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Презентация на тему "My season"

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 My favourite season is winter.  The winter months are January, February and December. It is usually cold in winters. Sometimes it is cold and snowy in winter. The trees are white, naked and fluffy. I like winter because I can go out to play snowballs.        

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«Презентация на тему "My season" »

Korenovsk school № 1 Form 3B Savin Andrew


school № 1

Form 3B

Savin Andrew

Winter Spring Summer Autumn
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
My favourite season is winter. The winter months are January, February and December. It is usually cold in winters. Sometimes it is cold and snowy in winter. The trees are white, naked and fluffy. I like winter because I can go out to play snowballs. winter MENU

My favourite season is winter. The winter months are January, February and December. It is usually cold in winters. Sometimes it is cold and snowy in winter. The trees are white, naked and fluffy. I like winter because I can go out to play snowballs.



My favourite season is SPRING. The SPRING months are MARCH , MAY and APRIL . It is usually WARM in SPRING. Sometimes it is cold and snowy in winter. The trees are naked , green and fluffy.
  • My favourite season is SPRING. The SPRING months are MARCH , MAY and APRIL . It is usually WARM in SPRING. Sometimes it is cold and snowy in winter. The trees are naked , green and fluffy.


My favourite season is SUMMER. The SUMMER months are JYLY, AUGUST and JUNE. It is usually HOT in SUMMER. Sometimes it is WORM and in SUMMER. The trees are GREEN.
  • My favourite season is SUMMER. The SUMMER months are JYLY, AUGUST and JUNE. It is usually HOT in SUMMER. Sometimes it is WORM and in SUMMER. The trees are GREEN.


My favourite season is autumn. The autumn months are September, October, November. It is usually cold in autumn. Sometimes it is worm and rainy in autumn. The trees are white, naked and fluffy. I like winter because
  • My favourite season is autumn. The autumn months are September, October, November. It is usually cold in autumn. Sometimes it is worm and rainy in autumn. The trees are white, naked and fluffy. I like winter because


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация на тему "My season"

Автор: Тикаева Индира Мухитовна

Дата: 16.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 187149

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