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Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему: "Дом".

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему: "Дом".»



path garden shed fence chimney roof skylight window garage lawn stair s gate door garden doorbell guttering


garden shed








stair s






A house can have two or three floors. You find houses in towns and villages in the country.

A house can have two or three floors. You find houses in towns and villages in the country.

English Houses In England there are many beautiful and interesting houses. They are made of stone or brick.

English Houses

In England there are many beautiful and interesting houses. They are made of stone or brick.

The main types of houses in England are:

The main types of houses in England are:

  • Detached
  • Semi-detached
  • Terrace
  • Manor
  • Castle
  • Flats (apartments)
Detached  house A detached house is a house which is stands on its own. It is not connected to any other building. The lower part of the house is made from stone.

Detached house

A detached house is a house which is stands on its own. It is not connected to any other building. The lower part of the house is made from stone.

Tudor Detached House This house is a detached house because it is not attached to any other house. It was built during the Tudor times about 400 years ago.

Tudor Detached House

This house is a detached house because it is not attached to any other house. It was built during the Tudor times about 400 years ago.

Semi-detached house A semi-detached house is one of a pair of two houses which are joined together. There are lots of semi-detached houses in town suburbs in England.

Semi-detached house

A semi-detached house is one of a pair of two houses which are joined together.

There are lots of semi-detached houses in town suburbs in England.

Terrace Houses A terrace house is a row of small houses joined together. The house at each end is called an “end terrace” house. These are mainly found in towns.

Terrace Houses

A terrace house is a row of small houses joined together. The house at each end is called an “end terrace” house. These are mainly found in towns.

Cottage This is usually a small detached house in the country, perhaps in a small village. Cottage can be very old and pretty. Some have thatched roofs.


This is usually a small detached house in the country, perhaps in a small village. Cottage can be very old and pretty. Some have thatched roofs.

Oast House Oast Houses were not originally a building where people lived. They were part of farm buildings where hop was dried.

Oast House

Oast Houses were not originally a building where people lived. They were part of farm buildings where hop was dried.

Manor House These houses are very old and historical. A manor was a village owned by a lord, a community where he and his tenants lived. The manor house is often the grandest house a village, but it is not very big. Manor houses in England are examples of architecture from the 13 th to the 17 th century/ over the years they have been the homes of squires, merchants, clergymen and gentlemen.

Manor House

These houses are very old and historical. A manor was a village owned by a lord, a community where he and his tenants lived. The manor house is often the grandest house a village, but it is not very big. Manor houses in England are examples of architecture from the 13 th to the 17 th century/ over the years they have been the homes of squires, merchants, clergymen and gentlemen.

Castle Not many people live in castles today! Some of the royal family and the aristocracy live in castles where their families have lived hundreds of years. Castles are often called ‘stately homes’.


Not many people live in castles today! Some of the royal family and the aristocracy live in castles where their families have lived hundreds of years. Castles are often called ‘stately homes’.

Block of Flats A flat is part of a bigger building where all the flats share a front door. Only cities and very big towns have flats.

Block of Flats

A flat is part of a bigger building where all the flats share a front door. Only cities and very big towns have flats.

English Houses This house is over 600 years old. A thatched houses are very funny and unusual.

English Houses

This house is over 600 years old.

A thatched houses are very funny and unusual.

Igloo In the north people built igloos. Some igloos are made from snow or ice. They are very small, but another have many rooms and a satellite dish.


In the north people built igloos. Some igloos are made from snow or ice. They are very small, but another have many rooms and a satellite dish.

Teepee Some teepees are made from grass, cloth, animal skins. Some of them are decorated.


Some teepees are made from grass, cloth, animal skins. Some of them are decorated.

“ Rock” house “ Boot” house Strange houses

Rock” house

Boot” house

Strange houses

“ Saxophone” house “ Upside down” house Strange houses

Saxophone” house

Upside down” house

Strange houses

Strange houses “ Cube” house “ Snake” house “ Pie” house

Strange houses

Cube” house

Snake” house

Pie” house

“ Cauidron” house Strange houses

Cauidron” house

Strange houses

Strange houses “ Broken” house “ House on the stick ”

Strange houses

Broken” house

House on the stick

Strange houses “ Japanese leaf” house “ Ship” house “ Bottle” house

Strange houses

Japanese leaf” house

Ship” house

Bottle” house

“ UFO” house Strange houses “ Dragon” house

UFO” house

Strange houses

Dragon” house

Strange houses “ Pyramid” house

Strange houses

Pyramid” house

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему: "Дом".

Автор: Гусева Елена Геннадьевна

Дата: 06.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 437252

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