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Презентация Victory Day in Russia

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Презентация посвящена Дню Победы и может быть использована при работе над темой "Праздники" в разных классах (5-8кл). Слайды сопровождаются текстом об обычаях и традициях празднования самого важного праздника в нашей стране - Дня Победы. Дается также краткая информация о неизменных символах празднования:(георгиевская ленточка, Орден Красной Звезды, военный парад на Красной площади в Москве).
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«Презентация Victory Day in Russia »

Victory Day in Russia   Выполнила учитель английского языка Балова Танзиля Биляловна Гимназия №4 г. Усть-Джегута

Victory Day in Russia

Выполнила учитель английского языка

Балова Танзиля Биляловна

Гимназия №4 г. Усть-Джегута

One of the most remarkable public events in Russia is Victory Day. It is traditionally celebrated on the 9th of May. This patriotic holiday commemorates the victory of the USSR over the Nazi Germany .

One of the most remarkable public events in Russia is Victory Day. It is traditionally celebrated on the 9th of May. This patriotic holiday commemorates the victory of the USSR over the Nazi Germany .

Remember and Proud of! Many people have lost their loved ones and close relatives during this ruthless war. From one hand everyone is happy that the country wasn’t occupied by the fascist invaders, from the other hand everyone grieves over their loss.

Remember and Proud of!

Many people have lost their loved ones and close relatives during this ruthless war. From one hand everyone is happy that the country wasn’t occupied by the fascist invaders, from the other hand everyone grieves over their loss.

The V-Day Traditions On this day, TV networks broadcast World War II- inspired films.

The V-Day Traditions

On this day, TV networks

broadcast World War II-

inspired films.

World War II documentaries are often aired nationally on television to tell the stories of the war and to honor the veterans who gave their lives.

World War II

documentaries are often

aired nationally on

television to tell

the stories of the war

and to honor

the veterans

who gave their lives.

Every year in honour of this day in all cities across the country lots of cheerful parades  and celebrations are held. Despite the fact that the holiday is celebrated in a flamboyant way, May 9 is a sad day for the majority of our population.

Every year in honour of this day

in all cities across the country

lots of cheerful parades

and celebrations are held.

Despite the fact that

the holiday is celebrated in

a flamboyant way, May 9 is

a sad day for the majority

of our population.

Common symbols of Victory Day      Common symbols of Victory Day in Russia are: St. George ribbon – people wear this black-and-yellow ribbon on their clothes or tie it to car antennas as a sign of respect and remembrance.

Common symbols of Victory Day  

Common symbols of Victory Day in Russia are:

St. George ribbon – people wear

this black-and-yellow ribbon

on their clothes or tie it to car antennas

as a sign of respect and remembrance.

Red Star medal Red Star medal – a military distinction for bravery.

Red Star medal

Red Star medal –

a military distinction for bravery.

Giving flowers  Another tradition is to give flowers, usually red carnations, to veterans in the street and to lay wreaths at the war memorial sites.

Giving flowers

Another tradition is to give flowers, usually red carnations,

to veterans in the street and to lay wreaths at the war memorial sites.

Red carnations    Red carnations – blood red is the color of the Soviet flag under which the veterans had fought. Laying an even number of red carnations at war memorial sites signifies mourning and remembrance.

Red carnations


Red carnations – blood red is the color of the Soviet flag under which the veterans had fought. Laying an even number of red carnations at war memorial sites signifies mourning and remembrance.

Always in our memory

Always in our memory

Many people attend a local military parade and watch the fireworks at night on Victory Day. The biggest parade is in Moscow’s Red Square, showcasing Russia’s military forces.
  • Many people attend a local military parade and watch the fireworks at night on Victory Day. The biggest parade is in Moscow’s Red Square, showcasing Russia’s military forces.

Most veterans wear their medals as they head to the parade or an event organized by a local veteran organization

Victory parade traditions include:   - A color guard carrying the flag and accompanied by brass and drummers from the Moscow Military Music School opens each Victory Day parade on Red Square. - The famous clock on the Kremlin Saviour Tower signals the start of the celebration at 10am. - The two men riding while standing in open limos are General of the Army Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The other gentleman is the “parade commander” Colonel General Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Ground Forces. - One of the most important traditions is the annual Victory Parade address by the President

Victory parade traditions include:

- A color guard carrying the flag and accompanied by brass and drummers from the Moscow Military Music School opens each Victory Day parade on Red Square.

- The famous clock on the Kremlin Saviour Tower signals the start of the celebration at 10am.

- The two men riding while standing in open limos are General of the Army Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The other gentleman is the “parade commander” Colonel General Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Ground Forces.

- One of the most important traditions is the annual Victory Parade address by the President

The annual Victory Parade address by the President    - Glory to the victorious people! - Happy holiday to everyone! - Happy Victory Day! - Hurrah!

The annual Victory Parade address by the President

- Glory to the victorious people!

- Happy holiday to everyone!

- Happy Victory Day!

- Hurrah!

Moscow’s Red Square Military Parade

Moscow’s Red Square Military Parade

Victory was songs, dances…  Old war songs are sang and performed while  veterans march in the annual parade.

Victory was songs, dances…

Old war songs are sang and performed while

veterans march in the annual parade.

A Minute of Silence :18.50.

A Minute of Silence :18.50.

Artillery salvo and fireworks. In the evening there is a holiday salute and a minute of silence to remember all those  who did not come back from the war.

Artillery salvo and fireworks.

In the evening there is

a holiday salute and

a minute of silence

to remember all those

who did not come back

from the war.

Использованные ресурсы novttt.ru images.yandex.ru photo.unian.net http://www.fontanka.ru http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

Использованные ресурсы

  • novttt.ru
  • images.yandex.ru
  • photo.unian.net
  • http://www.fontanka.ru
  • http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS

. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

  • http://go.mail.ru/search_images

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Презентация Victory Day in Russia

Автор: Балова Танзиля Биляловна

Дата: 29.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 193221

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