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Презентация по теме "Meals"

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Класс: 7.В подгруппе 12 учащихся. Презентация по теме "Еда". Урок закрепления лексики и грамматики. После определения темы и цели, предложила стихотворение для фонетической разминки. Для закрепления лексики было предложено упражнение с электронного учебника, где учащиеся должны были распределить слова по темам "фрукты", "овощи". Следующим упражнением было дополнить рифму. Следующим этапом было разделение на группы по картинкам "фрукты", "овощи", "напитки". После образования групп выбрали главного в группе, который должен был оценивать учащихся по критериям, по тому, как работал на уроке. Первой группе было предложено задание отгадать загадку, второй - соотнести, третьей - вставить слово в диалог и проиграть его. Следующим этапом была физическая минутка. После этого учащиеся просмотрели мультфильм "Голодный кот" и сделали упражнение true or false. Затем разделились на группы по номерам 1, 2, 3. Повторили темы, такие как: Исчисляемые, неисчисляемые существительные, модальные глаголы, местоимения some, any. Учащиеся выполняли задания: первая группа - вставить местоимения, вторая - вставить модальный глагол "should, shouldn't", третья - распределить слова на две группы исчисляемые, неисчисляемые существительные. К концу урока подвели итоги, записали домашнее задание, оценили учащихся. На рефлексию предложила учащимся заполнить таблицу. 

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«презентация по теме "Meals" »

Vegetables Fruits



4. This girl is Lola. She likes drinking  5. And this boy is Fred. He likes eating  6. But do you want to know the food that is dream? It’s chocolate cake, with lots of good

4. This girl is Lola. She likes drinking

5. And this boy is Fred. He likes eating

6. But do you want to know the food that is dream? It’s chocolate cake, with lots of good

M a r k s h e e t № Pupils 1.   2. Writing   Listening 3.         4.     Speaking         Reading               Final mark                    

M a r k s h e e t


























Final mark











Work in groups   1 group  Find the riddle: 1. It is a fruit. It is red or yellow, sometimes green. It is very tasty. Children like to eat it very much. … 2. It is a vegetable. It is orange. It is sweet. It is good for vegetable soup or salad. It is good to eat. … 3. It is white or brown. It is good to eat with meat soup or vegetable soup. It is good to eat with butter or jam. It may be toast…. 4.It is a drink. It is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. …

Work in groups

1 group

Find the riddle:

1. It is a fruit. It is red or yellow, sometimes green. It is very tasty. Children like to eat it very much. …

2. It is a vegetable. It is orange. It is sweet.

It is good for vegetable soup or salad.

It is good to eat. …

3. It is white or brown. It is good to eat with meat soup or vegetable soup. It is good to eat with butter or jam.

It may be toast….

4.It is a drink. It is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. …

  • 1. It is a fruit. It is red or yellow, sometimes green. It is very tasty. Children like to eat it very much. … 2. It is a vegetable. It is orange. It is sweet. It is good for vegetable soup or salad. It is good to eat. … 3. It is white or brown. It is good to eat with meat soup or vegetable soup. It is good to eat with butter or jam. It may be toast…. 4.It is a drink. It is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. …
2 group: Match some common ideas about food. 1.Eating carrots is good a) helps you to sleep. 2.Fish is good b) keeps the doctor away. 3.Drinking coffee c) for the eyes. 4.An apple a day d) for the brain. 5.Warm milk e) keeps you from sleeping.

2 group:

Match some common ideas about food.

1.Eating carrots is good a) helps you to sleep.

2.Fish is good b) keeps the doctor away.

3.Drinking coffee c) for the eyes.

4.An apple a day d) for the brain.

5.Warm milk e) keeps you from sleeping.

3 group: You must put the correct word into the dialogue “DRINKS”. And role play it. The words: drinks, apple and tomato, juice, desert.   Waiter: Good afternoon! Would you like your _____ ? Natasha: No, thank you. Ira: Yes, I would like some _____ . Waiter: What kind, Miss? Ira: __________________ Am, please. Waiter: Good. Here are your menus. And here’s the _______ menu. Ira: Natasha, here’s a menu for you.

3 group:

You must put the correct word into the dialogue “DRINKS”. And role play it.

The words: drinks, apple and tomato, juice, desert.


Waiter: Good afternoon! Would you like your _____ ?

Natasha: No, thank you.

Ira: Yes, I would like some _____ .

Waiter: What kind, Miss?

Ira: __________________ Am, please.

Waiter: Good. Here are your menus. And here’s the _______ menu.

Ira: Natasha, here’s a menu for you.

The cartoon of hungry Cat

The cartoon of hungry Cat

Work in groups Revision grammar:

Work in groups

Revision grammar:

  • Countable and Uncountable nouns;
  • Pronouns: some, any;
  • Modal verbs.
1 group:  Read and  match.  Put some / an y    1.Do  you  have  ………..  bananas? Yes, I  have ……. bananas.  2.Do  you  have …….. strawberries?   I`m sorry. I have some nice bananas. I don`t have …… strawberries.   3.Do  you  have …… melons?  I`m sorry. I don`t  have ……  

1 group:

Read and  match.  Put some / an y


1.Do  you  have  ………..  bananas? Yes, I  have ……. bananas. 

2.Do  you  have …….. strawberries?  

I`m sorry. I have some nice bananas. I don`t have …… strawberries.  

3.Do  you  have …… melons?  I`m sorry. I don`t  have ……  

2 group:  Put shoul d or shouldn’t into the sentences. 1.You _______ sit up straight. 2.You _______ talk with your mouth full. 3. You ______ say “Thank you” after meal. 4.You ______ put your elbows on the table.

2 group:

Put shoul d or shouldn’t into the sentences.

1.You _______ sit up straight.

2.You _______ talk with your mouth full.

3. You ______ say “Thank you” after meal.

4.You ______ put your elbows on the table.

3 group:  Read and write countable or uncountable nouns. The words:  cars, water, air, bottles, apples, bread,  tea, dollars, money, lemons, sugar, salt, eggs, milk, coffee, oranges.  Countable   Uncountable      

3 group:

Read and write countable or uncountable nouns.

The words:

cars, water, air, bottles, apples, bread,

tea, dollars, money, lemons, sugar,

salt, eggs, milk, coffee, oranges.







Reflection:  Today at the lesson we have: ( Бүгін сабақта ..)   Reviewed the material about… ( қайталадық .)                       Done… ( не істедік ..)   Remembered… ( есінде сақтадық ..)     Like… (ұнады.) Dislike… (ұнаған жоқ...)    


Today at the lesson we have:

( Бүгін сабақта ..)


Reviewed the material about…

( қайталадық .)













( не істедік ..)



( есінде сақтадық ..)






(ұнаған жоқ...)



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

презентация по теме "Meals"

Автор: Sarmurzina Zhadra Sundetbaevna

Дата: 31.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 124794

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