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Презентация по теме "Употребление неопределенного артикля".

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В презентации подобраны основные случаи употребления неопределенного артикля в английском языке. Даны примеры.

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«Презентация по теме "Употребление неопределенного артикля".»

The indefinite article is  a  or  an . The form  an  is used before a word that starts with a vowel sound. a  girl an  eight-year-old girl a  cat an  engineer

The indefinite article is  a  or  an .

The form  an  is used before a word that starts with a vowel sound.

a  girl

an  eight-year-old girl

a  cat

an  engineer

The indefinite article is used with singular countable nouns:

The indefinite article is used with singular countable nouns:

  • to refer to a person or a thing which you do not want to be specific about.
  • I stopped off at   a   shop to buy   a   newspaper.
  • You go past   a   petrol station on the left, and then you’ll see our house on the right.
  • to refer to a person or a thing which you cannot be more specific about because there is not enough information.
  • A   man called to see you this afternoon.
  • There was   a   telephone call for you a minute ago.
  • in definitions.
  • An   octopus is   a   sea creature with eight tentacles.
Use  a  to refer to something for the first time.  Examples

Use  a  to refer to something for the first time.


  • Would you like  a drink ?
  • I've finally got  a good job .
  • An elephant and  a mouse  fell in love.
Indefinite articles often precede descriptive  adjectives .  Example:

Indefinite articles often precede descriptive  adjectives .


  • He is a good boy.
  • What a nice car!
Naming members of a group Use  a  with names of jobs. Examples John is  a doctor . He wants to be  a dancer . Use  a  with nationalities and religions in the singular. Examples John is  an Englishman . Kate is  a Catholic . Use  a  with the names of days of the week when not referring to any particular day. Examples

Naming members of a group

Use  a  with names of jobs.


  • John is  a doctor .
  • He wants to be  a dancer .

Use  a  with nationalities and religions in the singular.


  • John is  an Englishman .
  • Kate is  a Catholic .

Use  a  with the names of days of the week when not referring to any particular day.


  • I was born on  a Thursday .
  • Could I come over on  a Saturday  sometime?
Use  a  to refer to an example of something. Examples The mouse had  a tiny nose  . The elephant had  a long trunk  . It was  a very strange car  . Use  a  with singular nouns after the words 'what' and 'such'. Examples

Use  a  to refer to an example of something.


  • The mouse had  a tiny nose  .
  • The elephant had  a long trunk  .
  • It was  a very strange car  .

Use  a  with singular nouns after the words 'what' and 'such'.


  • What  a shame  !
  • She's such  a beautiful girl  .
  • What  a lovely day  !
Use  a  meaning 'one', referring to a single object or person, or a single unit of measure. In these sentences using

Use  a  meaning 'one', referring to a single object or person, or a single unit of measure. In these sentences using "one" instead of the indefinite article is grammatically correct. It will add emphasis to the number, and contrast with other numbers.


  • I'd like  an orange  and two lemons please.
  • The burglar took  a diamond necklace  and some valuable paintings.
  • I can think of  a hundred reasons  not to come.
  • I need  a kilogram  of sugar.
  • You can't run  a mile  in 5 minutes!
We don't use A/AN with possessive pronouns, demonstratives or cardinal numbers. My shirt is dirty. This car is expensive. One person is in the reception. We use ONE (or more) instead of A/AN when the number is important.

We don't use A/AN with possessive pronouns, demonstratives or cardinal numbers.

  • My shirt is dirty.
  • This car is expensive.
  • One person is in the reception.

We use ONE (or more) instead of A/AN when the number is important.

  • There is only one exit from the airport.
A or an -  sometimes makes a  Proper Noun  a Common Noun. Proper nouns generally do not take any articles, but when a proper noun needs to be used as a common noun, you must bring  a or an -  for it.    Example: 

A or an -  sometimes makes a  Proper Noun  a Common Noun. Proper nouns generally do not take any articles, but when a proper noun needs to be used as a common noun, you must bring  a or an -  for it.  


  • He thinks he is a Shakespeare. (Here, ‘Shakespeare’ does not refer to the actual person but someone like him.)
A or an -  sometimes can be used before a  Proper Noun  to show that the person mentioned is unknown for the speaker.   A Mr. Smith called you. Вам звонил некий мистер Смит.

A or an -  sometimes can be used before a  Proper Noun  to show that the person mentioned is unknown for the speaker.  

A Mr. Smith called you.

Вам звонил некий мистер Смит.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Презентация по теме "Употребление неопределенного артикля".

Автор: Апанасевич Юлия Викторовна

Дата: 17.12.2020

Номер свидетельства: 567493

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