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Презентация по теме "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

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«Презентация по теме "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"»

“ It’s better to see something once, than to hear about it a hundred times”.

It’s better to see something once, than to hear about it a hundred times”.

the Queen- Королева to reign- царствовать, властвовать to rule- управлять elected government- выборное правительство coal - уголь oil - нефть mild- умеренный population- население Saint patrol- Святой покровитель   to be situated on - быть расположенным … coast - побережье to consist of - состоять из… to lie - лежать the British Isles - Британские острова an island - остров to be separated from – отделяться от… washed - омываться Square kilometers -квадратные километры
  • the Queen- Королева
  • to reign- царствовать, властвовать
  • to rule- управлять
  • elected government- выборное правительство
  • coal - уголь
  • oil - нефть
  • mild- умеренный
  • population- население
  • Saint patrol- Святой покровитель

  • to be situated on - быть расположенным …
  • coast - побережье
  • to consist of - состоять из…
  • to lie - лежать
  • the British Isles - Британские острова
  • an island - остров
  • to be separated from отделяться от…
  • washed - омываться
  • Square kilometers -квадратные километры

Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home.

Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home.

Scotland England The UK Northern Ireland Wales



The UK

Northern Ireland


There are a lot of rivers in the UK, but they are not very long. The SEVERN is the longest river. The THAMES is the deepest and the most important one.
  • There are a lot of rivers in the UK, but they are not very long.
  • The SEVERN is the longest river.
  • The THAMES is the deepest and the most important one.
the symbol of England is the red rose the symbol of Wales is the daffodil the symbol of Nothern Ireland is the shamrock the symbol of Scotland is the thistle

the symbol of England is the red rose

the symbol of Wales is the daffodil

the symbol of Nothern Ireland is the shamrock

the symbol of Scotland is the thistle

The Clock Tower is called “Big Ben”, is known the world over. Its hour bell is named after Sir Benjamin Hall

The Clock Tower is called “Big Ben”, is known the world over. Its hour bell is named after Sir Benjamin Hall

Westminster Abbey    is a large, mainly Gothic church, in Westminster, London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English, later British and later still (and currently) monarchs of the Commonwealth Realms. It briefly held the status of a cathedral from 1546–1556, and is a Royal  Peculiar.

Westminster Abbey

is a large, mainly Gothic church, in Westminster, London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English, later British and later still (and currently) monarchs of the Commonwealth Realms. It briefly held the status of a cathedral from 1546–1556, and is a Royal Peculiar.

Trafalgar Square  is a square in central London, England. With its position in the heart of London, it is a tourist attraction; and one of the most famous squares in the United Kingdom and the world. At its centre is Nelson's Column, which is guarded by four lion statues at its base. Statues and sculptures are on display in the square, including a fourth plinth displaying changing pieces of contemporary art, and it is a site of political demonstrations.

Trafalgar Square is a square in central London, England. With its position in the heart of London, it is a tourist attraction; and one of the most famous squares in the United Kingdom and the world. At its centre is Nelson's Column, which is guarded by four lion statues at its base. Statues and sculptures are on display in the square, including a fourth plinth displaying changing pieces of contemporary art, and it is a site of political demonstrations.

Piccadilly Circus  is a famous road junction and public space of London's West End in the City of Westminster, built in 1819 to connect Regent Street with the major shopping street of Piccadilly. In this context a circus , from the Latin word meaning a circle, is a circular open space at a street junction

Piccadilly Circus is a famous road junction and public space of London's West End in the City of Westminster, built in 1819 to connect Regent Street with the major shopping street of Piccadilly. In this context a circus , from the Latin word meaning a circle, is a circular open space at a street junction

The Tower of London is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe

The Tower of London is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe

1 . How many parts does the UK consist of ? 2. What are their names ? 3. Is the UK a large or a small country ? 4. What is the capital of Wales? 5. What is the main country in the UK? 6. What is the capital of Scotland? 7. What is the Tower ? 8. What is the symbol of Northern Ireland? 9. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? 10. What is the symbol of Wales? 11. What is the deepest river in London? 12. What is the capital of England? 13. What is the symbol of Scotland ? 14. What is the name for the flag of the UK? 15 What is the official name of Great Britain? 16. What is the other name of London buses ?

1 . How many parts does the UK consist of ?

2. What are their names ?

3. Is the UK a large or a small country ?

4. What is the capital of Wales?

5. What is the main country in the UK?

6. What is the capital of Scotland?

7. What is the Tower ?

8. What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?

9. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

10. What is the symbol of Wales?

11. What is the deepest river in London?

12. What is the capital of England?

13. What is the symbol of Scotland ?

14. What is the name for the flag of the UK?

15 What is the official name of Great Britain?

16. What is the other name of London buses ?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация по теме "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

Автор: Морозова Юлия Сергеевна

Дата: 11.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 129445

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