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Презентация на тему "Kazakh Traditional food"

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презентация на тему "Kazakh Traditional food"

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«Презентация на тему "Kazakh Traditional food"»

Kazakh Traditional Food Эта презентация демонстрирует новые возможности PowerPoint. Ее рекомендуется просматривать в режиме показа слайдов. Эти слайды должны дать вам представление о том, какие эффектные презентации можно создать с помощью PowerPoint 2010. Для доступа к другим образцам шаблонов перейдите на вкладку

Kazakh Traditional Food

Эта презентация демонстрирует новые возможности PowerPoint. Ее рекомендуется просматривать в режиме показа слайдов. Эти слайды должны дать вам представление о том, какие эффектные презентации можно создать с помощью PowerPoint 2010.

Для доступа к другим образцам шаблонов перейдите на вкладку "Файл", а затем щелкните "Образцы слайдов" на вкладке "Создать".

Secret Messages 1- Z , 2- Y, 3- X , 4- W , 5- V , 6- U , 7- T , 8- S , 9- R , 10- Q , 11- P , 12- O , 13- N , 14- M , 15- L , 16- K , 17- J , 18- I , 19- H , 20- G , 21- F , 22- E , 23- D , 24- C , 25- B , 26- A  I) 14/22/26/7 II) 8/19/6/25/26/7 III) 26/11/15/22

Secret Messages

1- Z , 2- Y, 3- X , 4- W , 5- V , 6- U , 7- T , 8- S , 9- R , 10- Q , 11- P , 12- O , 13- N , 14- M , 15- L , 16- K , 17- J , 18- I , 19- H , 20- G , 21- F , 22- E , 23- D , 24- C , 25- B , 26- A

I) 14/22/26/7

II) 8/19/6/25/26/7

III) 26/11/15/22

Association  Kazakh Traditional Food


Kazakh Traditional Food

Brainstorming  Find the odd words Apple, plum, egg, pear, banana Shubat, juice, kymyz, orange, airan Onion, potato, tomato, grape, cabbage, cucumber Bread, bayursak, kuyrdak, irimshik, strawberry

Brainstorming Find the odd words

Apple, plum, egg, pear, banana

Shubat, juice, kymyz, orange, airan

Onion, potato, tomato, grape, cabbage, cucumber

Bread, bayursak, kuyrdak, irimshik, strawberry

Kazakh Traditional Food  In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guest they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak. They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are kymys, shubat. These drinks are very useful for our health.

Kazakh Traditional Food

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guest they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak. They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are kymys, shubat. These drinks are very useful for our health.

Catch my questions What’s the popular food in Kazakh people? What’s your favourite drink? What other meals do people have in your country? What’s the traditional drinks in Kazakh people? How often does your family have the Kazakh meat? Do you like Kazakh’s Traditional Food and Drinks? What’s your favourite food? Why do you like their? What’s the popular food in your family?

Catch my questions

What’s the popular food in Kazakh people?

What’s your favourite drink?

What other meals do people have in your country?

What’s the traditional drinks in Kazakh people?

How often does your family have the Kazakh meat?

Do you like Kazakh’s Traditional Food and Drinks?

What’s your favourite food?

Why do you like their?

What’s the popular food in your family?

Essential Grammar in rules and exercises: Some  &  any

Essential Grammar in rules and exercises:




Some and Any Some – using in the positive and interrogative sentences. Example: There are some apples on the table .  Can I have some tea?  Would you like some coffee? Any – using in the negative and interrogative sentences. Examples: Is there any water in the glass?  I haven’t got any sisters and brothers.

Some and Any

  • Some – using in the positive and interrogative sentences.

Example: There are some apples on the table .

Can I have some tea?

Would you like some coffee?

  • Any using in the negative and interrogative sentences.

Examples: Is there any water in the glass?

I haven’t got any sisters and brothers.

Put some and any in the correct place in the sentences: Example: 1) There are newspapers on the bookshelf.  There are some newspapers on the bookshelf. 2) Are there bus tickets in your briefcase? 3) There are stamps in my bag. 4) There aren’t keys in the kitchen. 5) There are pens on the table. 6) Are there Russian students in your class?

Put some and any in the correct place in the sentences:

Example: 1) There are newspapers on the bookshelf.

There are some newspapers on the bookshelf.

2) Are there bus tickets in your briefcase?

3) There are stamps in my bag.

4) There aren’t keys in the kitchen.

5) There are pens on the table.

6) Are there Russian students in your class?

Физкультминутка Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap! (руки на верх, похлопали) Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake! (руки вниз, потрясли) Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump! (руки на пояс, прыгают) Hop! Hop! Hop! Stop! Stand still! (останавливаются)


Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!

(руки на верх, похлопали)

Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

(руки вниз, потрясли)

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

(руки на пояс, прыгают)

Hop! Hop! Hop! Stop! Stand still!


Complete the sentences: Kazakh Traditional Food  In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of______. Their traditional food is the Kazakh______. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guest they also cook _____,______, ______. They have some traditional _______ products. They are kurt, ________. Their traditional drinks are_______, shubat. These _______ are very useful for our health.

Complete the sentences:

Kazakh Traditional Food

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of______. Their traditional food is the Kazakh______. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guest they also cook _____,______, ______. They have some traditional _______ products. They are kurt, ________. Their traditional drinks are_______, shubat. These _______ are very useful for our health.

True or False In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of sausages. Their traditional food is the Kazakh pork.  Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guest they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak. They have some traditional water products. They are kurt, cheese. Their traditional drinks are coffee, juice. These drinks aren’t very useful for our health.

True or False

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of sausages.

Their traditional food is the Kazakh pork.

Kazakh people are very hospitable.

When they invite guest they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak.

They have some traditional water products.

They are kurt, cheese. Their traditional drinks are coffee, juice.

These drinks aren’t very useful for our health.

After this lesson I am… 4. discontented… 3. inspired!  4. discontented… 2. puzzled 4. discontented… 1. great! 3. inspired!  5. enthusiastic  7. in love with English  6. tired 10. thankful 9. interested 8. frustrated

After this lesson I am…

4. discontented…

3. inspired!

4. discontented…

2. puzzled

4. discontented…

1. great!

3. inspired!

5. enthusiastic

7. in love with English

6. tired

10. thankful

9. interested

8. frustrated

Homework Ex 2 on page 209


Ex 2 on page 209

The lesson is over      Good -bye

The lesson is over

Good -bye

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация на тему "Kazakh Traditional food"

Автор: Ерлан Қарлығаш

Дата: 29.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 404403

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