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Презентация "Wild and domestic animals"

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Презентация "Wild and domestic animals"

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«Презентация "Wild and domestic animals"»

Wild and Domestic Animals

Wild and Domestic Animals

Domestic Animals Cat It is a domestic animal. Cat is little and fast. It likes fish and milk. Dog It is a domestic animal. Dog can be big or little. It likes meat.

Domestic Animals


It is a domestic animal. Cat is little and fast. It likes fish and milk.


It is a domestic animal. Dog can be big or little. It likes meat.

Horse It is a domestic animal. Horse is big and kind. It likes to eat grass. Cow It is a domestic animal. Cow is big and slow. It gives us milk.


It is a domestic animal. Horse is big and kind. It likes to eat grass.


It is a domestic animal.

Cow is big and slow. It gives us milk.

Pig It is a domestic animal. Pig is fat and heavy. It likes fruit and vegetables. Sheep It is a domestic animal. Sheep is light and kind. It likes to eat grass.


It is a domestic animal.

Pig is fat and heavy. It likes fruit and vegetables.


It is a domestic animal.

Sheep is light and kind. It likes to eat grass.

Goat It is a domestic animal. Goat is happy and full. It gives us milk. Donkey It is a domestic animal. Donkey is strong and slow. It carries heavy things.


It is a domestic animal. Goat is happy and full. It gives us milk.


It is a domestic animal. Donkey is strong and slow. It carries heavy things.

Duck It is a domestic bird. Duck is fat and slow. It likes to eat grass. Cock It is a domestic bird. Cock is weak and little. It likes to eat bread.


It is a domestic bird. Duck is fat and slow. It likes to eat grass.


It is a domestic bird. Cock is weak and little. It likes to eat bread.

Wild Animals Bear It is a wild animal. Bear can be brown, black and white. It is big and strong. Lion It is a wild animal. Lion is fast and angry. It likes to eat meat.

Wild Animals


It is a wild animal. Bear can be brown, black and white. It is big and strong.


It is a wild animal. Lion is fast and angry. It likes to eat meat.

Elephant It is a wild animal. Elephant is big and strong. It lives in Africa and India. Giraffe It is a wild animal. Giraffe has long neck and legs. It likes to eat leaves from the trees.


It is a wild animal. Elephant is big and strong. It lives in Africa and India.


It is a wild animal. Giraffe has long neck and legs. It likes to eat leaves from the trees.

Wolf It is a wild animal. Wolf is fast and angry. It likes to eat meat. Fox It is a wild animal. Fox is orange and white. It likes hares and hens.


It is a wild animal. Wolf is fast and angry. It likes to eat meat.


It is a wild animal. Fox is orange and white. It likes hares and hens.

Monkey It is a wild animal. Monkey is thin and fast. It likes bananas. Tiger It is a wild animal. Tiger is fast, strong and angry. It likes meat.


It is a wild animal. Monkey is thin and fast. It likes bananas.


It is a wild animal. Tiger is fast, strong and angry. It likes meat.

Turtle It is a wild animal. Turtle is little and slow. It likes to eat grass. Mouse It is a wild animal. Mouse is little, light and weak. It likes to eat grains.


It is a wild animal. Turtle is little and slow. It likes to eat grass.


It is a wild animal. Mouse is little, light and weak. It likes to eat grains.

Frog It is a wild reptile. Frog is little, light and weak. It lives at the river, lake or pond. Snake It is a wild reptile. Snake is long and angry. It likes to eat mice.


It is a wild reptile. Frog is little, light and weak. It lives at the river, lake or pond.


It is a wild reptile. Snake is long and angry. It likes to eat mice.

Kangaroo It is a wild animal. Kangaroo is big, strong and fast. It has a bag for children. Rhino It is a wild animal. Rhino is big, strong and angry. It is heavy and fat.


It is a wild animal. Kangaroo is big, strong and fast. It has a bag for children.


It is a wild animal. Rhino is big, strong and angry. It is heavy and fat.

Deer It is a wild animal. Deer is big, kind and fast. It lives in the forest and eats grass. Elk It is a wild animal. Elk is big, fat and kind. It lives in the forest and eats grass.


It is a wild animal. Deer is big, kind and fast.

It lives in the forest and eats grass.


It is a wild animal. Elk is big, fat and kind.

It lives in the forest and eats grass.

Penguin It is a wild animal. Penguin is big, fat and slow. It likes to eat fish. Crocodile It is a wild animal. Crocodile is long and angry. It lives in the river.


It is a wild animal. Penguin is big, fat and slow. It likes to eat fish.


It is a wild animal. Crocodile is long and angry. It lives in the river.

Boar It is a wild animal. Boar is big, fat and angry. It lives in the forest. Zebra It is a wild animal. Zebra is black and white. It is kind and fast. It lives in the zoo.


It is a wild animal. Boar is big, fat and angry. It lives in the forest.


It is a wild animal. Zebra is black and white. It is kind and fast. It lives in the zoo.

Panda It is a wild animal. Panda is black and white. It likes to eat leaves from the trees. Squirrel It is a wild animal. Squirrel is little and fast. It likes apples and nuts.


It is a wild animal. Panda is black and white. It likes to eat leaves from the trees.


It is a wild animal. Squirrel is little and fast. It likes apples and nuts.

Hedgehog It is a wild animal. Hedgehog is little and slow. It likes to eat mushrooms and apples. Beaver It is a wild animal. Beaver is little and fat. It lives in the forest.


It is a wild animal. Hedgehog is little and slow. It likes to eat mushrooms and apples.


It is a wild animal. Beaver is little and fat. It lives in the forest.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация "Wild and domestic animals"

Автор: Шевченко Алина Петровна

Дата: 04.11.2024

Номер свидетельства: 658972

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