Презентация по английскому языку на тему: "Опера и балет"
Презентация по английскому языку на тему: "Опера и балет"
Презентация выполнена к одному из уроков по английскому языку на тему: "Опера и балет" (раздел "Музыка в жизни человека", учебник для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка О.А. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой "Английский язык XI"). На уроке ребята знакомятся с историей возникновения оперы и балета в России и за рубежом и её яркими представителями. Тема презентации поможет ребятам разобраться в данных видах искусства и проявить интерес к посещению театра оперы и балета.
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Руководитель: учитель английского языка Титаренко Г. Ф.
Тольятти, октябрь 2015 г.
Opera. What is it?
Opera - kind of musical-dramatic work, based on a synthesis of word, music and stage
action. Music is the main
carrier of the action in the
opera. Literary basis of the
opera – libretto.
History of Opera. When the opera has appeared?
Opera appeared in Italy, in the Mysteries (spiritual representations) in which the music was occasionally administered at a low level.
At the end of the XVI century, attempts to introduce such works monophonic singing (Monod) brought opera to the way in which its development has gone forward quickly. The authors of these efforts called their musical-dramatic works “drama in musica” or “drama per musica”; called “Opera” was applied to them in the first half of the XVII century.
Later on, some opera composers such as Richard Wagner, again returned to the name of “musical drama” .
. Opera in Russia
The Russian opera was introduced in 1736 by the Italian
opera companies and soon became an important part
of entertainment for the Russian imperial court and
the aristocracy.
“Cephalus and Procris” is the first opera in Russian, written
by the Italian composer Francesco Araya in 1755. In the
development of the opera in Russian undoubted Russian Empress.
contribution made by Russian composers - Vasily Pashkevich, Anna Ivanovna
Alexei Fomin Yevstigney Verstovsky. (1730-1740)
Famous actors. Europe.
Theo Adam Aino Act
German Finnish singer
opera singer (soprano).
and opera director.
Yiu Albanese Roberto Alagna.
Italian and American French singer
opera singer of XX of Italian origin
(soprano). (tenor).
Famous actors. Russia.
Aleksandrovskaya Atlantov V. A.
L. P.prominent Soviet
The Byelorussian Russian opera singer
Soviet opera singer (tenor).
director and public figure .
Abbasov A. Z. Andarova C. E.
Tatar opera singer . opera and
chamber singer
Ballet. What is it?
Ballet is kind of performing arts; performance the content of which is embodied in the musical and choreographic images.
At the heart of the classical ballet performance is a specific plot, dramatic idea, libretto.
The main types of dance in the ballet is classical dance and character dance, which since the XIX century are popular and folk dances, reworked for performance in ballet. Mime plays an important role, through which actors convey the feelings of the characters, their “talk” to each other, what was going on, and in many productions - also grotesque.
History of ballet. When the ballet has appeared?
In the beginning - as a single united action or mood dance scene, an episode in the musical performances, the opera. Borrowed from Italy, France court ballet appeared as a magnificent solemn spectacle.
Ballet became an independent kind of performing arts in the second half of the XVIII century thanks to the reforms Implemented by French choreographer Jean-Georges Noverre .
Ballet in Russia.
In Russia, the first ballet performance took place
February 8, 1673 at the court of Tsar Alexei
Mikhailovich in the village of Transfiguration.
The national originality of Russian ballet began to
take shape at the beginning of the XIX century Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov thanks to the work of French choreographer Charles- (1645-1676) Louis Didlo.