the fif th 6  six  the 6 th the six th 7  seven  the 7 th the seven th 8  eight  the 8 th the eigh th 9  nine  the 9 th the nin th 10  ten  the 10 th  the ten th 11  eleven  the 11 th the eleven th 12 twelve the 12 th  the twelf th

Ordinal numbers

1 one the 1 st the first

2 two the 2 nd the second

3 three the 3 rd the third

4 four the 4 th the four th

5 five the 5 th the fif th

6 six the 6 th the six th

7 seven the 7 th the seven th

8 eight the 8 th the eigh th

9 nine the 9 th the nin th

10 ten the 10 th the ten th

11 eleven the 11 th the eleven th

12 twelve the 12 th the twelf th

13 thirteen the 13 th  the thirteen th 14 fourteen the 14 th  the fourteen th 15 fifteen the 15 th the fifteen th 16 sixteen the 16 th the sixteen th 17seventeen the 17 th the seventeen th 18 eighteen the 18 th the eighteen th 19 nineteen the 19 th the nineteen th 20 twenty the 20 th the twentie th

13 thirteen the 13 th the thirteen th

14 fourteen the 14 th the fourteen th

15 fifteen the 15 th the fifteen th

16 sixteen the 16 th the sixteen th

17seventeen the 17 th the seventeen th

18 eighteen the 18 th the eighteen th

19 nineteen the 19 th the nineteen th

20 twenty the 20 th the twentie th

Ordinal numbers the + num + - th  Eight – Twelve – Four – Three – Two – One – Nine – Ten – Seven - Five - Eleven - four – the fourth one – the first ten – the tenth five – the fifth twelve – the twelfth two – the second  nine – the ninth six – the six eleven – the eleventh eight – the eighth three – the third seven – the seventh There is a number for each of you on your desks. Answer my questions, please.

Ordinal numbers

the + num + - th

Eight –

Twelve –

Four –

Three –

Two –

One –

Nine –

Ten –

Seven -

Five -

Eleven -

  • four – the fourth
  • one – the first
  • ten – the tenth
  • five – the fifth
  • twelve – the twelfth
  • two – the second

nine – the ninth

six – the six

eleven – the eleventh

eight – the eighth

three – the third

seven – the seventh

There is a number for each of you on your desks.

Answer my questions, please.

Write the ordinal numbers . • One – ________________ • Six – __________________ • Five – __ _______________ • Nine – _________________ • Ten – ________________ • Twenty –two -________________

Write the ordinal numbers .

One – ________________

Six – __________________

Five – __ _______________

Nine – _________________

Ten – ________________

Twenty –two -________________

Read and Remember! after – после before – до Read Exercise 6, page 79 What month is it after January ? -It’s February .  -What month is it before July ? -It’s June.

Read and Remember!

after после

before до

Read Exercise 6, page 79

What month is it after January ?

-It’s February .

-What month is it before July ?

-It’s June.

IX. Let’s check how you remembered the words and expressions . ex15,p79 Answer the questions. а) — What month is it now? — It's____________now. b) __What month is it after March? __ It’s _______________ . c) __What month is it before December? ___It’s ______________ . b) — What season is it now? — It's____________now. c) — What day is it today? — It's____________today. d) — What date is it today? — It's_____________

IX. Let’s check how you remembered the words and expressions .


Answer the questions.

а) — What month is it now?

— It's____________now.

b) __What month is it after March?

__ It’s _______________ .

c) __What month is it before December?

___It’s ______________ .

b) — What season is it now?

— It's____________now.

c) — What day is it today?

— It's____________today.

d) — What date is it today?

— It's_____________

Now I see you can answer my questions. X. We conclude our lesson through test. Test 1. Underline the cardinal numeral . 5) 5 1) 2 a) five b) fifteen c) the fifth a) the second b) two c) twelve 2) 8 a) the eighth b) eight c) eighty 4) 3 a) the third b) three c) thirty 3) 4 6) 20 a) four a) twelve b) the fourth b) the twentieth c) forty c) twenty

Now I see you can answer my questions.

X. We conclude our lesson through test.

Test 1. Underline the cardinal numeral .

5) 5

1) 2

a) five

b) fifteen

c) the fifth

a) the second

b) two

c) twelve

2) 8

a) the eighth

b) eight

c) eighty

4) 3

a) the third

b) three

c) thirty

3) 4

6) 20

a) four

a) twelve

b) the fourth

b) the twentieth

c) forty

c) twenty

I) Translate ordinal numerals. 1 )1-ый;  2) 2-ой; 3) 3-ий; 4) 4-ый; 5) 5-ый; 6) 9-ый;  7) 15-ый;

I) Translate ordinal numerals.

1 )1-ый;

2) 2-ой;

3) 3-ий;

4) 4-ый;

5) 5-ый;

6) 9-ый;

7) 15-ый;

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

The theme of the lesson: When is your birthday?

Автор: Нуралиева Алия Гасанханкызы

Дата: 30.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 312261

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