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The Olympic Games in Sochi 2014

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Данная презентация может быть использована в старших классах для введения  и первичного закрепления темы "Олимпийские игры в Сочи 2014". В презентации в доступной форме предложен информативный материал по теме, необходимая лексика   и  завершает презентацию- викторина.

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«The Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 »



Sochi was named the country of Winter Olympic Games 2014. It was great !!!

Sochi was named the country of Winter Olympic Games 2014. It was great !!!

Sochi was selected as the host city in July 2007 in Guatemala City .It was the first Olympics in Russia since 1991.

Sochi was selected as the host city in July 2007 in Guatemala City .It was the first Olympics in Russia since 1991.

The Olympic Torch

The Olympic Torch

  • The Olympic torch has a design of a bird's feather
  • Colour- silver and red
  • Height – 95 sm.
  • Weight – 1,5 kg.
  • Quantity – 14.000
The Olympic Mascots.

The Olympic Mascots.

Some information about the OG in Sochi. The Games were held from 7-23 February 2014 in Sochi. Both the Olympics and 2014 Winter Paralympics were organized by the Sochi Organizing Committee (SOC). A total of 98 events in 15 winter sport disciplines were held during the games.

Some information about the OG in Sochi.

The Games were held from 7-23 February 2014 in Sochi.

Both the Olympics and 2014 Winter Paralympics were organized by the Sochi Organizing Committee (SOC). A total of 98 events in 15 winter sport disciplines were held during the games.

Panoramic view of the Sochi Olympic Park. The Sochi Olympic Park was built by the Black Sea coast in the Imeretin Valley The Park includes: Fisht Olympic Stadium-ceremonies(opening/closing) 40,000 spectators Bolshoy Ice Dome – ice hockey(final),12.000 spect. Shayba Arena- ice hockey 7,000 spectators. Adler Arena Skating Centre- 8,000 spectators

Panoramic view of the Sochi Olympic Park.

  • The Sochi Olympic Park was built by the Black Sea coast in the Imeretin Valley
  • The Park includes:
  • Fisht Olympic Stadium-ceremonies(opening/closing)

40,000 spectators

  • Bolshoy Ice Dome – ice hockey(final),12.000 spect.
  • Shayba Arena- ice hockey

7,000 spectators.

  • Adler Arena Skating Centre-

8,000 spectators

  • Iceberg Skating Palace,12.000
The Opening Ceremony.

The Opening Ceremony.

  • The Opening Ceremony took place on February 7,2014.
  • It was mainly focused around Russian culture,music,history.
  • 3.000 people from artistic groups participated in dances,ballet,acrobatic and circus performances.
  • 40,000 people watched the performance....
  • Figure scater Irina Rodnina and ice hockey player Vladislav Tretiak lit the torch.
The Olympic medals Sochi's medal design was unveiled in May 2013 The design is intended to resemble Sochi's landscape with its mountains and Russia's regions

The Olympic medals

  • Sochi's medal design was unveiled in May 2013
  • The design is intended to resemble Sochi's landscape with its mountains and Russia's


  • Those who won gold medals on the 15 th of February received special medals with fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteor.
The Olympic Disciplines.

The Olympic Disciplines.

  • Alpine skiing (10) (details)
  • Biathlon (11) (details)
  • Bobsleigh (3) (details)
  • Cross-country skiing (12) (details)
  • Curling (2) (details)
  • Figure skating (5) (details)
  • Freestyle skiing (10) (details)
  • Ice hockey (2) (details)
  • Luge (4) (details)
  • Nordic combined (3) (details)
  • Short track speed skating (8) (details)
  • Skeleton (2) (details)
  • Ski jumping (4) (details)
  • Snowboarding (10) (details)
  • Speed skating (12) (details)
First 10 Winners of the Olympic Games.

First 10 Winners of the Olympic Games.

The Closing Ceremony.

The Closing Ceremony.

  • The Closing Ceremony was held on the 23 rd of February 2014.
  • The ceremony was dedicated to Russian culture and people who live in Russia :well-known and not...
They are the winners!!!

They are the winners!!!

The Paralympic Games.

The Paralympic Games.

  • 7-16 of March,2014
The results of the Paralympic Games. WE ARE THE FIRST AGAIN!!!! 16-GOLD MEDALS 18- SILVER MEDALS 13- BRONZE MEDALS!!

The results of the Paralympic Games.





Words to remember:

Words to remember:

  • To select -выбирать
  • A host -хозяин(ка)
  • A torch – факел
  • A mascot - талисман
  • To be held -проводить
  • Events- события
  • Organizing Commettee-Организац-ый комитет
  • By the coast – на побережье
  • The Imeretin Valley-Имеритинская долина
  • To include-включать
  • To participate-учавствовать
  • To lit- зажигать
  • To resemble-напоминать


  • What year was Sochi selected the city of the Olympic Games (OG)
  • What country was it in?
  • What is the design of a torch? What metal was it made of?
  • How many mascots did the OG have?Name them.
  • When were the OG held in Sochi?
  • What is the number of skating rinks in Sochi?
  • How many people watched the Opening ceremony?
  • Where was it?
  • How many disciplines were there in the OG?
  • What place did the Russian Federation win?
  • How many medals did they get?
  • When did the Paralympic Games take place ?
  • What was the place of Russia?
Работа выполнена учителем английского языка санаторной школы №28,ЦДО,г.Ростова-на-Дону  апрель 2014г.

Работа выполнена учителем английского языка санаторной школы №28,ЦДО,г.Ростова-на-Дону апрель 2014г.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

The Olympic Games in Sochi 2014

Автор: Удод Лариса Ивановна

Дата: 29.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 216217

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