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Конспект заключительного урока по теме "Food" по программе Fairyland-3

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The 17th of April, Friday.

Hello! I’m glad to see you today!

What date is it today?

What’s the weather like today?

And do you remember what season is it now?

What time is it now?

Ok, let’s start our lesson!

Today we are speaking about “Food” (слайд 1).

Today we repeat the words, repeat the grammar, go shopping and play some games. Сегодня мы с вами повторим пройденные слова по теме «Еда», повторим правила с которыми познакомились на прошлых занятиях, сходим за покупками в магазин и немного поиграем.

Let’s start out lesson with a tongue twister. Do you remember what does it mean? It means «скороговорка».

Do you remember what holiday was on Saturday the 12th of April?

It was Easter. Let’s learn Easter tongue twister. (слайд 2)

Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

Let’s translate it. «Каждую Пасху Эдди съедает 80 пасхальных яиц».

Какая буква встречается во всех словах?

Ее. Какие звуки она дает?

Если стоит перед гласной буквой, то [  i?? ], если перед согласными, то [ ? ].

Let’s read this tongue twister.

Eggs -Easter eggs - Eighty Easter eggs -Eats eighty Easter eggs - Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs -Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

Now open your copybooks, write down the date and write this tongue twister. At home try to learn it.

Which food can you see in this tongue twister?


That’s correct. Now let’s repeat another words.

Let’s read the letters and make the word. Then read, translate and find the pictures.










Ok, let’s read these words once agane. Repeat after me.

 Now let’s play. This game is for your memory. Look and say what is missing? (презентация)

Now say me please what food do you like and what you don’t like. (презентация)

Do you like carrots?

Do you like bananas?

Do you like apples?

Do you like tomatoes?

Do you like oranges?

That’s great!

Now let’s go shopping. But it will be unusual shopping. One of you should buy countable food, and one of you should buy uncountable food. Let’s choose who buy countable and who uncountable. (карточки)

But before you go shopping let’s repeat which food is countable and which is uncountable?(презентация)

Countable nouns name anything that we can count: one, two, three, four, etc.

Uncountable nouns are words for things that we can’t count.

For example, we can’t say two waters or five sugars.

Now, you should buy _________________ food, and you _______________ food. I give you baskets. Let’s start your shopping. You give one minute.

(В это время на доске вешаю плакаты с холодильниками и карточки с продуктами)

Продукты и карточки:

Two apples

One banana

One egg

Three carrots

Some sweets






Time is up. Polina, what have you got in your basket?

And what about you Rita?

Now let’s put your food in the fridge.

Take your cards and put them in your fridge.

(на доске два плаката с холодильниками и карточки с едой).

That’s good. Now let’s repeat how we can say that something is in the fridge. Какой конструкцией нам нужно для этого воспользоваться?

There is….

There are…. (слайд    )

Now, let’s tell us what’s in your fridge.

Ok, now look at the screen and answer is there this food in your fridge or not. Do you understand?

Are there any apples?

Is there any cheese?

Is there an egg?

Are there any carrots?

Is there any water?

Are there any bananas?

Is there any juice?

Is there any sugar?

Is there any milk?

Are there any sweets?

Is there any chocolate?

That’s great! Now use this food we can cook some meal. What’s your favourite meal?

Do you like breakfast, lunch or dinner?

Look at the example about my favourite meal. (слайд   )

Now write and draw about your favourite meal.

(пишут и рассказывают о себе)

I think, that’s all for today. Our lesson is over. Что мы сегодня делали?

 Your home task is ….

Thank you for the lesson! Good by!

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«The 17th of April»

The 17th of April, Friday.

Hello! I’m glad to see you today!

What date is it today?

What’s the weather like today?

And do you remember what season is it now?

What time is it now?

Ok, let’s start our lesson!

Today we are speaking about “Food” (слайд 1).

Today we repeat the words, repeat the grammar, go shopping and play some games. Сегодня мы с вами повторим пройденные слова по теме «Еда», повторим правила с которыми познакомились на прошлых занятиях, сходим за покупками в магазин и немного поиграем.

Let’s start out lesson with a tongue twister. Do you remember what does it mean? It means «скороговорка».

Do you remember what holiday was on Saturday the 12th of April?

It was Easter. Let’s learn Easter tongue twister. (слайд 2)

Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

Let’s translate it. «Каждую Пасху Эдди съедает 80 пасхальных яиц».

Какая буква встречается во всех словах?

Ее. Какие звуки она дает?

Если стоит перед гласной буквой, то [ i͟ː ], если перед согласными, то [ ə ].

Let’s read this tongue twister.

Eggs -Easter eggs - Eighty Easter eggs -Eats eighty Easter eggs - Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs -Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

Now open your copybooks, write down the date and write this tongue twister. At home try to learn it.

Which food can you see in this tongue twister?


That’s correct. Now let’s repeat another words.

Let’s read the letters and make the word. Then read, translate and find the pictures.










Ok, let’s read these words once agane. Repeat after me.

Now let’s play. This game is for your memory. Look and say what is missing? (презентация)

Now say me please what food do you like and what you don’t like. (презентация)

Do you like carrots?

Do you like bananas?

Do you like apples?

Do you like tomatoes?

Do you like oranges?

That’s great!

Now let’s go shopping. But it will be unusual shopping. One of you should buy countable food, and one of you should buy uncountable food. Let’s choose who buy countable and who uncountable. (карточки)

But before you go shopping let’s repeat which food is countable and which is uncountable?(презентация)

Countable nouns name anything that we can count: one, two, three, four, etc.

Uncountable nouns are words for things that we can’t count.

For example, we can’t say two waters or five sugars.

Now, you should buy _________________ food, and you _______________ food. I give you baskets. Let’s start your shopping. You give one minute.

(В это время на доске вешаю плакаты с холодильниками и карточки с продуктами)

Продукты и карточки:

Two apples

One banana

One egg

Three carrots

Some sweets






Time is up. Polina, what have you got in your basket?

And what about you Rita?

Now let’s put your food in the fridge.

Take your cards and put them in your fridge.

(на доске два плаката с холодильниками и карточки с едой).

That’s good. Now let’s repeat how we can say that something is in the fridge. Какой конструкцией нам нужно для этого воспользоваться?

There is….

There are…. (слайд )

Now, let’s tell us what’s in your fridge.

Ok, now look at the screen and answer is there this food in your fridge or not. Do you understand?

Are there any apples?

Is there any cheese?

Is there an egg?

Are there any carrots?

Is there any water?

Are there any bananas?

Is there any juice?

Is there any sugar?

Is there any milk?

Are there any sweets?

Is there any chocolate?

That’s great! Now use this food we can cook some meal. What’s your favourite meal?

Do you like breakfast, lunch or dinner?

Look at the example about my favourite meal. (слайд )

Now write and draw about your favourite meal.

(пишут и рассказывают о себе)

I think, that’s all for today. Our lesson is over. Что мы сегодня делали?

Your home task is …..

Thank you for the lesson! Good by!

Просмотр содержимого документа
«картинки к уроку»

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«презентация к уроку»



E a ch E a st e r  E d di e  e a ts e i ghty E a st e r  e g gs.

E a ch E a st e r E d di e e a ts e i ghty E a st e r e g gs.

k i l m

k i l m



o t h o g d

o t h

o g d

Hot dog

Hot dog

a t e m

a t e m



a s g u r

a s g u r



i u j e c

i u j e c



n y o e h

n y o e h



t u b e t r

t u b e t r



a e c r l e

a e c r l e



c l a e t o c h o

c l a e t o c h o



a l p e p i p e n

a l p e p i p e n



Milk Honey Hot dog Butter Cereal Meat Sugar Chocolate Juice Pineapple



Hot dog








What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?


What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?


What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?


What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?


What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?


What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?


What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?


What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?


What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?


What’s missing? яйц

What’s missing?




Are there any apples in your fridge?

Are there any apples in your fridge?

Is there any cheese in your fridge?

Is there any cheese in your fridge?

Is there an egg in your fridge?

Is there an egg in your fridge?

Are there any carrots in your fridge?

Are there any carrots in your fridge?

Is there any water in your fridge?

Is there any water in your fridge?

Are there any bananas in your fridge?

Are there any bananas in your fridge?

Is there any juice in your fridge?

Is there any juice in your fridge?

Is there any sugar in your fridge?

Is there any sugar in your fridge?

Is there any milk in your fridge?

Is there any milk in your fridge?

Are there any sweets in the fridge?

Are there any sweets in the fridge?

Is there any chocolate in the fridge?

Is there any chocolate in the fridge?

My favourite meal My favourite meal is lunch . I like  chicken, rice and tomatoes for lunch. Yummy!

My favourite meal

My favourite meal is lunch .

I like chicken, rice and tomatoes for lunch. Yummy!

What’s your favourite meal?

What’s your favourite meal?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Конспект заключительного урока по теме "Food" по программе Fairyland-3

Автор: Момот Ирина Алексеевна

Дата: 22.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 204454

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