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Save water save life

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Save water save life.  Water is very important resource 

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«Save water save life»

Grade 6 Unit 11  Lesson 5 “Save water ”

Grade 6 Unit 11 Lesson 5 “Save water

Water is very important resource. We use water every single day for various purposes. We can not imagine our life without water because using water we can plant trees and flowers, we can wash ourselves, we can make tea and drinks. A lot of people waste water, they don`t know how to use water
  • Water is very important resource. We use water every single day for various purposes. We can not imagine our life without water because using water we can plant trees and flowers, we can wash ourselves, we can make tea and drinks. A lot of people waste water, they don`t know how to use water
World Water Day

World Water Day

  • On March 22nd we celebrate World Water Day. This is very important day where we remember how important it is for everyone to have clean drinking water and how to take care of our water. To celebrate World Water Day here are a lot of ways children can help save water.
Some ways children can save water

Some ways children can save water

  • Learn about water and why it is important
Don`t bathe so much
  • Don`t bathe so much
Reuse your bath water for plants

Reuse your bath water for plants

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
Don`t throw old water Don`t throw old water Don`t throw old water Don`t throw old water
  • Don`t throw old water
  • Don`t throw old water
  • Don`t throw old water
  • Don`t throw old water
Drink water instead of juice. It takes a lot of water to make juice.
  • Drink water instead of juice. It takes a lot of water to make juice.
Wash your apple in a bowl of water. Instead of washing your fruits under running water use container or bowl.
  • Wash your apple in a bowl of water. Instead of washing your fruits under running water use container or bowl.
Collect rain water. With a help of parents , set up a rain water barrel to catch rain water. Plants love rain water.
  • Collect rain water. With a help of parents , set up a rain water barrel to catch rain water. Plants love rain water.
Wash your bike with a bucket and rag.
  • Wash your bike with a bucket and rag.
Let your clothes clean and nice .
  • Let your clothes clean and nice .
If we don`t save water our life seems like this situation,

If we don`t save water our life seems like this situation,

Water is Life. Save water - Don`t waste water.

Water is Life. Save water - Don`t waste water.

Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for your attention.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Save water save life

Автор: Latipova Gulbaxor Olimjanovna

Дата: 26.03.2020

Номер свидетельства: 544457

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