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Презентация урока английского языка " Seasons of the year"

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Данная презентация может быть использована не только по программе в 3 классе при изучении темы "Времена года", но и во внеклассной работе.

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«Презентация урока английского языка " Seasons of the year"»

The Seasons in  Great Britain.      English Lesson  The 3 grade  Chekunova A.V.

The Seasons in Great Britain. English Lesson The 3 grade Chekunova A.V.

2 SPRING is green  WINTER is white  3 SUMMER is bright   AUTUMN is yellow  1 4


SPRING is green

WINTER is white


SUMMER is bright

AUTUMN is yellow



Познавательные компетенции

Познавательные компетенции

  • формирование грамматических навыков ( Present Simple)
  • формирование лексических навыков
  • развитие навыков аудирования
  • развитие навыков письма
  • развитие навыков чтения
Развивающие компетенции

Развивающие компетенции

  • развитие умения логически мыслить, сопоставлять, развитие языковой догадки
  • развитие умения синтезировать информацию
Личностные компетенции

Личностные компетенции

  • воспитание уважения к традициям другого народа
  • формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе
  • воспитание бережного отношеия к природе








Find the odd words : January, February,  December  June, July, August September, October, November  April, March, May  winter, summer, autumn rain, snow, wind,  hot, nice, fine March, May, April, winter, November, nice grey,

Find the odd words :

  • January, February, December
  • June, July, August
  • September, October, November
  • April, March, May
  • winter, summer, autumn
  • rain, snow, wind,
  • hot, nice, fine








True or false ? In winter there is a lot of snow. Summer comes after winter. Autumn is the warmest season of the year. Summer is warmer than spring. There are five seasons in a year. There is a lot of fruit in autumn. Winter is the coldest season of the year. Summer holidays are the longest. It often snows in winter. There are twelve months in a year. 1    4  6  7 8 9 10

True or false ?

  • In winter there is a lot of snow.
  • Summer comes after winter.
  • Autumn is the warmest season of the year.
  • Summer is warmer than spring.
  • There are five seasons in a year.
  • There is a lot of fruit in autumn.
  • Winter is the coldest season of the year.
  • Summer holidays are the longest.
  • It often snows in winter.
  • There are twelve months in a year.

1 4 6 7 8 9 10

Complete the sentences: winter Snowflakes fall in   . Flowers grow in . Leaves turn brown in . New leaves grow on trees in . The days are long in  . Leaves fall in . Flowers don’t grow in . The birds make their nests in . The sun shines brightly in  . The days are short and the nights are long in It often rains in  . It often snows in  . summer autumn spring summer autumn winter spring summer winter . autumn winter

Complete the sentences:


  • Snowflakes fall in .
  • Flowers grow in .
  • Leaves turn brown in .
  • New leaves grow on trees in .
  • The days are long in .
  • Leaves fall in .
  • Flowers don’t grow in .
  • The birds make their nests in .
  • The sun shines brightly in .
  • The days are short and the nights are long in
  • It often rains in .
  • It often snows in .









winter .



Make these sentences negative: Winter doesn’t come after spring. Winter comes after spring. Children can ski and skate in summer. The birds make their nests in winter. The days are long in winter. There are vegetables and fruit in winter. A school year begins in October. The sun shines brightly in autumn. Children can’t ski and skate in summer. The birds don’t make their nests in winter. The days are not long in winter. There are no vegetables and fruit in winter. A school year doesn’t begin in October. The sun doesn’t shine brightly in autumn.

Make these sentences negative:

Winter doesn’t come after spring.

Winter comes after spring.

Children can ski and skate in summer.

The birds make their nests in winter.

The days are long in winter.

There are vegetables and fruit in winter.

A school year begins in October.

The sun shines brightly in autumn.

Children can’t ski and skate in summer.

The birds don’t make their nests in winter.

The days are not long in winter.

There are no vegetables and fruit in winter.

A school year doesn’t begin in October.

The sun doesn’t shine brightly in autumn.

Choose the right words : It is very ( cold / hot ) in summer. The weather is ( fine / bad ). The sun ( looks / shines ) brightly. It doesn’t ( snow / rain ). I ( lie / sit ) in the sun. People work in the ( field / woods ). The nights are ( short / long ) and the days are ( short / long ).

Choose the right words :

It is very ( cold / hot ) in summer.

The weather is ( fine / bad ).

The sun ( looks / shines ) brightly.

It doesn’t ( snow / rain ).

I ( lie / sit ) in the sun.

People work in the ( field / woods ).

The nights are ( short / long ) and the days are ( short / long ).

Make up sentences using these words. We can make a snowman ski skate ride  a bike play football play hockey swim in the river lie in the sun fish in winter spring summer autumn

Make up sentences using these words.

We can

make a snowman



ride a bike

play football

play hockey

swim in the river

lie in the sun







My favourite season is . There is much in winter. The weather is in winter. I can and play in winter.

My favourite season is .

There is much in winter.

The weather is in winter.

I can and play in winter.

My favourite season is    . The weather is and warm. It is  in spring. I can  in  the street and play in spring.

My favourite season is .

The weather is and warm.

It is in spring.

I can in the street and play in spring.

My favourite season is    .  The weather is and hot.  It sometimes in summer.  I can in the river and in the sun.

My favourite season is .

The weather is and hot.

It sometimes in summer.

I can in the river and in the sun.

My favourite season is . The weather is often in autumn. The trees change their colour from green to . I can and play in autumn.

My favourite season is .

The weather is often in autumn.

The trees change their colour from

green to .

I can and play in autumn.

English proverbs : April weather, Rain and sunshine both together. То дождь, то солнце. Every thing is good in its season. Всему своё время. April showers bring May flowers. В апреле дожди – в мае цветы. A tree is known by its fruit. Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.

English proverbs :

April weather,

Rain and sunshine both together.

То дождь, то солнце.

Every thing is good in its season.

Всему своё время.

April showers bring May flowers.

В апреле дожди – в мае цветы.

A tree is known by its fruit.

Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация урока английского языка " Seasons of the year"

Автор: Чекунова Алевтина Викторовна

Дата: 05.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 454872

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