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The Earth day.

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Thirty years have passed since the first Earth Day, in 1970 when millions of people joined in one of the larges demonstrations of public opinion in the history of the USA. That day, 20 million Americans participated in rallies, demonstrations to show their support for the protection of our  health and our environment. This Earth Day we celebrate the cleanest environment in a generation. But our job is not done. We still face environmental and public health challenges. One of our biggest challenges is    climate change.
Global warming is real today. More than 2.000 of the world`s experts on the global environment have told us that the effects of climate change can be predicted. The world is a beautiful place. There are beautiful mountains, wonderful rivers and large forests. But some people are destroying the environment. They are cutting the large trees. They are burning the small ones. They are killing birds and animals. They are dumping their rubbish on the mountain because they do not want to carry it.

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«The Earth day. »

The 22 nd of April  Friday

The 22 nd of April Friday

Thirty years have passed since the first Earth Day, in 1970 when millions of people joined in one of the larges demonstrations of public opinion in the history of the USA. That day, 20 million Americans participated in rallies, demonstrations to show their support for the protection of our health and our environment. This Earth Day we celebrate the cleanest environment in a generation. But our job is not done. We still face environmental and public health challenges. One of our biggest challenges is climate change.  Global warming is real today. More than 2.000 of the world`s experts on the global environment have told us that the effects of climate change can be predicted. The world is a beautiful place. There are beautiful mountains, wonderful rivers and large forests. But some people are destroying the environment. They are cutting the large trees. They are burning the small ones. They are killing birds and animals. They are dumping their rubbish on the mountain because they do not want to carry it.

Thirty years have passed since the first Earth Day, in 1970 when millions of people joined in one of the larges demonstrations of public opinion in the history of the USA. That day, 20 million Americans participated in rallies, demonstrations to show their support for the protection of our health and our environment. This Earth Day we celebrate the cleanest environment in a generation. But our job is not done. We still face environmental and public health challenges. One of our biggest challenges is climate change. Global warming is real today. More than 2.000 of the world`s experts on the global environment have told us that the effects of climate change can be predicted. The world is a beautiful place. There are beautiful mountains, wonderful rivers and large forests. But some people are destroying the environment. They are cutting the large trees. They are burning the small ones. They are killing birds and animals. They are dumping their rubbish on the mountain because they do not want to carry it.

Впервые акция празднования Дня Земли прошла 1970 году в США . В тот день 20 миллионов американцев вышли на демонстрацию показать их призыв к действию во имя сохранения мира  и жизни на Земле, сохранения человека и культуры . (На экране вид Земного шара) Каждый день фауна земного шара становится беднее на один вид животных. Каждую неделю мы навсегда теряем один вид растений. В минуту вырубаются 20 гектаров лесов. 5 миллионов тонн ежегодно выбрасываются в атмосферу земли. В воды мирового океана ежегодно попадает около 10 миллиардов тонн нефти. Экологическая катастрофа нависла над каждым человеком! Как часто, в повседневной суете, в стремлении к сиюминутному успеху, мы порой забываем о вечных ценностях, которые являются фундаментом нашей жизни. Такая непреходящая ценность – окружающая природа. Природу стали загрязнять  не  вчера, и она уж е на протяжении многих веков выдерживает на себе мощный пресс, принимая все отбросы. Сегодня процессы загрязнения биосферы принимают глобальные, катастрофические размеры. Ученые всего мира призывают народы и правительства одуматься, пока еще не поздно! Ведь дом у нас один  - и этот дом зовется землей.

Earth Day [ə: θ dei]- День Земли  demonstration [di`monsrei Ѕ n] - демонстрация  participate [pa:tisi`peit] - принимать участие  support [sə`po:t] - поддержка  protect [`protekt] - защищать

Earth Day [ə: θ dei]- День Земли demonstration [di`monsrei Ѕ n] - демонстрация participate [pa:tisi`peit] - принимать участие support [sə`po:t] - поддержка protect [`protekt] - защищать

destroy [`distroi] - уничтожать  environment [in`vaiərənment] - окружающая среда  Global warming  [gloubəl wo:mi η ]- глобальное потепление  pollute [`polut]- загрязнять  dumping rubbish [`d Λ mpi η r Λ biS]- бросать мусор

destroy [`distroi] - уничтожать environment [in`vaiərənment] - окружающая среда Global warming [gloubəl wo:mi η ]- глобальное потепление pollute [`polut]- загрязнять dumping rubbish [`d Λ mpi η r Λ biS]- бросать мусор

Thirty years have passed since the 1-st Earth Day in the USA. 20 million Americans joined in the demonstration that day in 1970. Global warming is not real today.

Thirty years have passed since the 1-st Earth Day in the USA.

20 million Americans joined in the demonstration that day in 1970.

Global warming is not real today.

Some people are destroying the environment. They dump their rubbish on the mountains every year. The factories are polluting air.

Some people are destroying the environment.

They dump their rubbish on the mountains every year.

The factories are polluting air.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The Earth day.

Автор: Сайдалина Ботагоз Алибековна

Дата: 15.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 239902

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