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Шотландия. Эдинбург.

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«Шотландия. Эдинбург.»

Scotland Edinburgh



Geographical location It borders on land with England and is washed by The seas of the Atlantic Ocean:the North (in the west). The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, and the largest city is Glasgow. The country has a stunning authentic atmosphere, rich traditions and wide autonomy.

Geographical location

It borders on land with England and is washed by

The seas of the Atlantic Ocean:the North (in the west). The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, and the largest city is Glasgow. The country has a stunning authentic atmosphere, rich traditions and wide autonomy.

Symbolism of Scotland The lion crest first appeared on the Scottish royal coat of arms around the late 12 th and early 13 th centuries, at a time when the Scottish dagger and sword were considered the natural adornment of a man. At that time, the country was ruled by King William, also known as «The Lion» The national flag of Scotland is called «Saltir» in often sources it is called «St. Andrews Cross» In general, in Scotland quite a lot of things are connected with the name of St. Andrew the First-Called. According to Legend, the first of Christ’s disciples chose the X-shaped cross when they wanted to crucify him. Since then, such a cross has been called by his name

Symbolism of Scotland

The lion crest first appeared on the Scottish royal coat of arms around the late 12 th and early 13 th centuries, at a time when the Scottish dagger and sword were considered the natural adornment of a man. At that time, the country was ruled by King William, also known as «The Lion»

The national flag of Scotland is called «Saltir» in often sources it is called «St. Andrews Cross» In general, in Scotland quite a lot of things are connected with the name of St. Andrew the First-Called. According to Legend, the first of Christ’s disciples chose the X-shaped cross when they wanted to crucify him. Since then, such a cross has been called by his name

National clothing of Scotland The love for national Scottish clothing is one of the most famous and popular traditions of this country, and thanks to modern fashion, kilts have now become very popular not only in their native country, but also far beyond its borders. And it doesn’t matter that modern kilts are very, very different from their historical traditions- the scots still wear them with pride and demonstrate self-confidence, effectively infecting those around them.

National clothing of Scotland

The love for national Scottish clothing is one of the most famous and popular traditions of this country, and thanks to modern fashion, kilts have now become very popular not only in their native country, but also far beyond its borders. And it doesn’t matter that modern kilts are very, very different from their historical traditions- the scots still wear them with pride and demonstrate self-confidence, effectively infecting those around them.

National instrument of Scotland If we name other well-known traditions of Scotland, then they include such an unusual and non-standard musical instrument as the bagpipe. Those who have ever heard the sounds produced by this instrument will no longer be able to confuse them with anything they are indeed very unusual to hear, emotion, piercing, frank and interesting.

National instrument of Scotland

If we name other well-known traditions of Scotland, then they include such an unusual and non-standard musical instrument as the bagpipe. Those who have ever heard the sounds produced by this instrument will no longer be able to confuse them with anything they are indeed very unusual to hear, emotion, piercing, frank and interesting.

Sights of Scotland 1. Loch Lomond This Scotland landmark is surrounded by hundreds of steep hills and medieval castles. The lake is 24 miles long and contains a large number of island. The smallest of them periodically disappear during high tides, but the larger ones live for many years thanks to the hardworking Scots. 2.Eilean Donan Castle This landmark of Scotland is located on the Isle of Skye described above. It wont be easy to get there, but believe me, what show will be worth it. The majestic structure is surrounded by mountains, and it stands directly on the shore of the lake. It would do well for feature films that gained worldwide popularity. One of these works is «Highlander».

Sights of Scotland

1. Loch Lomond This Scotland landmark is surrounded by hundreds of steep hills and medieval castles. The lake is 24 miles long and contains a large number of island. The smallest of them periodically disappear during high tides, but the larger ones live for many years thanks to the hardworking Scots.

2.Eilean Donan Castle This landmark of Scotland is located on the Isle of Skye described above. It wont be easy to get there, but believe me, what show will be worth it. The majestic structure is surrounded by mountains, and it stands directly on the shore of the lake. It would do well for feature films that gained worldwide popularity. One of these works is «Highlander».

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Шотландия. Эдинбург.

Автор: Орехова Любовь Григорьевна

Дата: 30.09.2024

Номер свидетельства: 657028

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