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План-конспект урока на тему "Washington"

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Данный урок предназначен для учащихся 9 классов. Тема урока "Washington. Present Continuous Tense". В уроке используются такие методы, как communicative approach, oral approach. В нем представлены такие виды работы как, работа в малых группах, работа в парах, индивидуальные задания. Тип урока - комбинированный. Оборудование, необходимое для проведения данного урока - интерактивная доска, компьютер. 

Урок строится на изучении лексической темы "Washington" и грамматической темы "Present Continuous Tense". После прочтения текста и просмотра видео про столицу США Вашингтон, дети делятся на две команды и выполняют разнообразные задания, представленные в презентации. Игра называется "Томаты". Основные правила игры изложены в презентации. Урок был опробован. Он достиг своей цели, учащиеся полностью усвоили материал, очень активно принимали участие в выполнении заданий.  

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«lesson plan»

Lesson plan

Subject English language

Lesson # 27

Date 03.02.14 Group И - 31

The theme lesson Образование the Present Continuous Tense. Washington

The aims of the lesson:

Teaching: to teach Present Continuous Tense, to teach lexical material to the theme “Washington”

Developing: to develop cognitive interest, creative abilities, willpower and emotions of students, to develop their speaking skills

Up-bringing: to interest students in learning English, to bring-up responsibility and dedication quality of students, to bring up tolerance of students and respect to other nations’ culture and history

Type of the lesson competition lesson

The equipment of the lesson presentation, video, cards, grammar table “Tenses”

Intersubject connections The Russian language, geography

Methods used at the lesson communicative, oral approach


Stages of the lesson

Contents of the lesson

Organization moment (1 min)

1.-greeting: Good morning, students. Sit down, please. How are you today? Are you ready to work? Let’s start!

2.-pointing of absentees: Who is on duty today? What is the date today? What is the day today? Who is absent today?

3.-control of students’ appearance: teacher’s notes

Introduction of the theme and aims (1 min)

Announcement of the theme: today we will speak about Present Continuous Tense. We will consolidate this Tense and will get acquainted with lexical material “Washington”

Actualization of students’ base (8 min)

Let’s remember Past, Present and Future Simple Tenses. Students take one card and answer the question. If they give the right answer they may do one step.

Board game questions:

  1. go school (yesterday)

  2. play baseball (tomorrow)

  3. read book (every day)

  4. paint house (last year)

  5. meet friends (on Sundays)

  6. buy bread (tomorrow)

  7. not do homework (every day)

  8. sing song (tomorrow)?

  9. clean room (last week)?

  10. not send email (yesterday)

  11. not draw picture (two days ago)

  12. brush teeth (every day)

  13. play piano (next month)

  14. find money (two days ago)

  15. make snowman (yesterday)

  16. finish English homework (three days ago)

  17. listen to music (in the evenings)

  18. drink milk (yesterday)

  19. study math (on Saturdays)

  20. get 5 (yesterday)

Explanation of the new theme (15 min)

Lexical theme “Washington”

1. New words. Read and pronounce the following words, remember them.

to be named in honour of – быть названным в честь

discoverer – открыватель

except – кроме

scrap paper – макулатура

load - нагружать

skyscraper – небоскреб

not far from – недалеко от

to look like – быть похожим на

in memory of – в память о

author – автор

declaration of independence – декларация независимости

emancipation proclamation – декларация освобождения

to give freedom to slaves – освободить рабов

Students watch the video “Washington tour”.

After watching video answer the following questions:

  1. Watch the video and tick the correct answer:

  1. How many families lived in the White House?

  1. Over 40

  2. Over 50

  3. Over 55

  1. What is the symbol of American nation?

  1. Capitol

  2. Washington monument

  3. Lincoln Memorial

  1. What is contribution of Lincoln in the history of the USA?

  1. The author of the Declaration of Independence.

  2. author of the Emancipation Proclamation

  3. the 1st president of the USA

  1. Who is Thomas Jefferson?

  1. The 1st President

  2. The 3rd president and the author of Declaration of Independence

  3. author of the Emancipation Proclamation

  1. Where is Washington situated?

  1. District of Columbia

  2. District of Texas

  3. District of Virginia

  1. What did Japan give US as a sign of friendship in 1912?

  1. Flowering cherry trees

  2. Apple trees

  3. Orange trees

2. Read and translate the text (Прочитайте и переведите текст):

Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The district is named in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America.

The capital is named after the first President of the USA — George Washington. Washington is not the largest city in the USA. It has a population of 900 000 people.

Washington is a one-industry town. That industry is government. It does not produce anything except very much scrap paper. Every day 25 railway cars leave Washington loaded with scrap paper.

Washington has many historical places. The largest and tallest among the buildings is the Capitol. There are no skyscrapers in Washington because no other building must be taller than the Capitol. The White House is the President's residence. It was built in 1799.

Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument, which looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 metres. The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, who was also the author of the Declaration of Independence.

The Lincoln Memorial is built in memory of the 16th President of the US, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America.

Grammar theme: The Present Continuous Tense

A сейчас, ребята,посмотрите на экран. Перед вами действия, которые были описаны в тексте. Найдите общую черту для всех глаголов в предложениях. В каком времени использованы эти глаголы? Когда происходят действия на картинках? И так скажите, для выражения какого действия используется данное время?

Present Continuous используется для обозначения действий, протекающих в точно указанное время, либо одновременно с другим действием.

What are you writing? - I am writing a letter to a friend of mine. – Что ты (сейчас) пишешь? – Я пишу (сейчас) письмо моему другу.

They are not working. They are on their holidays. Они не работают (сейчас). Они в отпуске.

Утвердительная форма настоящего продолженного времени образуется из вспомогательного глагола "to be" в соответствующем лице настоящего времени (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола с окончанием –ing.

He is reading a book. Он читает книгу .

I am waiting for a call. Я жду телефонного звонка.

S+to be+V-ing

Чтобы задать вопрос в настоящем продолженном времени, нужно поставить глагол "to be" перед подлежащим, смысловой глагол в форме "-ing" следует за подлежащим.

Is he reading a new book? Yes, he is. (No, he isn’t). Он читает новую книгу? Да. (Нет).

Are you waiting for a bus? Yes, I am. (No, I am not). Ты ждёшь автобус? Да. (Нет).

To be+S+V-ing

Отрицательная форма образуется путём постановки отрицания "not" после вспомогательного глагола.

They are not playing football now. Они не играют в футбол сейчас.

They are very busy. Они очень заняты.

S+to be not+V-ing

Глаголы, обозначающие не действия, а состояния, чувства, желания, мысли и некоторые другие не употребляются в формах Continuous. Эти глаголы не могут выражать действие или состояние как процесс, поддающийся наблюдению и совершающийся в определенный момент. Эти глаголы называют статическими, в отличие от динамических, которые обозначают действия. Их можно условно разделить на группы, например:

Мыслительной деятельности:

to agree  соглашаться

to believe  верить

to deny  отрицать

to doubt  сомневаться

to expect  полагать

to forget  забывать

to know  знать

to recognize  узнавать

to remember  помнить

to respect  уважать

to suppose  предполагать

to think*  считать/полагать

to understand  понимать

 Эмоционального состояния:

to desire  желать

to envy  завидовать

to fear  бояться

to hate  ненавидеть

to like  нравиться

to love  любить

to need  нуждаться

to prefer  предпочитать

to satisfy  удовлетворять

to seem  казаться

to want  хотеть

to wish  желать


to hear*  слышать

to see*  видеть

to smell*  пахнуть

to taste*  иметь вкус

 Обладания, отношения:

to be  быть

to belong  принадлежать

to consist  состоять

to contain  содержать

to have  иметь

to include  заключать в себе

to own  владеть

to possess  обладать  и  т.д.

Consolidation (25 min)

Work with presentation:

Task 1 grammar 10

Correct mistakes in the sentences:

  • 1.He are reading a book now.

  • 2.We am playing in the park.

  • 3.Look! Her sister are dancing.

  • 4.Listen! They is singing a new song.

Task 2 grammar 20

Change sentences into negatives and questions:

  • 1. Mary is sleeping.

  • 2. You are listening to the radio.

  • 3. I am studying.

  • 4. You are eating now.

Task 3 grammar 50

Choose Present Simple or Present Continuous:

  • 1.Right now I (watch) a movie. I (watch) a lot of movies.

  • 2.Rickie (be) my friend. We (like) to talk together. Right now we (talk) about school.

  • 3.The police officer (wear) a badge and a gun to work every day.

  • 4.Jamie usually (eat) cold cereal for breakfast, but today he (eat) soup.

Task 4 Interesting facts 10

There are some verbs which we can’t use in Present Continuous Tense. What are they?

Task 5 Interesting facts 20

Washington is one-industry town. What industry is it?

Task 6 Interesting facts 50

Who was the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America?

Task 7 Vocabulary 10

Put the letters in a right order to form words:

  • doal - load

  • pxceet - except

  • ommrye - memory

  • fedeorm - freedom

  • pcatali - capital

Task 8 Vocabulary 20

Make sentences with the following words:

  • except

  • not far from

  • other

  • also

  • with

Task 9 Vocabulary 50

Make up a story using the following words:

  • to be named in honour of

  • skyscraper

  • to look like

  • in memory of

  • discoverer

Task 10 Places of interest 10

What building is the largest and the tallest among the buildings in Washington? (Capitol)

Task 11 Places of interest 20

Where does the President of the USA live? (White house)

Task 12 Places of interest 50

What are the names of these buildings?

Homework (2 min)

The USA: Washington – retell the text, to learn new words, Present Continuous Tense, WB ex. 5,6 lesson 23

Resume of the lesson (3 min)

-brief conclusion of the work done;

-evaluation and commentation of students’ work;

-brief outlook for the next lesson.

Teacher Karimova A.G. signature

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«game on washington»

Game “Washington DC-the capital of the USA”

Game “Washington DC-the capital of the USA”

Rules: Choose one question (10, 20, 50$) and give the right answer. You have 1 min to discuss every question. The winner is that team, who has the biggest bank.


Choose one question (10, 20, 50$) and give the right answer. You have 1 min to discuss every question. The winner is that team, who has the biggest bank.

Categories: Grammar 20 10 50 Interesting facts 20 50 10 Vocabulary 10 20 50 Places of interest 10 20 50






Interesting facts








Places of interest




Grammar 10 Correct mistakes in the sentences:

Grammar 10

Correct mistakes in the sentences:

  • 1.He are reading a book now.
  • 2.We am playing in the park.
  • 3.Look! Her sister are dancing.
  • 4.Listen! They is singing a new song.
Grammar 20 Change sentences into negatives and questions:

Grammar 20

Change sentences into negatives and questions:

  • 1. Mary is sleeping.
  • 2. You are listening to the radio.
  • 3. I am studying.
  • 4. You are eating now.
Grammar 50 Choose Present Simple or Present Continuous:

Grammar 50

Choose Present Simple or Present Continuous:

  • 1.Right now I (watch) a movie. I (watch) a lot of movies.
  • 2.Rickie (be) my friend. We (like) to talk together. Right now we (talk) about school.
  • 3 .The police officer (wear) a badge and a gun to work every day.
  • 4.Jamie usually (eat) cold cereal for breakfast, but today he (eat) soup.
Interesting facts 10 There are some verbs which we can’t use in Present Continuous Tense. What are they?

Interesting facts 10

There are some verbs which we can’t use in Present Continuous Tense. What are they?

Interesting facts 20 Washington is one-industry town. What industry is it?

Interesting facts 20

Washington is one-industry town. What industry is it?

Interesting facts 50 Who was the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America?

Interesting facts 50

Who was the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America?

Vocabulary 10 Put the letters in a right order to form words:

Vocabulary 10

Put the letters in a right order to form words:

  • doal
  • pxceet
  • ommrye
  • fedeorm
  • pcatali
Vocabulary 20 Make sentences with the following words:

Vocabulary 20

Make sentences with the following words:

  • except
  • not far from
  • other
  • also
  • with
Vocabulary 50 Make up a story using the following words:

Vocabulary 50

Make up a story using the following words:

  • to be named in honour of
  • skyscraper
  • to look like
  • in memory of
  • discoverer
Places of interest 10 What building is the largest and the tallest among the buildings in Washington?

Places of interest 10

What building is the largest and the tallest among the buildings in Washington?

Places of interest 20  Where does the President of the USA live?

Places of interest 20

Where does the President of the USA live?

Places of interest 50 What are the names of these buildings ?

Places of interest 50

What are the names of these buildings ?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

план-конспект урока на тему "Washington"

Автор: Каримова Алина Гильмановна

Дата: 11.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 171283

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