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The theme:  Television

The aim: developing:  To develop pupils skills and habits in reading writing speaking and listening

Educational:  To enrich pupil’s vocabulary on the theme

                       To practice pupils to remember the grammar to enrich pupils vocabulary on the theme

Bringing up: To bring up pupils to learn English and to love their mother tongue

T he type of the lesson: Traditional lesson

The form of the lesson: New lesson

 The methods of the lesson: Group work

                                      The plan of the lesson

The beginning of the lesson.

Organization moment.

Speech drill exercise;

Everybody has TV at home. I want to ask some question about TV

Do you watch TV?

 How many hours do you watch TV?

What TV programmers   do you like?

Do you prefer seeing films on TV or on a computer?

New lesson: Our theme of the lesson: Television

 First of all pupils divide into 2 groups    

 All of you look at the active board. Pupils must read the text   one by one.  Now you know: What is the text about?

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«Television »

Television. Welcome to 9 grade


Welcome to 9 grade

The theme: Television The aim: developing: To develop pupils skills and habits in reading writing speaking and listening Educational: To enrich pupil’s vocabulary on the theme  To practice pupils to remember the grammar to enrich pupils vocabulary on the theme Bringing up: To bring up pupils to learn English and to love their mother tongue T he type of the lesson: Traditional lesson The form of the lesson: New lesson  The methods of the lesson: Group work  The plan of the lesson The beginning of the lesson. Organization moment. Speech drill exercise; Everybody has TV at home. I want to ask some question about TV Do you watch TV?  How many hours do you watch TV? What TV programmers do you like? Do you prefer seeing films on TV or on a computer? New lesson: Our theme of the lesson: Television  First of all pupils divide into 2 groups  All of you look at the active board. Pupils must read the text one by one. Now you know: What is the text about?

The theme: Television

The aim: developing: To develop pupils skills and habits in reading writing speaking and listening

Educational: To enrich pupil’s vocabulary on the theme

To practice pupils to remember the grammar to enrich pupils vocabulary on the theme

Bringing up: To bring up pupils to learn English and to love their mother tongue

T he type of the lesson: Traditional lesson

The form of the lesson: New lesson

The methods of the lesson: Group work

The plan of the lesson

The beginning of the lesson.

Organization moment.

Speech drill exercise;

Everybody has TV at home. I want to ask some question about TV

Do you watch TV?

How many hours do you watch TV?

What TV programmers do you like?

Do you prefer seeing films on TV or on a computer?

New lesson: Our theme of the lesson: Television

First of all pupils divide into 2 groups

All of you look at the active board. Pupils must read the text one by one. Now you know: What is the text about?

Television Television, also called TV is one of our most important means of communication. It brings moving pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. The name “Television” comes from Greek word meaning “far”, and a Latin word meaning “to see”, so the word “tele -vision” means “to see far”. British and American scientists helped to develop the basic ideas that made television possible, but it was a Russian who made the first practical television system. By 1923, Vladimir Zworykin, a Russian, had invented a camera tube that could turn pictures into electric energy. By 1929, Zworykin had built a television system that worked. By 1939, regular television broadcasts were begun in Germany. The first broadcasts in the United States began in 1939, but television did not really become popular until after the Second World War. Between 1945 and 1955 there was rapid growth in the practical use of television. All early television was broadcasted in black and white. Color television was possible, but it was too expensive and of very poor quality until the middle of the 1950s. Color televisions broadcasts began in the United States in 1954, in Japan in 1960, and Europe in 1967. More people now get their news and information through television than through newspapers and radio. The development of television is one of the most rapid and exciting events of our country. Answer the questions. What are your favourite types of programme? How many hours of TV do you watch every day? How many channels have you got in your city? What would you do without TV? Who invented the television?
  • Television

Television, also called TV is one of our most important means of communication. It brings moving pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. The name “Television” comes from Greek word meaning “far”, and a Latin word meaning “to see”, so the word “tele -vision” means “to see far”.

British and American scientists helped to develop the basic ideas that made television possible, but it was a Russian who made the first practical television system. By 1923, Vladimir Zworykin, a Russian, had invented a camera tube that could turn pictures into electric energy. By 1929, Zworykin had built a television system that worked.

By 1939, regular television broadcasts were begun in Germany. The first broadcasts in the United States began in 1939, but television did not really become popular until after the Second World War. Between 1945 and 1955 there was rapid growth in the practical use of television.

All early television was broadcasted in black and white. Color television was possible, but it was too expensive and of very poor quality until the middle of the 1950s. Color televisions broadcasts began in the United States in 1954, in Japan in 1960, and Europe in 1967.

More people now get their news and information through television than through newspapers and radio. The development of television is one of the most rapid and exciting events of our country.

Answer the questions.

  • What are your favourite types of programme?
  • How many hours of TV do you watch every day?
  • How many channels have you got in your city?
  • What would you do without TV?
  • Who invented the television?
New words:  Feature - ерекшелік  Income - кіріс  Responsible - арзан да емес, кымбатта емес  Advertisements – жарнамалар

New words: Feature - ерекшелік Income - кіріс Responsible - арзан да емес, кымбатта емес Advertisements – жарнамалар

Look at the pictures types of TV.
  • Look at the pictures types of TV.

1939 year

1947 year

1950 year

1959 year 1990 year  Modern television set. .

1959 year

1990 year

Modern television set.


Complete the table:
  • Complete the table:

What is your opinion about TV?



To learn about the world new things.

Enjoyable programs.

More time watching TV.

Interesting programs about life.

Terrible, horror films.

Get much information.

Most programmers are terrible.

Can be educational.

There is a lot of crime on TV.

OK, your works are good! The next tasks are to put words in the right order and which tense you use. Its, from, the, receives, the, income, government, BBC. The second task: Has, technology, it, made, now, for, possible, viewers. The task work on pictures. I will give you pictures. You ask me about picture and to write short articles about programs. What program is it? Who is the anchorman? What kind of programs did you see? What is the essence of the program?

OK, your works are good!

  • The next tasks are to put words in the right order and which tense you use.

Its, from, the, receives, the, income, government, BBC.

The second task:

Has, technology, it, made, now, for, possible, viewers.

  • The task work on pictures.

I will give you pictures. You ask me about picture and to write short articles about programs.

What program is it?

Who is the anchorman?

What kind of programs did you see?

What is the essence of the program?

Match the words in A column with words column B.
  • Match the words in A column with words column B.


Rock Films

Soap Concerts

Horror To be very popular

To star Operas

To be a hit Dish

Satellite to perform as the most important actor

Giving the marks.  You have worked very well!  Giving the home work.  At home you will write essay about TV program and read the text.  The end of the lesson.  The lesson is over.  Good bye, pupils!

Giving the marks. You have worked very well! Giving the home work. At home you will write essay about TV program and read the text. The end of the lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye, pupils!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс


Автор: Тайманова Салтанат Абуовна

Дата: 30.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 164100

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "485348"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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object(ArrayObject)#875 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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object(ArrayObject)#853 (1) {
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    ["seo_title"] => string(17) "step-4-television"
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