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Презентация на тему урока "My flat" 5-класс

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Presentation for the theme of the lesson "My flat" Grade 5

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«Презентация на тему урока "My flat" 5-класс»

Secondary school after M.Atymov Religion Teaching Olympics from English Language    Panoramic Lesson Theme: “My flat”    Written by: Zhumakhanova A.

Secondary school after M.Atymov

Religion Teaching Olympics from English Language

Panoramic Lesson

Theme: “My flat”

Written by: Zhumakhanova A.

Aim of the lesson:  To introduce new theme and new words. Speaking and talking about rooms.  To introduce new grammar: “ There is” and “There are” Develop pupils knowledge

Aim of the lesson:

To introduce new theme and new words. Speaking and talking about rooms.

To introduce new grammar:

There is” and “There are”

Develop pupils knowledge

P l a n I.Organization moment II.Check up home work III. Phonetic drill IV.New theme “My flat” V.New words VI.Grammar “There is”, “There are” VII.Exercises and Cards VIII.Test IX.Home work X.Marks XI.Conclution

P l a n

I.Organization moment

II.Check up home work

III. Phonetic drill

IV.New theme “My flat”

V.New words

VI.Grammar “There is”, “There are”

VII.Exercises and Cards


IX.Home work



III.Phonetic drill    This is my house, Come in come in. This is my brilliant house, That is my bed. And this is my chairs, Look at my books. They are everywhere, This is my house. Come in come in.

III.Phonetic drill

This is my house,

Come in come in.

This is my brilliant house,

That is my bed.

And this is my chairs,

Look at my books.

They are everywhere,

This is my house.

Come in come in.

V. New words

V. New words

  • corridor [͵kori' do: ]- дәліз
  • living room [ ͵liviη rum]- қонақ бөлме
  • bedroom ['bedrum]-жатын бөлме
  • study ['stλdi] rug [rλ g] – оқу бөлме
  • dining room [dainiη ru:m]-ас ішетін бөлме
  • bathroom ['ba : Ѳrum]- жуынатын бөлме
  • plant [pla:nt]-үйде өсетін өсімдік
  • sofa [sәufә]-диван
  • toilet ['toilit]-әжетхана
Exercise: 4 p117.Look at the picture.Write the names of the rooms.

  • Exercise: 4 p117.Look at the picture.Write the names of the rooms.

  • A. a living room
  • B. a dining room
  • C. a corridor
  • D. a bed room
  • E. a study
Grammar There are: Көпше There is: Жекеше


There are:


There is:


There is a sofa in the living room There is There is not sofa in the living room Is there a sofa in the living room?

There is a sofa in the living room

There is

There is not sofa in the living room

Is there a sofa in the living room?

There are pictures in my bedroom There are There are not pictures in my bedroom Are there pictures in your bedroom?

There are pictures in my bedroom

There are

There are not pictures in my bedroom

Are there pictures in your bedroom?

Reading and translate Exercise:11 p118 Look at the pictures,ask and answer Exercise:3 p116. Look and repeat the words Exercise:8 p118 Read and find things in the picture above Exercise:6 p 117 Listen and repeat and translate

Reading and translate

Exercise:11 p118

Look at the pictures,ask and answer

Exercise:3 p116.

Look and repeat the words

Exercise:8 p118

Read and find things in the picture above

Exercise:6 p 117

Listen and repeat and translate

Exercise: 12 p119.Talk to your friend (your teacher).Speak about your interview.   There is a sofa in Omar’s living room  There are pictures in Colin’s bedroom  There is a picture on the wall

Exercise: 12 p119.Talk to your friend (your teacher).Speak about your interview. There is a sofa in Omar’s living room There are pictures in Colin’s bedroom There is a picture on the wall

Exercise: 16 p119.Find and count Example: How many monkeys are there? There is one monkey  How many trees are there? There are three trees  How many houses are there? There are seven houses How many dogs are there? There are two dogs How many horses are there? There are ten horses How many flowers are there? There are five flowers

Exercise: 16 p119.Find and count

Example: How many monkeys are there? There is one monkey

How many trees are there? There are three trees

How many houses are there? There are seven houses

How many dogs are there? There are two dogs

How many horses are there? There are ten horses

How many flowers are there? There are five flowers

e p f e r w c n a o l o l a t m r m p l k e y t s e a b





























Tests   1.Is there a table?  A.Yes, there is  B.No, there is  C.Yes, there isn’t 2.____ there a sofa?  a.Are  b.Is  c.Isn’t 3.____ there three pictures?  a.Is  b.Are  c.Aren’t 4. There are five___ on the table  a. a book  b.a window  c. a television 5.There is a ________  a.books  b.armchairs  c.camel


  • 1.Is there a table?
  • A.Yes, there is
  • B.No, there is
  • C.Yes, there isn’t
  • 2.____ there a sofa?
  • a.Are
  • b.Is
  • c.Isn’t
  • 3.____ there three pictures?
  • a.Is
  • b.Are
  • c.Aren’t
  • 4. There are five___ on the table
  • a. a book
  • b.a window
  • c. a television
  • 5.There is a ________




Home task Exercise:17 p 120 Look and say

Home task

Exercise:17 p 120

Look and say

Good bye see you!

Good bye see you!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Презентация на тему урока "My flat" 5-класс

Автор: Куанова Перизат Айтжановна

Дата: 11.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 414547

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