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Презентация к уроку на тему: “Guide to the United Kingdom”

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Презентация к уроку  английского языка на тему: “Guide  to the United Kingdom”

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«Презентация к уроку на тему: “Guide to the United Kingdom”»

School № 1 Sapayewa Agasoltan Guide to the United Kingdom Balkanabat c. English “Guide to the United Kingdom” S

School № 1

Sapayewa Agasoltan

Guide to the United Kingdom

Balkanabat c.

English “Guide

to the United Kingdom”


Gerb National flag


National flag

Northern Ireland  Wales England Scotland








The deepest is the Thames, on which the capital of England, London is situated National flag: “The British Union Flag” or “The Union Jack”, officially adopted in 1801. Head of state: monarh (queen or king)

The deepest is the Thames, on which the capital of England, London is situated

National flag: “The British Union

Flag” or “The Union Jack”, officially adopted in 1801.

Head of state: monarh (queen or king)

Chief products: Agriculture – beef and dairy cattle, sheep,chickens and eggs,hogs,milk,sugar beets,wheat.

Chief products: Agriculture – beef and dairy cattle, sheep,chickens and eggs,hogs,milk,sugar beets,wheat.



VOCABULARY 1.Electrical and electronic products  электрические и электронные продукции  2.chemicals химические 3.pharmaceuticals Фармацевтическая продукция 4.Iron and steel  железный и стальной 5.coal  уголь 6.machinery Maşyn önümi


1.Electrical and electronic products

электрические и электронные продукции




Фармацевтическая продукция

4.Iron and steel

железный и стальной




Maşyn önümi

Ex 1p.121 Answer the questions on the text The United Kingdom 1.Where is the United Kingdom (the UK) situated? The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on two large islands  called the British Isles.

Ex 1p.121

Answer the questions on the

text The United Kingdom

1.Where is the United

Kingdom (the UK) situated?

The United kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland

is situated on two large islands

called the British Isles.

2.How many parts does the larger island consist of? The larger island is Great Britain, which consists of three parts: Englad,Scotland and wales.

2.How many parts does the larger island consist of?

The larger island is Great Britain, which consists of three

parts: Englad,Scotland and wales.

How many parts does the  larger island consist of? The country is situated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the north sea and the Irish sea, which is between Great Britain and Ireland.

How many parts does the

larger island consist of?

The country is situated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the north sea and the Irish sea, which is between Great Britain and Ireland.



Home assignment    Make up short dialogues on the text “The United Kingdom”

Home assignment

Make up short dialogues on the text “The United Kingdom”

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку на тему: “Guide to the United Kingdom”

Автор: Сапаева Агасолтан

Дата: 24.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 402971

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