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Презентация урока "Washington D.C."

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«Презентация урока "Washington D.C."»

The 15 th of February, Monday

The 15 th of February,


PHONETIC EXERCISES  [ɒ]  -  Wh a t  [æ]  -  C a pital  [t]  -  Po t omac  [ð]  -  Th e   [θ]  -  Th ink  [w]  -  W ash  [r]  -  Count r y  [ŋ]  -  Co ng ress


[ɒ] - Wh a t

[æ] - C a pital

[t] - Po t omac

[ð] - Th e

[θ] - Th ink

[w] - W ash

[r] - Count r y

[ŋ] - Co ng ress



  • plain
  • copper
  • pencil
  • border on
  • monument
  • capital
  • swim
  • country
  • cat
  • city
  • iron ore
  • paper
  • coat of arms
  • ocean
  • president
  • area
  • coal
  • population
  • student
  • climate
  • desert


WASHINGTON, D.C. - the Capital of the USA


the Capital of the USA

District of Columbia  - Округ Колумбия Potomac  - Потомак George Washington  - Джордж Вашингтон White House  - Белый Дом Capitol  - Капитолий Washington Monument  - Монумент Вашингтона Sights  - достопримечательности Buildings  - здания

District of Columbia - Округ Колумбия

Potomac - Потомак

George Washington - Джордж Вашингтон

White House - Белый Дом

Capitol - Капитолий

Washington Monument - Монумент Вашингтона

Sights - достопримечательности

Buildings - здания

INTRODUCTION Have you ever been to Washington D.C.? No? Then please see below the main facts about this wonderful city The population on Washington is about 600 thousand people It was found in the 16 th of July, 1790 and named after George Washington, the first president of the USA. The city is located in the eastern part of the USA on the river Potomac


Have you ever been to Washington D.C.? No?

Then please see below the main facts about this wonderful city

  • The population on Washington is about 600 thousand people
  • It was found in the 16 th of July, 1790 and named after George Washington, the first president of the USA.
  • The city is located in the eastern part of the USA on the river Potomac

  • Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States of America.
GEORGE WASHINGTON George Washington is the first President of the USA. He was born in 1732 in Virgin state in poor family. In 1789 George Washington was elected as a President of the United States of America. And in 1792 he was elected secondarily. He formed the system of governance (правление). George Washington died in 1799 when he was 67 years old in his estate (имение) . George Washington


George Washington is the first President of the USA.

He was born in 1732 in Virgin state in poor family.

In 1789 George Washington was elected as a President of the United States of America. And in 1792 he was elected secondarily. He formed the system of governance (правление).

George Washington died in 1799 when he was 67 years old in his estate (имение) .

George Washington

POPULATION OF WASHINGTON D.C. Population of Washington is not big. Currently the population of the city is 600 000 people.  50,7% - African Americans 38,5% - Whites 3,5% - Asians 0,3% - Native Americans.


Population of Washington is not big.

Currently the population of the city is 600 000 people.

50,7% - African Americans

38,5% - Whites

3,5% - Asians

0,3% - Native Americans.

HISTORY OF WASHINGTON D.C. In 16 th of July, 1790 Congress of the USA approved the place for future capital. It was a place between two states: Virgin and Maryland, on the Potomac river. The project of the city was created by French engineer Pierre-Charles Lanfan. In 1814 Washington D.C. was annexed by British army and burned. It was restored later. In 1862 slavery was abolished in Washington. And thousands of African Americans came to the city. From 1801 till our days Washington D.C. is ruled by Congress of the USA, Mayor and Legislative Council. A project of the city Current mayor of Washington is Muriel Bowser (43 years old). Muriel Bowser Congress of the USA Potomac river


In 16 th of July, 1790 Congress of the USA approved the place for future capital. It was a place between two states: Virgin and Maryland, on the Potomac river.

The project of the city was created by French engineer Pierre-Charles Lanfan.

In 1814 Washington D.C. was annexed by British army and burned. It was restored later.

In 1862 slavery was abolished in Washington. And thousands of African Americans came to the city.

From 1801 till our days Washington D.C. is ruled by Congress of the USA, Mayor and Legislative Council.

A project of the city

Current mayor of Washington is Muriel Bowser (43 years old).

Muriel Bowser

Congress of the USA

Potomac river

CLIMATE Washington climate is subtropical.


Washington climate is subtropical.

  • Winter is not cold usually (from -3°C to +6°C). However there are frozen sometimes (-12°C) and snows in January-February.
  • Spring is sunny and dry as a rule. It comes in the end of March.
  • Summer is hot and wet. Average degree is around +32°C. Usually hot weather comes in May and runs till September.
  • Autumn is the most beautiful time in Washington. It is warm and rains are not often.
WASHIGTON SIGHTS There are many interesting places in the city. So if you are going to visit Washington one day try to see them. Here are some of Washington’s attractions:


There are many interesting places in the city. So if you are going to visit Washington one day try to see them.

Here are some of Washington’s attractions:

THE MAIN BUILDINGS Capitol White House Washington monument The seat of the USA Congress and the branch of the US Federal government. Capitol is the highest building in Washington and it is forbidden to build anything higher. The monument was built to commemorate George Washington. It is located between White House and the Capitol The official residence and a workplace of the president of the USA. The house was built between 1792 and 1800.



White House

Washington monument

The seat of the USA Congress and the branch of the US Federal government. Capitol is the highest building in Washington and it is forbidden to build anything higher.

The monument was built to commemorate George Washington. It is located between White House and the Capitol

The official residence and a workplace of the president of the USA. The house was built between 1792 and 1800.

TRANSPORT There are different kinds of transport in Washington D.C: Metro It was opened in 1976 and currently there are 91 stations. Every day 500 000 people use metro. 2. Busses There are also huge buss park in the city Washington metro 3. Bicycles In Washington you can rent a bicycle any time using a system Smart Bike DC. People in Washington use bicycles very often. 4. Airports Washington has 3 airports. The biggest one is Dallas airport Also people in city can use their personal cars Airport


There are different kinds of transport in Washington D.C:

  • Metro

It was opened in 1976 and currently there are 91 stations. Every day 500 000 people use metro.

2. Busses

There are also huge buss park in the city

Washington metro

3. Bicycles

In Washington you can rent a bicycle any time using a system Smart Bike DC. People in Washington use bicycles very often.

4. Airports

Washington has 3 airports. The biggest one is Dallas airport

Also people in city can use their personal cars


SUMMARY Washington – is the capital of the USA It is situated on the Potomac river The area is about 177 km^2 The population is about 600 000 people Climate is subtropical The main buildings are: Capitol, Washington Monument, White House


  • Washington – is the capital of the USA
  • It is situated on the Potomac river
  • The area is about 177 km^2
  • The population is about 600 000 people
  • Climate is subtropical
  • The main buildings are: Capitol, Washington Monument, White House





  • Washington is situated ___ District of Columbia
  • The city is located ____ the Potomac river
  • George Washington was born ____ 1732 ____ a poor family
  • ____ Saturdays and Sundays people don’t work
  • The Washington Monument is ____ White House and Capitol
  • About 600 thousand people live ____ Washington
  • ____ winter it is not very cold


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Презентация урока "Washington D.C."

Автор: Каджинова Людмила Сергеевна

Дата: 30.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 323640

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