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Презентация по теме "Advantages and disadvantages of television"

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Данная презентация хорошо подойдет для открытого урока по теме телевидение.

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«Презентация по теме "Advantages and disadvantages of television"»

Aim : to learn the advantages and disadvantages of television

Aim :

to learn the advantages and disadvantages of television

Dialogue-Questions   1.What type of film did the people see? 2.What does Ann think of the film? 3.What does David advise her to do?


1.What type of film did the people see?

2.What does Ann think of the film?

3.What does David advise her to do?

Unknown words   1.garbage-trash- мусор 2. Are you kidding me?- ты шутишь, что ли 3. blame- вина 4. selfish- эгоистичный

Unknown words

1.garbage-trash- мусор

2. Are you kidding me?- ты шутишь, что ли

3. blame- вина

4. selfish- эгоистичный



Speaking: Agree or disagree with the statements and explain why or why not. – The telephone is the most reliable means of communication. – The Internet is the most efficient means of delivering messages. – New and more efficient communication devices will be available in ten years.

Speaking: Agree or disagree with the statements and explain why or why not.

– The telephone is the most reliable means of communication.

– The Internet is the most efficient means of delivering


– New and more efficient communication devices will be

available in ten years.

– In 50 years people will be able to communicate their thoughts. – The best way to send a message over a long distance is by letter. – English as the lingua franca of the world today makes international communication more efficient.

In 50 years people will be able to communicate their


The best way to send a message over a long distance is by


English as the lingua franca of the world today makes international communication more efficient.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Презентация по теме "Advantages and disadvantages of television"

Автор: Петрович Юлия Викторовна

Дата: 08.03.2021

Номер свидетельства: 574934

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