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Презентация урока на тему: "Holidays"

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ÒFather’s Day

ÒBonfire Night


ÒSt Valentine’s Day



ÒThanksgiving Day

ÒColumbus Day

ÒBank Holiday


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«Презентация урока на тему: "Holidays"»



New Year’s Day March 8   Mother’s Day January 7   Easter November 24   Christmas April 1   January 1 Women’s Day   April/March, first Sunday Yumorina  … is celebrated on the … of …
  • New Year’s Day
  • March 8

  • Mother’s Day
  • January 7

  • Easter
  • November 24

  • Christmas
  • April 1

  • January 1
  • Women’s Day

  • April/March, first Sunday
  • Yumorina

is celebrated on the … of …

Kazakhstan   American   British Father’s Day Bonfire Night Christmas St Valentine’s Day Nauryz Easter Thanksgiving Day Columbus Day Bank Holiday Christmas

Kazakhstan American British

  • Father’s Day
  • Bonfire Night
  • Christmas
  • St Valentine’s Day
  • Nauryz
  • Easter
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Bank Holiday
  • Christmas

Symbols associated with love and Valentine's Day

Symbols associated with love and Valentine's Day

Heart  Accordingly, the gifting of a heart signified the act of giving everything to someone you love. The heart was the center of all feelings.

Heart Accordingly, the gifting of a heart signified the act of giving everything to someone you love. The heart was the center of all feelings.

  Cupid  The love and attraction that a man and a lady feels for one another is traditionally ascribed to the mythological god, Cupid. In Latin, the word Cupid means

  Cupid The love and attraction that a man and a lady feels for one another is traditionally ascribed to the mythological god, Cupid. In Latin, the word Cupid means "desire."

Love knots  They are made of ribbons and are traditional symbols of interminable and everlasting love

Love knots They are made of ribbons and are traditional symbols of interminable and everlasting love

Doves and Love Birds  It was the popular belief that birds choose their mate for the year on February 14.Since doves and pigeons mate for life ,they symbolize loyalty

Doves and Love Birds It was the popular belief that birds choose their mate for the year on February 14.Since doves and pigeons mate for life ,they symbolize loyalty

The Rose   Beloveds have been compared to roses. The colour red is associated with strong emotions.

The Rose Beloveds have been compared to roses. The colour red is associated with strong emotions.

Ribbons and laces have been associated with love and romance since the days when a knight used to ride .

Ribbons and laces have been associated with love and romance since the days when a knight used to ride .

The hands of a lady has been a favourite decoration for Valentine's Day for many years and is supposed to depict 

The hands of a lady has been a favourite decoration for Valentine's Day for many years and is supposed to depict "femininity".



People celebrate this holiday on the 17th of March.

People celebrate this holiday

on the 17th of March.

Patrick Saint People honour Ireland’s patron saint who died on that day in 461.



People honour Ireland’s

patron saint who died on that

day in 461.

St Patrick's Day traditions On this day people wear green . One of the Irish traditions is to pinch anyone who is not wearing green on St Patrick’s Day.

St Patrick's Day


On this day people wear green .

One of the Irish traditions is to

pinch anyone who is not wearing

green on St Patrick’s Day.

Happy New Year St Valentine’s Day

Happy New Year

St Valentine’s Day

Thank you!

Thank you!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация урока на тему: "Holidays"

Автор: Токкожина Дана Казакбаевна

Дата: 11.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 291722

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