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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Что ты сделал, чтобы помочь людям?" (7 класс)

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«Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Что ты сделал, чтобы помочь людям?" (7 класс)»

What Makes You Help Other People?

What Makes You Help Other People?

International organizations

International organizations

United Nations International Children’s Fund – an organization that helps needy children all over the world

United Nations International Children’s Fund – an organization that helps needy children all over the world

Help the Aged – an organization (a charity) which collects money and helps old people.

Help the Aged – an organization (a charity) which collects money and helps old people.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – a British charity organization which protects animals. The society was founded in 1824 to stop cruel treatment of animals. RSPCA inspectors have the right to enter people’s houses if they think there is cruelty or if somebody has made a report to them. The charity depends mainly on donations and has an income of 21 million pounds a year.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – a British charity organization which protects animals. The society was founded in 1824 to stop cruel treatment of animals. RSPCA inspectors have the right to enter people’s houses if they think there is cruelty or if somebody has made a report to them. The charity depends mainly on donations and has an income of 21 million pounds a year.

An international charity organization founded in 1961 to raise fund for conservation. The project includes protection of species (видов животных), for example, the tiger and giant panda.

An international charity organization founded in 1961 to raise fund for conservation. The project includes protection of species (видов животных), for example, the tiger and giant panda.

A British charity organization which raises money and helps children in Britain and all over the world.

A British charity organization which raises money and helps children in Britain and all over the world.

A large international charity organization that takes care of children in poor countries.

A large international charity organization that takes care of children in poor countries.

Russian charity project «The Covers of Kindeness»

Russian charity project

«The Covers of Kindeness»

« The covers of kindness»is a Russian charity project. It has two aims: to make Moscow cleaner and to help needy children. The symbol of the project is a magic seven-petal flower from Kataev’s tale about the girl Zhenya. She got a magic flower as a present , but she used it in vain. But the last cherished petal she donated to the boy . She wanted him to be healthy again  The project shows that everyone can help without any money. It also shows that usual «garbage» can be useful.

« The covers of kindness»is a Russian charity project. It has two aims: to make Moscow cleaner and to help needy children.

The symbol of the project is a magic seven-petal flower from Kataev’s tale about the girl Zhenya. She got a magic flower as a present , but she used it in vain. But the last cherished petal she donated to the boy . She wanted him to be healthy again

The project shows that everyone can help without any money. It also shows that usual «garbage» can be useful.

How it works ( ecology + charity)

How it works ( ecology + charity)

We collect plastic covers from milk, juice, water bottles with the marks in the triangle «2», «02», HDPE or «5», «05», PP.

We collect plastic covers from milk, juice, water bottles with the marks in the triangle «2», «02», HDPE or «5», «05», PP.




Children of our school are involved in the project, too. We collect covers from milk, juice and water bottles, etc. There are big 5 liter bottles, etc. There are big 5 litre bottles in every classroom. Pupils and teachers bring covers. Then we send covers to the town of Tver to recycle them.

Children of our school are involved in the project, too. We collect covers from milk, juice and water bottles, etc.

There are big 5 liter bottles, etc. There are big 5 litre bottles in every classroom. Pupils and teachers bring covers. Then we send covers to the town of Tver to recycle them.

Every cover costs 7 copecks. It costs 170000 roubles to buy a wheelchair for a disabled child. To get this money people must collect 8 tons of covers (it is one lorry).  We do little things but with great love. We are happy we can make a difference.

Every cover costs 7 copecks. It costs 170000 roubles to buy a wheelchair for a disabled child. To get this money people must collect 8 tons of covers (it is one lorry).

We do little things but with great love. We are happy we can make a difference.

A Dog’s Heart Some years ago best friends from a town of Dubrovo Arina and Zhenya visited a dog’s shelter. They decided to take care of homeless dogs after a cruel accident in their town. A lot of dogs were killed. They were given poisoned meat. The girls were shocked because they knew food and dogs by nicknames, gave them food and were good friends. Arina and Zhenya made posters with the worlds “Please, stop killing dogs!” They put them everywhere in shops, on the doors of the houses, at school. The girls visited the dog’s shelter every month, they brought them warm blankets and food. The dogs were happy to see the girls. Arina and Zhenya know very well that they are in charge of these dogs .

A Dog’s Heart

Some years ago best

friends from a town

of Dubrovo Arina and

Zhenya visited a dog’s


They decided to take

care of homeless dogs

after a cruel accident

in their town. A lot of

dogs were killed. They

were given poisoned

meat. The girls were shocked because they knew food and dogs by nicknames, gave them food and were good friends. Arina and Zhenya made posters with the worlds “Please, stop killing dogs!” They put them everywhere in shops, on the doors of the houses, at school.

The girls visited the dog’s shelter every month, they brought them warm blankets and food. The dogs were happy to see the girls. Arina and Zhenya know very well that they are in charge of these dogs .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Что ты сделал, чтобы помочь людям?" (7 класс)

Автор: Тимошенко Наталья Владимировна

Дата: 05.12.2019

Номер свидетельства: 530353

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